You know that soon you won’t have any mental space for extra-curricular activities and fun projects, as work will pick up speed. So make the most of this day and the weekend ahead.
After a period where everything felt super serious and grave, you’re finally lightening up and remembering that life can be an exciting adventure. This is your sign to enroll in that intriguing class.
You’ve been thinking about making your commitment to your significant other more tangible for a while now. It doesn’t have to mean marriage: you could move in together, or open a joint account.
Lately you’ve been so focused on how to maintain excellent relations with colleagues at work, that you may have neglected your romantic relationship a bit. Thankfully, you’ll atone for that on the weekend.
You have been overindulging in various things lately, and you need to start thinking about taking better care of yourself. Consider doing a detox fast with teas and smoothies, or start exercising again.
After a period where spending time at home was important, you are now putting yourself first and having some fun. Attend more gatherings; stay up late; have sleepovers with friends. Home can wait.
A very social and extroverted time draws to a close as you are called to spend more time at home and perhaps consider some practical issues like renovating or relocating. You got this.
Your mental focus shifts, from chasing opportunities for money to chasing opportunities for expressing yourself in writing and sharing your ideas with people. It’s a great time to start a social media channel.
Mercury is leaving your sign this weekend, making your reactions to stimuli and news slightly slower, but also gifting you with ideas on how to improve your financial situation, which you sorely need.
After a long time of feeling “meh” about your overall progress and achievements, Mercury finally enters your sign and everything makes sense again. Make daring plans and pursue your goals. Success is inevitable.
Your friends will still be there even if you decide to take some time for yourself to figure things out. You need time to process and heal from certain things that have happened.
Enough worrying about work. You’ve done all you could to pursue your goals, now it’s time to focus on building your network and support system so that you can thrive, personally and professionally.