In a world that thrives on digital noise and fleeting connections, Lindsey Scharmyn stands as a beacon of analog wisdom, spiritual healing, and deep inquiry. As the creator and host of Rogue Ways, Lindsey takes her audience on an eclectic journey through the realms of conspiracy, culture, consciousness, spirituality, and magic. With a curious mind and a heart attuned to the mysteries of existence, she fearlessly explores the big questions of life. Lindsey invites listeners to think critically, challenge the status quo, and embrace the layers of wisdom that ripple through both the seen and unseen. Grounded in a deep appreciation for freedom, liberty, and community, Lindsey’s approach isn’t just about seeking knowledge—it’s about sharing it, connecting, and cultivating a space where everyone can evolve. Join Mystic Mag as we dive into the mind behind Rogue Ways, discovering how Lindsey’s unique blend of skepticism, spirituality, and exploration shapes her worldview and impacts her vibrant community.
On Rogue Ways, you dive into topics ranging from conspiracy theories to spiritual exploration. What first inspired you to create the show, and how has your vision for it evolved over time?
Rogue Ways’ inspiration birthed from a growing community around me in social media space, their hunger for connection and truth, and this community literally asking me to begin hosting round table discussions on topics we all cared about. My own spiritual flare and desire to promote individual empowerment, positive sense of self worth, critical thinking and logic, and creative community — things I had been doing my whole life — had to embed within my work; they always have and always will, whether I’m teaching at public schools, writing, or doing spiritual healing work. It’s who I am. Over time, the round table and community aspect grew to encompass interviewing great minds in various fields on the topics we had come to love: community, culture, conspiracy, society, politics, and theology or spirituality. From there, I also began to create episodes in which I would teach on and present on these same topics. Now, the show is mostly me presenting and speaking and sometimes a guest will pop in to share their powerful stories or points of view. It is quite an eclectic project and therefore gathers all kinds of people to its hearth.
Freedom and liberty are central themes on Rogue Ways. What does true freedom mean to you, both on a personal level and within society, and how can individuals cultivate it in their own lives?
True freedom means that self responsibility and empowerment live within the heart strongly enough to empower individuals to make choices that serve themselves, the community, the earth, and the cosmos all at the same time without coercion or force. As soon as coercion or force enter any aspect of self, freedom is lost. Any individual can create true freedom for themselves by being deeply honest in questioning their innermost motivations, actions, and thoughts and observing them with as much objectivity as possible. This always leads to liberation, compassion, and growth which always lead toward true freedom.
What type of services do you offer?
For most of my life I have offered tarot and ceremony to people and I still offer those. Tarot has grown to encompass Past Life Tarot Readings, which I created and uniquely developed, though some now have adopted the practice as well. Sound Healing is one of the most powerful and deep Spiritual Healings I offer. I also go deep into Spiritual Space and channel through blessing energy, Source messages, and information from people’s Spiritual Guides and Allies which leads to healing on every level, Soul, Heart, Mind and Body via the Spiritual Guidance Sessions. I also teach one on one and counsel and support my clients with Coaching & Talk Services and I offer bundles of all of these services in the form of six month or longer Journeys.
Magic and metaphysics are key topics on your show. How do you define magic, and what role do you believe it plays in our everyday lives and in our pursuit of deeper wisdom?
Magic is the way humans describe the creative life force energy of the universe in action and directed by human consciousness. Otherwise, we simply call it nature and it takes care of itself. Humans work magic their entire lives any time they feel something strongly which aligns perfectly with what they think and imagine and then act in accordance with those thoughts and emotions. More established and rote magical practices and traditions dress up these basic elements and steps into formulae and that is fantastic — and it is also true that every person may develop their own magical propensity by uniting their Body, Heart, Mind and Soul in one momentum. Magic is the base foundation of the cosmos.
Rogue Ways fosters a sense of community among like-minded individuals who seek truth and knowledge. How do you maintain that sense of connection and support, especially given the wide range of topics you cover?
Just like in the classroom, a community needs nothing but a leader strong enough to hold impenetrable boundaries against force and coercion while also empathizing with “the room” so to speak and suggesting or placing inspiration here or there when the energy sinks low or ebbs. There is no better way to empower a group of people than by such simple and subtle ways that the members of the group may not even notice you are there at all. The best teachers are almost never seen as such until much, much later. The members of the community simply find themselves acting and growing in ways that feel empowered and confident without necessarily understanding why. I don’t have to maintain anything but these boundaries and some precious gem dropping, and the garden grows perfectly.
Looking back on your journey with Rogue Ways, what has been the most unexpected outcome or lesson you’ve learned?
I have learned that stepping into full faith, trust, and surrender leads to the highest outcome for every Soul and that perfection can only come from this release, never from our own planning and scheming. Let go, that’s all there is to it.
Read more at https://rogueways.org/