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Harmonizing Technology and Healing Energy: A MysticMag Interview with Chanaya Hancock

Harmonizing Technology and Healing Energy: A MysticMag Interview with Chanaya Hancock

In a fascinating interview with MysticMag, Chanaya Hancock unveils the unique philosophy behind “Light into You,” where the realms of technology mastery and healing energy converge.

Hancock, who brings together a wealth of experience from the tech industry and her practice as a Reiki Master, articulates how this blend serves to dismantle the technological barriers her clients face, often manifesting as deep-seated mental and emotional blockages. Through her digital empowerment program, Hancock is not just imparting technical knowledge; she is facilitating a healing journey that addresses and transforms limiting beliefs.

This approach, deeply rooted in Hancock’s personal and professional journey, positions “Light into You” as an innovative haven for those seeking to harmonize their digital engagement with their inner well-being, as highlighted in her enlightening conversation with MysticMag.

What inspired you to blend technology mastery with healing energy in your practice at “Light into You”?

That’s a great question. At first glance, technology mastery and healing energy might not seem like a typical combination. However, for me, everything I do is centered around healing, including the mastery of technology. My approach, particularly through the digital empowerment program, is inherently healing because it addresses the technological challenges that clients face. These challenges often manifest as blockages, preventing them from fully engaging with and benefiting from technology.

In my practice, I focus on the practical aspects—showing clients how to navigate digital tools and platforms, and building what they need. But equally important is the work I do to address and heal the underlying blockages. These often take the form of limiting beliefs such as “I can’t,” “I’ve never been able to,” “That’s not me,” or “There’s no way I could ever do that.” So, the work is as much about healing these mental and emotional barriers as it is about teaching technical skills.

My background spans a couple of decades in the technology sector, coupled with my experience as a Reiki Master. This unique combination of skills and interests made the integration of technology mastery with healing energy a natural progression for me. Blending these two areas not only reflects my personal journey but also allows me to offer a holistic approach to empowerment and healing in the digital age.

How do Distance Reiki sessions work, and what benefits can clients expect from them?

Reiki is fundamentally a natural healing modality from Japan, focusing on balancing energy flow through the body. As a practitioner, I act as a conduit for Reiki energy to the client, which is effective regardless of physical proximity because we’re dealing with energy.

In distance Reiki sessions, clients start by setting their intentions, which is crucial for the healing process. My intention is always aligned with the client’s highest and greatest good. I offer distance Reiki in two formats: via video chat or as a background session.

During a video chat session, we use platforms like Zoom to discuss any preliminary questions or concerns. I then provide a tailored sound healing playlist for the session to enhance the healing experience. Post-session, we debrief, discussing any questions that arose and I offer guidance on integrating the healing.

Background sessions are similar but lack real-time communication. Intentions are set beforehand, and I connect energetically to provide Reiki. Following the session, I communicate via email to share insights and further integration advice.

The benefits of Reiki are diverse, ranging from relaxation and balanced emotions to pain and anxiety relief. It can also improve sleep quality, increase vitality, and support the management of chronic conditions. While Reiki isn’t a substitute for emergency medical care, it can complement medical treatment by aiding in the healing process.

It’s important to note that the benefits of distance Reiki are comparable to in-person sessions. A significant advantage of distance Reiki is the comfort of receiving treatment in one’s own space, which can enhance the overall experience.

Can you describe how Animal Reiki sessions are conducted and how they benefit pets?

Certainly. I adhere to Kathleen Prasad’s “Let Animals Lead®” method, which tailors Reiki to be more receptive to animals’ natural sensitivities. This approach acknowledges that animals are innately attuned to their healing needs. As a practitioner, my role is to create a Reiki space, allowing animals to choose their level of engagement with the healing process. It’s a deeply respectful and gentle method.

Sessions typically last between 30 to 60 minutes. The initial session is often shorter, around 30 minutes, to ease the animal into the experience and build trust. It’s essential to introduce myself to the pet through their owner, establishing a connection and setting the stage for healing. I also connect with the pet energetically beforehand, if possible, to prepare them for the upcoming session.

During the session, I maintain a Reiki space for the animals to enter and leave as they wish, akin to how some people prefer to stay close to a bonfire for warmth, while others stand further away. This flexibility allows animals to dictate their comfort level and healing intake. For example, in my personal experience with my two dogs, one eagerly absorbs the Reiki energy, while the other prefers to engage intermittently.

The benefits for animals mirror those for humans, including relaxation, energy balance, pain relief, and anxiety reduction. It’s particularly beneficial for older pets or those with chronic conditions, providing a gentle alternative to medication. One of the most profound aspects of Animal Reiki I’ve been privileged to offer is support during an animal’s transition. By providing Reiki to both the pet and their owner, I help ease the process, allowing for a peaceful and calm passing. This support can be incredibly comforting for the owner, as it helps both the animal and human to find peace in letting go.

What is the focus of your Digital Empowerment services, and how do they support entrepreneurs?

The essence of my Digital Empowerment projects is to identify and remove obstacles that hinder entrepreneurs from launching and growing their businesses. This often starts with foundational tasks like creating a website, but my services extend far beyond that. I assist with a range of needs, whether it’s designing business cards, learning to use design tools like Canva for social media, or planning webinars.

My approach is hands-on and personalized. We hold weekly one-on-one sessions where I guide clients through the process, teaching them the necessary skills step by step. The clients do the work themselves, but I’m there to support them, ensuring they’re not alone in this journey.

A unique aspect of my service is the integration of healing into these sessions. Sometimes, the primary obstacle isn’t the task at hand but underlying limiting beliefs or emotional blockages. On such days, my focus shifts more towards healing, and helping clients overcome these barriers. This approach not only addresses immediate technical needs but also fosters personal growth and confidence.

What I find most rewarding is witnessing clients discover joy in technology and empowerment in their capabilities. When a client transitions from apprehension to saying, “That was fun,” or when they independently explore new tools, it’s a testament to their growth and the success of the program. Ultimately, my Digital Empowerment services equip ‘soulpreneurs’ with the knowledge and confidence to leverage technology in expanding their businesses.

How do you tailor your services to meet the individual needs of your clients?

Personalization is at the core of my services. While there are certain standards I uphold in every session—such as setting intentions, creating a protected and nurturing space, and providing post-session guidance—the customization really begins with understanding each client’s unique needs, intentions, and sensitivities.

As we progress, I pay close attention to the pace and intensity of our work together, ensuring it aligns with my client’s comfort and capacity. This attentive approach allows me to make real-time adjustments, ensuring that each client not only benefits during the session but also feels supported and at ease in the aftermath. This individualized care is fundamental to the effectiveness and success of the services I provide.

What advice would you give to someone interested in exploring Reiki or digital entrepreneurship for the first time?

For those curious about Reiki, the key is to find a practitioner with whom you feel comfortable. It’s essential to have a sense of ease and trust, so take the time to ask questions and ensure you’re informed about the process. Once you’ve found the right practitioner, approach the experience with an open mind. You don’t necessarily have to believe in Reiki for it to be effective, but being open to the possibility of its benefits is crucial.

As for aspiring digital entrepreneurs, my advice is to embrace the learning process with confidence. Believe that you, too, can acquire the skills necessary to thrive in your business. It’s important to approach this journey with a positive mindset, seeing it as an opportunity for fun and growth. If doubt ever creeps in, remember that my belief in your potential is unwavering, and I’m here to support you every step of the way.

Find out more at: www.lightintoyou.com 

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MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Luka is passionate about the environment and wildlife, captivated by the intriguing domains of energy restoration and hypnotic therapy.