MysticMag has the pleasure of chatting with Carolyn, from Reiki and Resonance. Carolyn embarked on a transformative path after facing her own health challenges and disillusionment with conventional medicine. Her exploration led her to Reiki and sound therapy, which not only healed her but also became the foundation of her practice. Carolyn’s journey, from skepticism to immersion, has shaped her into a practitioner who believes in the profound impact of energy healing. Today, she offers Reiki sessions and sound baths, guiding others on their paths to self-healing and transformation.
Carolyn, what initially drew you to the practice of Reiki and sound therapy, and how has your personal journey influenced your approach to healing others?
In the summer of 2017, I attended a conference where there were many modalities of healing represented and one of them was with Crystal Bowls. I had never heard of nor had I ever heard or seen them before! I was so enthralled and enraptured at the sound and the feeling/energy that I felt from them. I immediately purchased 2 crystal bowls once I arrived home. It wasn’t until about 4-5 years later that I started my own Sound Therapy practice.
Once I started hosting Sound Baths with my crystal bowls and feeling more and more in tune with energy healing, I began to look into Reiki. I really did not know much about what it was except a form of energy healing. Having grown up in a religious environment, I had heard mixed information about Reiki, but was now motivated to do my own research. What I discovered upon my research, was a fascinating form of energy healing that I realized I had been doing without understanding that it actually had a name! I took a class and became Level II certified and began my practice. Shortly after that, I heard about Antojai Quantum Reiki. I had always had a fascination with Quantum Physics, so I was immediately drawn in. I took several classes, became a Master Level practitioner and knew I had found my niche In the fall of 2022,, the founder of Antojai Quantum Reiki offered an in person class and I have been studying/learning from him ever since.
Due to my own healing journey in which Western Medicine only offered pharmaceutical solutions, I turned to many alternative methods of healing. Prior to Sound Therapy and Energy Therapy, I had tried several modalities including vitamins, herbs, essential oils, and flower essences. All contributed to the improvement of my health. However, I knew there were underlying reasons for some of my struggles that were not being addressed. I discovered that Sound and Energy Therapy touched hidden, subconscious issues and trauma that other things I had tried only addressed the symptoms and did not look at the underlying causes. It made such a difference for me that I wanted to offer that hope to others who found Western Medicine not quite satisfactory.
Can you explain the concept of resonance and its role in your practice? How does it contribute to the healing process?
Resonance is the concept that a higher frequency object is able to raise the frequency of a near-by object that is meant to function at the same frequency of the first object, but for some reason is functioning at a lower frequency. For instance, if you put 2 guitars in the same room in opposite corners and pluck the string of one guitar, the same string on the guitar in the opposite side of the room starts to vibrate without anyone or anything touching it. This is how Sound Therapy and Energy Therapy work. Each part of our body is meant to function at certain frequencies. If the correct frequency is not happening, then that organ or chakra, will be at dis-ease (and if left uncorrected may possibly turn into disease). This may be reversed when instruments or Reiki frequencies, are played or applied. Through resonance, the unwanted lower frequencies are raised by the higher frequencies of the instruments and/or Reiki. In my practice, I use resonance to raise frequencies by using a wide variety of instruments from crystal bowls, gongs, several types of chimes, wooden instruments, drums, along with Reiki and Vibrational Toning.
You mention tailoring your approach to each individual’s unique path to wellness. Could you describe how you assess and determine the best course of treatment for your clients?
Most of my clients find me when looking for Reiki or some type of Energy Therapy as often they are open to some types of alternative wholistic practice. They may initially start with Antojai Quantum Reiki or Sound Therapy. If they are open to suggestions, I will offer a variety of my other modalities or combination of Shamanic methods. My practice is very intuitive and I may gently make suggestions for clients; however, I believe each person is on their own path towards healing and I respect each person’s journey with their sense of preferring one modality or another.
How do you integrate your background in social work with your current practice?
Although I no longer practice Social Work as a profession, it has given me invaluable tools in relating to my clients with their personal situations and health issues. It allows me to see many different perspectives of each person’s journey without judgement.
How does Antojai Quantum Reiki differ from traditional Reiki practices, and what unique benefits does it offer to individuals seeking holistic healing?
Antojai Quantum Reiki is a type of Reiki in which the practitioner uses energy from the quantum field (instead of being channeled) to assist in shifting unwanted negative and/or stuck energy. This specialized Reiki also expands from the traditional 7 Chakra system Reiki and shifts energy up through the 12th Chakra. This powerful type of Reiki offers additional focused shifting within the subconscious mind.
Can you elaborate on how the 12-chakra system in Antojai Quantum Reiki expands upon the traditional 7-chakra system, and how this expanded framework influences the healing process?
With the access to the 12 Chakra system in Antojai Quantum Reiki, we are able to dive deep into the subconscious to pull out any buried trauma, focus on inner child work, hidden unwanted beliefs, timeline shifting, karma, and even past life work. This highly advanced energy healing works with the highest frequencies available to us that supports the client with more efficient and faster healing. Working with the 12 Chakras, AQR is one of the strongest, most effective and transformational healing modalities. It combines all existing Reiki styles into one mind-blowing, out of this world experience.
If you would like to find out more about Reiki and Resonance, please visit https://reikiandresonance.com/