Your inheritance, literally and figuratively, weighs heavily on your mind. What has your family, your ancestors, gifted you with? And could you ignore all that and forge your own path? Planets say “yes.”
A confrontation with a trusted colleague or with your significant other at home may upset you deeply, but it won’t leave any lasting marks in your relationship. Be prepared to listen and compromise.
Normally you’re not the most organized person, but today you’re finally able to sort through several messes at work and make good progress. Plus, your colleagues are impressed, which makes it even better.
Stop being afraid of other people’s judgment, and express yourself in the creative way you’ve been yearning to—whether it’s painting, singing, writing, acting or dancing. You’ll impress more people than you think!
Today, your inner child requires some attention. Carve some time for yourself and revisit the things that used to bring you joy back in childhood, whether it’s a cartoon or a nostalgic dessert.
Expect a lot of back and forth today, and possible communication breakdowns. It’s okay if you don’t manage to finish every task: it’s better to do a good job, than a fast one.
How can you improve your financial situation? Today you’re taking a good, hard look at your habits and realizing that some luxuries may need to be abandoned for a while, to save money.
With the Moon in your sign today, your usual secretive self becomes prone to over-sharing and attention seeking. It’s okay to be seen once in a while. Demanding attention doesn’t make you weak.
Lost in thoughts? Daydreaming? Pondering the meaning of a dream you had last night? You can’t help it today: your usual social self takes a step back, as you turn inwards for answers.
Helping others succeed and thrive brings you joy, but keep in mind that not everyone will want to follow your advice always. Don’t take it personally: they have their own path to follow.
Focus on your work today, and you won’t lose. A supervisor or mentor will be impressed by your dedication and take an interest in you. A promotion may not be so far away!
How can you better yourself if you’re afraid to try new things? Get out of your comfort zone, and start a new intellectual adventure: an online course, a new book, a foreign language.