Psychic attacks are more common than you might think. Consistent headaches, extreme fatigue, or recurring nightmares are typical signs of a spiritual or psychic attack, where someone else’s negative thoughts, emotions, or intentions negatively impact your life and well-being.
As a psychic who has experienced psychic attacks, I understand how disruptive they can be. However, you don’t have to feel powerless. I’ve created a comprehensive guide on identifying and protecting yourself from psychic attacks, so you can safeguard yourself and live more intentionally.
If you frequently experience psychic attacks, consider seeking help from a reputable psychic on Purple Garden. Their experienced psychics can identify the source of the attack and develop a strategy to bring you relief.
Warning! Always consult a medical professional if you are experiencing severe psychological, emotional, or physical distress, as this article or any of the recommendations throughout it does not replace any professional medical advice.
What is a Psychic Attack?
A psychic attack is the manifestation of someone or something sending you negative energy. We can fall victim to psychic attacks at the hands of other people, but also from negative entities that want to feed off our low energy. Although in reality, most psychic attacks are sent by other people, even if they’re not necessarily doing it intentionally.
Our thoughts, emotions, and words are all forms of energy that at some point, must go somewhere. And when someone harbors negative feelings towards you, they project that lower vibration as an unintentional psychic attack against you. That said, it’s often not personal but rather a feeling that gets triggered by you, within them.
However, for some people it’s very personal and they may intentionally wish you ill. These are the people that don’t like you, whether in secret or not. They will speak badly about you, curse your name, and maybe go as far as trying to hex you. Psychic attacks can be especially potent from people with powerful spiritual energy or developed psychic gifts.
The 7 Most Obvious Signs You’re Under Psychic Attack
Psychic attacks can manifest in several ways and it’s impossible to cover them all. But, there are some telltale signs that will almost always be signs of a psychic attack.
1. You Sense Something is Off
Your intuition and discernment can be your trusty radars for incoming psychic attacks. A general feeling of impending doom or just a sense that something bad may happen can be the first sign of a psychic attack. However, most people will have an uneasy feeling in specific locations or around particular people.
Maybe you feel bad vibes when you’re with a particular group of friends or when you go over to your in-laws. People can even send you negative energy through social media. You’ll know something is off because there will be a heaviness in the air and a tightness in your chest or gut that doesn’t allow you to fully relax.
2. Constantly Feeling Drained
In general, psychic attacks are effective at draining your life force and will affect you physically, mentally, and emotionally. You’ll struggle with motivation, feel lethargic, and find it challenging to maintain routines. It’s also common to feel this way after spending time in spaces with negative energy or around people that don’t have good intentions.
But as previously mentioned, psychic attacks can also come from negative entities or spirits. Since they feed off your energy during psychic attacks, they have to guarantee themselves an energetic supply and aim to keep you in a toxic loop. Your lack of energy will trickle into negative habits that keep you at a low frequency, and therefore vulnerable to attacks.
3. Unexplainable Illness or Health Struggles
As a psychic attack progresses, there can be an onset of negative physical symptoms. This is because our first line of defense is our auric field, which regulates our wellbeing. And if your aura is not adequately protected during a psychic attack, it can quickly manifest as physical discomfort, health issues, and illness.
It’s more common to experience short-term health issues, like temporary depression or a 24 hour flu. However, when you’re dealing with a long-term psychic attack, you can end up battling chronic illness. The latter is typically a sign that you’re dealing with a psychic attack from an entity, rather than from a person sending you the evil eye.
4. Objects Start Breaking
Certain objects like mirrors or glass objects absorb and deflect negative energies. That’s why it’s common for glass to break when there’s a large concentration of negative energy in a particular space. Therefore, if someone is sending you negative energy, you’ll notice items around you suddenly break without explanation or cause.
For instance, your mirror may fall and break without it being touched or a flower vase may suddenly crack without explanation. This is a sign that there’s a disruption of energy around you and that the item that broke absorbed it. Therefore, there’s a good chance someone is sending you bad vibes.
5. Intrusive Negative Thoughts
Negative entities can project intrusive thoughts onto you, which can then cause a sudden influx of pessimistic or harmful ideas that aren’t typical of you. These can be thoughts that trigger self-doubt, fear, or even paranoia about the people around you. In turn, you’ll emit low frequencies through your auric field and the negative entity will feed off of it.
But, these thoughts don’t only come from negative entities. Sometimes other people project their negative thoughts onto you, which you then psychically pick up on. They may not even be doing it on purpose, but when they have negative thoughts about you, that energy travels towards you and you end up absorbing it in your energetic field.
6. Nightmares and Night Terrors
Psychic attacks manifest in the dream realm as nightmares and terrors. This can look like encountering vivid and disturbing dreams involving threatening figures, ominous symbols, or intense feelings of dread. Sleep paralysis is a disturbing type of psychic attack where one experiences threatening, sensory experiences but are unable to move.
