On January 21, an important celestial transit happens on our skies: the Sun, the planet of happiness and self-actualization, meets shadowy Pluto in the sign of Aquarius.
This transit is very powerful, and very charged. Pluto rules the shadow realm, it demands change and transformation, and often forces us to face our demons in order to move forward. Plus, Aquarius is the revolutionary of the zodiac, always challenging the status quo and offering solutions outside the box… Prepare for some very interesting times ahead, on a global level.
Read on to find out how this planetary aspect will impact your daily life.
You’re building new friendships and communities, so it makes sense that you’re also leaving some people in the past. Not everyone is forever.
All the sacrifices you’ve made for your career are now being weighed: were they actually, really worth it? Only you can answer that.
You’re being hit with the realization that you don’t know as much about the world (or yourself) as you thought you did.
Your family and your commitments are transforming now. This might seem scary at first, but it’s necessary and important for your continuous growth.
Let your relationships transform you. Change with them, learn to negotiate new boundaries and compromises. It’s the only way to move forward together.
What your body can and cannot do anymore is always changing as you grow. Respect where you are now; learn to optimize it.
You’ve often been smitten with people who are not emotionally available. This is the time to ask yourself why, and start doing better.
Family is more than blood. Find the people you feel safe and comfortable with; forgive the rest for not being that for you.
You may have said hurtful things in the past; things you’ve forgotten. It’s time to look back, and take accountability for your words.
So what if your finances are not where you hoped they would be? Create a life that’s comfortable with what you have now.
Speak truth to power, because honestly no one else can do it as well as you. The world is changing. Be bold now.
Your past doesn’t have a hold on you anymore. You have transformed, and are ready for your next step. It’s coming very soon.