In this insightful interview with Ivan Rados, MysticMag delves into the profound journey that led him to become a non-dualistic spiritual teacher. Through a personal awakening experience at the age of nine, Ivan shares how his understanding of ego, consciousness, and the nature of reality shaped his path to non-duality, offering readers a glimpse into the deep wisdom that guides his teachings today. Continue reading to learn more.
Can you please introduce yourself to our readers and tell me what led you to become a non-dualistic spiritual teacher?
Who am I? I could call myself an artist, meditation master, or spiritual teacher, but beyond all definitions, I can only conclude that the real ‘me’ is indefinable. Consciousness itself cannot be defined. We attempt to describe it, but in doing so, we miss the essence of being. Seeking meaning creates metaphysics and philosophy, leading us in circles without true understanding. Sitting alone with oneself is the greatest miracle—it needs no explanation, no thinking. When alone, you don’t know who you are relating to; with others, you are defined. But at a higher level, the identity that interacts with others is not who I truly am; it’s who I pretend to be in a dualistic world. So, who am I? I don’t know, but I know that I am. This is not a philosophical statement; it’s an echo of non-duality. My journey to non-dualistic teaching began with a personal experience at age 9, my first awakening to non-duality.
I was born in 1962 in the former Yugoslavia, under the socialist regime of Marshal Tito. Tito was revered as a near-saint, and at school, we were expected to idolize him. When I was 9, Tito visited our town. We were required to dress in pioneer uniforms and wait for hours to catch a glimpse of him. I desperately needed to use the bathroom, but my teacher forbade it, saying Tito would never forgive my disloyalty. As Tito’s convoy sped past, I had an uninvited thought: does Tito need to pee like me? This scared me, and I peed myself in front of everyone. My embarrassment and the realization that Tito was just a human marked a turning point. From that moment, I became aware of my ego and its limitations. I could no longer conform to societal norms or the authority around me. I began relying on my intuition and inner knowing. By age 10-11, I was devouring spiritual books, searching for something more. I vowed never to surrender to anyone or anything that wasn’t real to me. Society’s conditioning and politics couldn’t penetrate my determination to stay true to myself.
At an early age, I became aware of my ego, recognizing that society gives you an ego, and people nourish it. I learned to use my ego rather than letting it use me. That event—my ‘disloyalty’ to Tito—was my initiation into non-dualistic teaching. I realized that living with the ego means missing out on your true self. Meditation became my sanctuary, my reality, and my path to individuality. Personality is a mask given to us by society, but individuality is born within us. I never sought respectability or material gain; I only sought truth and love for who I am. Today, I am known as a non-dualistic teacher, but that definition is not who I am. I make no distinctions or categorizations. All is One, and we are all essential parts of it. There is no one in existence except me, and that is the same for you and everyone else.
What is YANTRA and what are the principles behind it?
Yantra, a concept rooted in the ancient traditions of Tantra, is a symbolic representation of cosmic unity. The word “yantra” itself is derived from Sanskrit, meaning to sustain, hold, subdue, or restrain energy inherent in consciousness. It is commonly depicted as a sacred geometrical symbol, although it can also represent an element, object, concept, process, or even a piece of machinery. The yantra is essentially a geometric composition, but to truly grasp its deeper significance, one must move beyond the confines of traditional geometry and embrace the realms of energetic and dynamic spiritual principles. Historically, yantras have been employed in various fields such as architecture, astronomy, alchemy, and even warfare. Within a spiritual context, however, yantras are experiential geometrical tools intended for meditation, designed to elevate consciousness and serve as conduits for ultimate truth. They embody the energetic signatures of consciousness, providing balanced forms that evoke the subtle, formless energy of inner vision.
The ultimate goal of yantra in a spiritual context is to achieve the experience of unity with the One. This journey is a spiritual quest where each individual, whether resting, pausing, stumbling, or even turning away from the path, eventually returns to the origin—the all-point that signifies both the beginning and end of existence. This journey involves awakening a singular point within our being, collecting all energies into this creative point, and integrating it into the totality of our existence. In Tantric tradition, each yantra is a visual pattern paired with a mantra, a sound syllable that complements its unique power-pattern. Beyond its mathematical precision, the yantra resonates with universal archetypes found in almost all religions. These archetypal forms—such as triangles, spirals, crosses, and circles—serve as symbols of cosmic mystery, allowing devotees to reconnect with their primeval consciousness.
