A good day to touch base with friends and try to sort out the chaos that has erupted in your life. Take it one step at a time, and remember to have fun.
A good day to look into your current financial situation, see what kind of steps you can take in order to improve it. Don’t let past situations scare you away from achieving abundance.
The Moon enters your sign today, making you more irrational than usual. Not everyone is out to get you; you don’t need to feel paranoid about every little thing you say or do.
Pay close attention to your dreams and intuitions today. There may be a hidden message from your subconscious, if you sit still and listen. Consider dream journaling or meditation. The truth is within.
It’s been a while since you were part of a big group of peers, sharing an interest or simply catching up. Why don’t you meet up with some friends today or this weekend?
The last day of the week brings much needed clarity at work, and you’re able to push through with a project that’s been troubling you. Chances are your boss will notice your commitment.
You’re never too old to learn something new. Take on a student’s approach in life today, and discover new things, places and people around you. Trust in life to surprise you — it will!
Some secrets may be revealed today, bringing forth change in your life — especially when it comes to your daily habits and close relationships. Allow the truth to shine on; you can handle it.
A good day to spend some quality time with your significant other, perhaps catch a movie together or have dinner at a nice, romantic place. When was the last time you exchanged gifts?
Take care of your health today, and make sure you’re welcoming the weekend from a place of rest and relaxation. Some gentle exercise and a lot of fruit and veggies will do good.
Do something that brings you joy today. Whether it’s returning to an old art project or picking up a new hobby that appeals to your inner child, fun should be on the menu.
Today you may need to stay at home and luxuriate in the comfort and familiarity of your environment. Avoid tensions, conflicts and expressing opinions,and postpone any important decision making for next week.