Today, you may start feeling the need to spend more time at home, yearning for comfort and familiarity. Also, maybe it’s time to finish that repair project you’ve been thinking about for ages.
Being sarcastic can be a great way to react to the hardships life is throwing at you, but be careful how you wield sarcasm today. You may end up hurting the wrong people.
It’s okay to be driven by a desire to make more money — it doesn’t make you a bad person! Explore all your options: a side gig might become your next big income booster.
With Mars entering your sign today, you’ll be feeling more energetic than usual. You may feel inclined to pick up a new sport as a hobby. Just take care to not overextend yourself.
You may feel frustrated today, and find yourself repeating thought or behavior patterns you believed you had left in the past. Don’t be harsh on yourself: emotional growth and progress are not linear.
Start paying more attention to your dreams, and to seemingly strange ideas you may have. You may end up figuring out something very important about yourself, and about how you relate to others.
This is the time to push harder at work. It’s okay to work longer hours for a while; and it’s okay if you neglect your other relationships a bit. It won’t be forever.
Broadening your horizons has never been more crucial. It’s time to enroll in a course, start learning a new language, or making travel plans. Your future life is going to depend on it.
You’re not the most patient person in the world anyway, but today you’re feeling extra impatient. If you’re unhappy in your relationships, change is possible — but it just can’t happen in an instant.
Whether it’s with your co-workers or with your significant other, today you’re called to learn the value of compromise. You will get much more done if you actually meet others in the middle.
Finding a career that aligns with your values is super important to you. Today, make a point of checking the companies’ mission statements before applying to any new jobs. Better now than later.
Falling head over heels for your new crush is all well and good, but don’t let jealousy cloud your judgment. Commitment is something that will come later, if both of you want it.