♈ Aries |
You need to be very careful not to lash out at your family or kids today, as your ruler Mars is in conjunction with the Moon in your 4th House. Take deep breaths. |
♈ Taurus |
Don’t be baited into arguing online, or saying hurtful things to people. It’s easy to get caught in doom scrolling and negative interactions on social media. You’re better than this. Rise above it. |
♊ Gemini |
A small accident or inconvenience may cause you to spend more money than you’d wish today. Don’t panic, you can make this work. You have people who support you and can help you. |
♋ Cancer |
The Moon conjuncts Mars in your sign today, making you quicker to anger than usual. Everything might feel like a stab to the heart or a conspiracy against you, but it really isn’t. |
♌ Leo |
Your fears and past traumas are fighting you a lot today. Don’t let them dictate how the rest of your life is gonna go. If something feels extra scary, ask yourself why. Observe. |
♍ Virgo |
A squabble between friends might be unavoidable today, but you should not fight dirty. Don’t drag out the altercation more than it needs to be. The best thing to do is move on. |
♎ Libra |
Be very careful what you say at work today and to whom. There’s a lot of drama brewing and you don’t want your boss or supervisor to notice you for the wrong reasons. |
♏ Scorpio |
A mentor figure might get on your nerves today, or you may feel the need to rebel against a system or a set of values you used to abide by. Change is inevitable. |
♐ Sagittarius |
You may need to dissolve a contract or a partnership if you realize you’re being taken advantage of. Look at every legal document carefully, and don’t make any rash decisions. Think it through. |
♑ Capricorn |
A loved one might get on your nerves today. The problem is, you know all the ways to hurt them efficiently, but if you go down that road you’ll harm the relationship irreparably. |
♒ Aquarius |
Avoid any physical sports today, if at all possible, and be extra careful while driving or being on the road. Focus on your health and your well-being. Get your spinning mind to rest. |
♓ Pisces |
Disagreements about how to approach a creative project may steal your joy today. Remember why you’re doing this in the first place: for the love of art and beauty. Find some common ground. |
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