At the core of yantra meditation is the question, “Who am I?” This existential inquiry encompasses the totality of our existence, guiding us to the primeval beginning and the one point represented at the center of the yantra. This question leads to the eternal journey of consciousness, where yantra becomes a representation of All-That-Is. In meditation, the external image of the yantra symbolizes divine principles, ideas, and qualities, crystallizing sound into form and formlessness into shape. Everything in the manifested world is, in essence, a yantra. Every object, thought, idea, and focal point of consciousness is a portal to our divinity, an expression of the underlying awareness. Meditating on yantras can bring clarity and expand consciousness, facilitating the reunion with the One.
Yantras are central to Tantra, representing the continuous flow and interaction of divine and human energy, or the energy impulses of the universe. They mediate between the macrocosm and the microcosm, the transcendent and the immanent, revealing the oneness of nature and consciousness. The goal of yantra is not to transcend the world but to realize that the world itself is a manifestation of the mind, where “I” is the supreme egoity of God. Through this realization, the fusion between the manifested and unmanifested, the visible and the invisible, takes place. Consciousness manifests itself in everything and everyone, a truth that can be realized through yantra meditation.
Yantras are believed to have the power to grant any desire, whether for physical healing, preventive medicine, love, good fortune, protection, wealth, power, or the fulfillment of any human need. They are symbolic representations that, when infused with consciousness, can guide seekers toward truth beyond the mind. The greatest challenge for a yantra seeker is not in learning, but in unlearning—emptying the mind of all that has been borrowed or imprinted by others. It is only in the emptiness of the mind that truth can arise. When meditating on a yantra, one must focus on its center, the dot or point in the middle. By gazing at this point with an open, receptive mind, free from concepts or thoughts, consciousness deepens, and a state of weightlessness and unburdened being is achieved. The mind becomes still, allowing for the gradual dissolution of thoughts and the emergence of inner perceptions of reality.
The optical focus of a yantra, when meditated upon, is an offering from the external to the internal, guiding consciousness inward. This process of focusing on the center is a path toward inner awakening, where the mathematically extensionless point symbolizes the whole—the fullness in nothingness, the undifferentiated, all-embracing reservoir of infinite life. This point, representing the unity of static and kinetic principles of existence, is you—the seeker. The central quest of yantra meditation is to achieve the symbiosis of all aspects of our being in oneness, aligning our consciousness with the cosmic vibration that permeates all existence. The yantra symbol acts as a portal, awakening dormant aspects of consciousness and attuning it to a higher vibrational frequency.
The energy of yantra does not emanate from the symbol itself but from the consciousness that engages with it. The yantra mirrors this consciousness, leading the seeker into the unknown, where mind becomes no-mind, form reveals formlessness, and thing-ness dissolves into nothingness. Yantra meditation, therefore, tunes the seeker to the vibration of their true Self, facilitating transcendence. As you begin to meditate with a yantra, you are guided to the summit of your spiritual journey. Regardless of the path you take, whether driven by instinct or hindered by obstacles, all movements ultimately lead back to the starting point—the all-point, the beginning of infinite being.
How to Use Yantra in Meditation:
Begin by gazing at the center of the yantra, focusing on the dot or point in the middle. Keep your eyes open, trying not to blink or blinking as little as possible. Gaze at the center for three, six, or nine minutes, or as long as you can, maintaining a receptive, alert frame of mind, free from concepts or thoughts. As you gaze at the center, observe the witness within you that is seeing the yantra. Thoughts may arise, but let them come and go without attaching your consciousness to them. Watch the dot and the witness of the dot, practicing double-arrow attention—focusing on both the yantra and the witness simultaneously.
When your consciousness begins to shift inward, close your eyes and continue to observe the yantra imprinted in your mind’s eye. Allow the imprint to guide you within, merging with your consciousness until the distinction between you and the yantra dissolves. As this happens, thoughts will dissolve, and you will enter a state of detached awareness, where there is nothing to see or search for—only stillness. In this state, witness the witnessing, allowing divine silence to descend upon you. Participate in pure consciousness without the mind defining it. Forget about seeking results, and simply remain empty and receptive, allowing the truth within you to surface. As the yantra meditation progresses, the colors, shapes, and forms perceived by your inner eye will disappear, leading to a state of stillness and no movement in the mind. In this relaxed state, watch the watcher and witness the witnessing, expanding your awareness.