While disturbing sleep phenomena is not entirely understood, chronic sleep disturbances with ominous undertones are a clear sign of a psychic attack. Since you’re most energetically vulnerable and psychically receptive while you sleep, you’re more likely to pick up on the negative energy around you in this way.
7. Facing a String of Bad Luck
It’s not unheard of to experience bad luck or misfortune as it’s just a part of the human experience. However, a persistent, never-ending string of bad luck is usually a sign of a psychic attack. These will be challenges that come out of nowhere; non-stop expenses outside of your control or constant unprovoked quarrels with your loved ones.
It’s especially apparent it’s a psychic attack when the misfortune strikes after a period of great milestones. It can feel like someone or something is trying to keep you down so you don’t continue to thrive. And it only makes sense since positive events in your life can trigger jealousy and resentment in others, which usually results in them projecting that energy out.
How to Protect Yourself From Psychic Attacks?
Now that you’ve identified the psychic attack, it’s important to be proactive about clearing it away. These are my go-to steps for warding off psychic attacks and preventing them in the future.
Raise Your Vibration
Negative energies and psychic attacks tend to worsen as you give them your power. Therefore, the best thing you can do is raise your vibration to transume and repeal the negativity. Having a higher vibration doesn’t make you exempt from getting sent negative energy but it does protect you from its effects.
A strong aura can be likened to a bulletproof vest as it creates a protective barrier against negative frequencies. Maintaining a strong aura isn’t overly complicated or woo woo. Make sure you move and nourish your body, get out in the sun, meditate, and surround yourself with uplifting people and habits.
Pray Over Your Blessings
As previously mentioned, you become a target for psychic attacks when your blessings arrive. Not everyone wants to see you thriving and it’s important to pray over your success, happiness, and health. You can do this by expressing gratitude, acknowledging your blessings, and asking for spiritual protection from harm during active prayer.
The process doesn’t have to be excessive but it does need to be intentional. I recommend incorporating gratitude into your daily life, whether you do it in a journal or in your mind when you wake up. Before you go to bed, you can visualize a golden or white light protecting you and all of the things you hold precious.
Use Protective Crystals or Talismans
Dark crystals like black tourmaline, black obsidian, and black onyx can repeal, transmute, and bind negative energies. Clear quartz and selenite are also great crystals to absorb and clear negative energy from your energetic field. Wear these crystals on your right wrist as bracelets, around your neck, or place them around your home.
Talismans are an excellent way to protect yourself and your home. They can be religious or spiritual statutes/imagery that you keep in your pocket or around your house. You can also draw protective symbols and stick them above your front door or bed.
Maintain Your Spiritual Hygiene
Spiritual hygiene is the practice of clearing out stagnant and negative energies from our auras and spaces. You can practice it by smudging with sage, taking spiritual baths, or maintaining a regular meditation practice. Visualization techniques are also effective but again, the most important thing is to set the intention to clear the negative energy away.
Keep Your Life Private
The advent of social media has made maintaining a private life more challenging. Nevertheless, broadcasting your achievements often attracts more negative responses than positive ones. It’s recommended to limit the details you disclose, especially those that haven’t yet come to fruition. Reserve joyful news for intimate, trusted connections to minimize the likelihood of attracting negativity.
Ask Angels and Guides for Protection
When all else fails, nothing is more powerful than the protection of your angels, guides, and ancestors. Be direct and specific about what you need so they can deliver the protection you’re asking for. You can write them a letter or speak to them outloud. The most important thing is that you ask, since they cannot interject unless you ask for assistance.
How Do I Know Who’s Behind My Psychic Attack?
If you’re grappling with the unsettling experience of a psychic attack, the question of who may be behind it becomes paramount. You must identify whether there’s a recurring trend in the timing of the psychic attack. For instance, if you notice the effects of an attack shortly after spending time with a particular person, that can be an indication of the source.
However, there are other strategies you can employ to identify who or what is behind your psychic attack:
- Contemplate Your Connections — Be objective about the connections in your life. Reflect on how your energy feels around certain people without letting your mind or heart get in the way. Take a moment to think of anyone that could harbor strong, negative emotions towards you.
- Take a Look at Your Habits — Sometimes it’s easier to point the finger at others but psychic attacks can come as a result of our own bad habits. Negative entities are attracted to low frequencies and if you’re emitting a lot of them, it makes you susceptible to psychic attacks.
- Consider Where You Spend Time — Some places just have a bad energy to them and if you’re energetically sensitive, you can take that energy home with you. Think about how you feel in certain spaces and what happens after you spend time in them. You may be picking up negative energy from your work-place or go-to bar.
