♈ Aries |
It feels like the world is not quite ready for your words and ideas yet, but it will be soon. Keep being unapologetically yourself and doing all the things that bring you joy. |
♈ Taurus |
There is a part of you that was hoping your life would be more comfortable and luxurious by now. You’re getting closer to this vision by the day. Remember to cultivate more patience. |
♊ Gemini |
It’s like your dreams are slightly out of reach: you can see them, almost grasp them, but they slip away from your fingers. Keep trying, keep manifesting. Your luck will change next month. |
♋ Cancer |
You’ve been beating yourself up about things that happened in the past for long enough. It’s time to let your intuition lead you into your future. Even if it feels blocked right now. |
♌ Leo |
You used to have a huge community of people around you, but communities require work to sustain them. Perhaps less is more, when it comes to your network right now. Quality versus quantity. |
♍ Virgo |
Some professional milestones are still slightly out of reach, but that doesn’t mean you haven’t made progress or achieved success. Stop measuring your worth by your accomplishments or by what other people think. |
♎ Libra |
You know, deep down, you don’t need anyone to tell you how to live your life. You’re just too polite to say this out loud. Continue being the judge of your own life. |
♏ Scorpio |
You’re used to not being able to rely on people, to doing all the work yourself even when you’re a part of a team. It’s not surprising, although it’s definitely disappointing. Stay cool. |
♐ Sagittarius |
Some relationships are just not ready yet for that next step. Instead of trying to rush it, maybe try to enjoy the journey? It’s important to be surrounded by the right people now. |
♑ Capricorn |
You have been neglecting your health, and the wear and tear is starting to show. How can you be expected to achieve all your goals and stay successful if you don’t prioritize yourself? |
♒ Aquarius |
Certain recent flings may have disappointed you: they had all the markings of life-changing connections, but just fizzled out instead. Guard your heart, for now. Ask for more than just scraps and excuses. |
♓ Pisces |
You’ve always felt like your family (or your parents) don’t fully understand you. Perhaps it’s that difference that makes you unique. Don’t try to limit yourself to fit your family’s mold. Stay authentic. |
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