When you are ready, take a deep breath, begin to move your toes and fingers, open your eyes, and return to your surroundings. A yantra seeker is one who has explored the yantra without fear, facing and understanding every corner of the unconscious mind through witnessing. This seeker has attained knowingness, with nothing remaining unknown, free from the influence of thoughts, desires, and projections. A yantra marks different stages in an individual’s spiritual quest, providing halting places for rest, rejuvenation, and insight. It guides the seeker to an awareness of their own center of being as the center of the infinite universe.
Whatever you experience during your yantra meditation journey, remember that it is not you. Your experiences are projections of the past, not enduring realities. You are the one who is experiencing these experiences, existing in the eternal Now. The yantra is a tool that, when used with consciousness, can lead you to the truth beyond the mind. By embracing the principles of yantra, you embark on a journey of self-discovery, transcending the limits of the mind and merging with the infinite consciousness that underlies all existence.
Can you explain the concept of “The Middle Point”?
The Middle Point is a profound concept that represents the “unapproachable approach”—a state of being where one aligns with the One-Self at the core of everything. This approach is not about reaching or attaining something external but rather about seeing the world from a perspective that transcends ordinary experience, looking from the “beyond.” In this state, the present moment, or the “now,” becomes infinite and essential, embodying the heart of eternity. The Middle Point transcends the conventional understanding of space and time, leading to a state where space is spaceless and time is timeless. Here, the mind’s usual concerns with the past, future, and physical reality dissolve, revealing a deeper truth. This truth is rooted in meditative love—pure, infinite, and unbound by the temporal or spatial.
At its essence, the Middle Point is about detachment. Detachment here is not indifference but a form of awareness that goes beyond the mind. When one is detached from the mind, thoughts are seen as transient, mere appearances that do not define one’s true self. This awareness allows one to witness thoughts without clinging to them, letting them pass naturally like reflections in a mirror. This state of detachment allows for a life lived in the present, free from the burdens of past memories, future expectations, or mental fantasies. It is a pure and innocent experience of reality, where one enjoys each moment as it comes and releases it as it goes.
The Middle Point reveals that our true home is not in external dwellings but within, where we connect with the infinite. This connection is beyond the temporary illusions of the material world, where everything is part of a unified whole, the One-Self. In this state, the body, soul, consciousness, and awareness are not separate but interconnected aspects of a single reality. The body extends outward, consciousness extends inward, the soul bridges the two, and awareness transcends all. Awareness, in its ultimate form, is infinity—an infinite flow that is always present, right now, beyond all limitations. At the Middle Point, the act and the result are one and the same, existing together in the present moment. This unity dissolves the mind’s attachment to cause and effect, leading to a state of spontaneous, free, and conscious acceptance of All-That-Is. In this acceptance, enlightenment happens naturally, free from the constraints of the mind and its expectations. In this state, life is experienced as a series of synchronicities rather than a linear chain of causes and effects, allowing one to live in true freedom and ultimate awareness.
What can you tell me about the work that you do through Intronaut?
Intronaut is about exploring the vast space within oneself, seeking the ultimate truth that lies at the core of our being. This journey inward is an art, one that many of us have lost touch with, yet it holds the key to the deepest and most profound healing. The work done through Intronaut is centered on guiding individuals to reconnect with their inner truth, helping them move towards healing, self-actualization, and ultimately, self-transcendence. Intronaut’s approach integrates ancient shamanic wisdom with the healing power of plant medicine, combined with contemporary psychotherapeutic practices and non-dualistic spiritual teachings. This unique blend creates a pathway to what we call the Middle Point—a state where one can experience the truth of love, healing, peace, wisdom, and beauty within oneself.