- Use Intuitive Techniques — You can explore divination tools like tarot cards or pendulums to get pointers on the source of your psychic attack. Even your dreams can reveal your secret enemies or whether it’s an entity sending the attack. The most important thing is to trust your intuitive instinct.
- Ask a Psychic — It’s common for our own subjective feelings to get in the way of uncovering the source of a psychic attack. Therefore, the impartial opinion of a psychic can be an invaluable tool in getting you the answers you seek. A reputable psychic won’t fear-monger, but rather provide you with valuable details.
Best Sites for Help With Psychic Attacks in 2025— Full List
1. Purple Garden — Find Community Support With Its Journeys Feature
- More than 250 psychics
- $10 credit for joining
- Chat, call, and video sessions
- Video introductions on profiles
- Refunds for technical issues
Purple Garden is a solid runner up not just because of its psychics, but also because of its community geared features. Psychic attacks leave you feeling isolated, but Purple Garden’s Journeys feature allows you to get judgment-free community support. You can post and reply to threads to get advice from other users and even get psychics recommended.
A fellow user on Journeys recommended me to JojoEmpowers because of her well-rounded psychic abilities. I appreciate the accuracy badges on profiles because it helps you select the best psychics and thankfully, JojoEmpowers had one. After seeing the badge and that she had done more than 24,000 readings, I wanted to experience her gifts for myself.
Psychic Jojo tapped into my energy field and could sense the root of my psychic attacks. However, I’ll admit at first I was skeptical of the psychics on Purple Garden because it doesn’t have a satisfaction guarantee. But, my experience with Jojo proved me wrong and I feel its review sections are transparent enough to avoid any bad apples.
2. Keen — Connect With Psychics That Have Over 20 Years Experience
- 250+ psychics to choose from
- Get 5 minutes for $1
- Readings via chat or call
- Detailed search filters available
- Satisfaction guarantee
Keen is yet another trustworthy platform for assistance with psychic attacks because of its experienced roster of psychics. You can quickly filter for psychics that have been on Keen for 10+ years and feel confidence in their expertise. I was impressed to see that many of these psychics have maintained 5 star ratings despite their lengthy track-records.
I like that it’s possible to connect with your ideal psychic with Keen’s free mail feature. With it, you have the freedom to contact any psychic before you book a session to ensure they can help you. I contacted Gifted George to see if he was experienced in dealing with psychic attacks and he was more than confident he could support me with the issue.
Be forewarned that some of the psychics on Keen can be a bit pricey. That said, with its introductory offer of 5 minutes for $1 you can test your options beforehand. From my own search, I saw plenty of top-rated psychics with affordable rates. But, if you’re set on a high-ticket reader that’s well-versed in psychic attacks, its offer will save you some money.
FAQ on Psychic Attacks
How are psychic attacks sent?
Psychic attacks are typically sent through focused negative energy or intentions directed towards an individual. These attacks can be sent with thoughts, emotions, or rituals aimed at causing harm or disturbance to one’s energy field or well-being. These attacks are meant to penetrate the target’s energetic defenses, disrupting their aura and causing various effects.
Some signs of a psychic attack include fatigue, anxiety, physical illness, or bad luck. Additionally, psychic attacks can occur on different levels, ranging from subtle energetic disturbances to more overt and intense forms of manipulation or harm. It’s essential for you to protect your energy if you suspect you’re under psychic attack.
Who can send out a psychic attack?
While anyone can send a psychic attack, they’re often sent by practitioners of dark magic or those harboring resentment and jealousy. These individuals may possess a deeper understanding of metaphysical practices, allowing them to direct negative energy. Additionally, those with a strong desire to harm may be more inclined to engage in psychic attacks.
It’s important to recognize that psychic attacks can also be unintentional, since it can stem from unresolved negative emotions or energy imbalances within people. They can unknowingly project negative energy towards others, resulting in unintended psychic disturbances.
Is a psychic attack the same as giving evil eye?
Yes and no. Someone can send you the evil eye but the negative energy may not be concentrated enough to manifest as a psychic attack. However, a psychic attack can happen if you spend a lot of time around someone with negative feelings towards you or if you’re repeatedly being exposed to the evil eye.
Therefore, it’s wise to protect yourself against negative energy and the evil eye to avoid psychic attacks. Maintaining a strong aura, praying for protection, and wearing protective crystals are some ways to protect yourself. Make sure you regularly smudge your aura and home to get rid of any lingering negative energies.
Bottom Line
Dealing with psychic attacks can drain you of your energy and keep you from enjoying your life. Not only that, but they can have serious effects on your health, career, and relationships which is why they should be addressed promptly. However, don’t let a psychic attack rob your faith since your greatest strength is your personal power.
With that said, I understand that’s easier said than done since psychic attacks can feel scary and overwhelming. If you feel you’re not able to clear the energy on your own, I urge you to seek the support of a trustworthy guide on Purple Garden.