♈ Aries |
Things at home are still suffocating, so try your best to not escalate any fights. Silence sometimes is the best answer, even if it doesn’t come naturally for you. This too shall pass. |
♈ Taurus |
You can’t fully trust what you’ve said in group chats or on social media, so be extra careful now. If someone wants to take your words in the worst possible way, protect yourself. |
♊ Gemini |
You may be feeling physically weaker and with less energy these days. The solution is not to push through (which could lead to illness or injuries) but to listen to your body. Rest. |
♋ Cancer |
With Mars still retrograde in your sign, you’re getting tired of all the things you want to say to certain people but feel like they will damage your relationship irreparably… Just hold on. |
♌ Leo |
It’s normal to think fondly of the things you used to be able to do, and might not be anymore. But letting your past abilities or circumstances depress you won’t help with anything. |
♍ Virgo |
You’re still suspicious about certain people in your wider circle, and honestly you have every right to be. You don’t need people in your life who don’t have your best interests at heart. |
♎ Libra |
Your instincts are warning you that this is still not the time for bold moves at work. Listen to your instincts. Make your plan, but don’t try to execute it yet. Next month. |
♏ Scorpio |
Things you don’t know make you angry. While that’s an understandable reaction, it’s also a very limiting one. Accepting your blind spots is a great first step to conquer them. Open your eyes. |
♐ Sagittarius |
Family finances have taken a hit this month, and you’re kinda tired to always be the one who bails everyone out. What if you maintained your resources for real emergencies? You’re the bread-winner. |
♑ Capricorn |
Old disagreements in a relationship are still brewing under the surface. The best thing to do for now is not poke the bear — just wait and observe. Things might resolve themselves soon enough. |
♒ Aquarius |
Honor your limits and set more firm boundaries. You can’t help everyone out at work and still have enough time to finish your tasks and take adequate breaks for rest. Prioritize your health. |
♓ Pisces |
Don’t be angry if a creative project isn’t currently working out. Resentment is not the best headspace from which to create great art. Take a step back instead. Recalibrate. You’ll figure it out. |
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