Central to the Intronaut experience is the emphasis on psychedelic integration. While the various components of the journey—such as the spirit medicine journey, non-dualistic teachings, and other methods—are essential, integration is where the true transformation occurs. Unlike traditional talking circles, Intronaut’s integration sessions are open, interactive, and educational, allowing participants to deeply connect with the teachings and principles that apply to all aspects of life. One of the key insights that participants often gain through Intronaut is the concept of “ego death” and “ego rebirth.” The idea is not to eradicate the ego entirely, as it plays a necessary role in our functioning and relationships, but to transform it. Through the psychedelic experience, the mind’s usual defenses are softened, allowing for profound shifts in perception and inner transformation. This process of ego rebirth is about letting go of old paradigms and embracing new ways of thinking and being.
Participants may initially feel uncomfortable as they become more aware of their darkness, unhealthy patterns, and triggers. However, this discomfort is a sign that these maladaptive patterns are on their way out. As Lana often says, “That which rises to the level of your awareness is that which is on its way out.” The journey through Intronaut helps participants become more conscious of their unconsciousness, leading to deeper healing and self-awareness. At the heart of Intronaut’s work is the belief that we are all our own greatest healers. The role of the healer, guide, or shaman is not to heal others but to assist them in healing themselves. True healing comes from within, and all external tools, whether they be plant medicine, teachings, or practices, are merely aids in accelerating this process. Intronaut places great emphasis on the importance of integration. Integration is the act of remembering—remembering your connection to wholeness, to existence, to the truth, and to your divine being. It is about carrying the insights gained from the psychedelic journey into everyday life, creating a roadmap for a successful, healthy, and meaningful existence.
Ultimately, Intronaut’s work is about helping individuals reconnect with their existential nature, the ultimate reality that lies beyond the illusions of the mind. This is the truth that the psychedelic experience reveals, and integration is the process of remembering and living this truth every day. Anything that helps you remember the truth, real and truthful, can be considered integration.
You organize different retreats. What are they like?
The Intronaut program offers a diverse range of retreats designed to guide participants on their journey toward healing, self-actualization, and spiritual growth. Here’s an overview of what these retreats are like:
Magic Witnessing Meditation: This is a one-day medicine ceremony designed to help participants connect deeply with themselves through the use of psychedelic medicine.
3M DEEP DIVE NON-DUALISTIC MEDICINE MEDITATION: Held every two months with Ivan Rados, this retreat offers a profound exploration of non-dualistic spirituality through the combination of meditation and medicine.
Wilderness Retreat: This annual five-day retreat is an intensive experience that includes a variety of practices such as psychedelic medicine journeys, Intronaut breathwork, yoga, Tai Chi, daily Yantra meditation, group healing, one-on-one healing, psychotherapeutic family constellation circles, and intense integration work.
FLOW Women’s Retreat: Led by Dr. Lana Rados, this retreat, held every three months, is a space for women to explore their inner selves, heal, and grow through a combination of psychotherapy and shamanic practices.
Conscious Relationships Retreat: A specialized retreat for couples, offered in locations like Mexico, Costa Rica, and Canada, focused on fostering deeper, more conscious connections within relationships.
WILD ZEN Men’s Retreat: Offered twice a year, this retreat provides men with the opportunity to reconnect with their inner selves and explore their role in the world through various practices.
Intronaut Cacao Psychotherapeutic Circle: Hosted by Lana, this monthly circle uses cacao as a heart-opening tool in combination with psychotherapeutic practices.
Free Online Integration Circle: Held monthly, this free online circle offers support and guidance for those who have participated in a psychedelic journey, providing a space for continued integration and growth.
Conscious Leader Retreat: This is a new and exciting addition to the Intronaut offerings. Designed for leaders who wish to serve humanity and the planet in a more conscious, heart-centered way, this retreat focuses on amplifying awareness, deepening the relationship with oneself and others, and finding purpose in our ever-changing reality. It provides a safe space for leaders to interact, share, and network, empowering them to lead from a place of love and consciousness. The retreat also guides participants through profound meditation experiences and psychedelic journeys to access and integrate the wisdom of the eternal soul and infinite consciousness.
Each of these retreats is carefully designed to provide participants with the tools, guidance, and support they need to embark on their healing journey and move toward a more conscious and fulfilling life.
To find out more about Ivan Rados go to www.ivanrados.com
To find out more about Intronaut offerings go to www.intronaut.com