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A Journey of Crystals, Reiki, and Finding Your Light - With Christina Moore

A Journey of Crystals, Reiki, and Finding Your Light - With Christina Moore

Today, Mystic Mag had the opportunity to interview Christina Moore who shared her captivating story of awakening to the world of healing energies. We’ll delve into the fascinating practices of Crystal Healing and Pellowah, exploring how crystals can resonate with our energy and how Pellowah helps us access our “higher selves.”

When did you first know that being a Reiki and Crystal Healer was your calling and how did it come about?

I always knew there was something different about me, as a child. I just couldn’t fit in. I longed for a home that I couldn’t find on earth and looked to the stars in wonder and delight. I seemed to know things about people without them telling me and spirits hung around me all the time. All this made for a very awkward and lonely childhood. So when I picked up my first crystal when I was 19 and got an electric shock from the Lapis Lazuli, it sparked something in me and I began my love affair with the crystal kingdom.

I didn’t really know what I was doing, but I could feel the energy of each crystal intimately and began to use them more and more in my life. They offered a place of energetic safety and calm as I tried to figure out who I was and why I was here. I recommended crystals to friends when they were in trouble or difficulty and started to offer them in healing, even though I wasn’t trained. It was like an old memory returning. An inkling of something I had done before.

Then one sudden day in my early 20s my father passed away unexpectedly. I fell apart, but this was a blessing as it led me to the right people who could help me find a pathway through the chaos. And one of these amazing guides was a Reiki Teacher. I had never heard of Reiki, but the day she mentioned it I knew it was for me. It just fit even though I had no idea what it was. And so I studied the first two levels. I left my office job and with great enthusiasm, and little business knowledge, I set up as a healer. I felt that I had found my place in this world. Not long after I met a dear friend who had breast cancer. It was in that instant that I knew I had to become a Reiki Teacher. Clear as day. This was the path for me. And my crystals – well they became a part of the healing journey for me and my clients. I had always been a healer and now I was once again and my pathway was clear.

What services do you offer?

Over the years I have been called to many different healing modalities. As humans our collective consciousness is rising and as different aspects of us arise, we are being gifted new energies and techniques to help us heal and release blockages and challenges that come up. So as well as crystal healing and Reiki, I also work with the energy of Pellowah, which creates a huge shift in our consciousness, Past Life Assimilation in which we clear the thread of past lives, Soul Guidance and Oracle card readings. I am also blessed to work with Arbah which is a highly specialised energy which is like an organ transplant for the DNA. It is used in crisis situations and when the personality is in distress.

I also offer chakra and aura balancing, and healing with the angels. One of my favourite ways of working is simply to channel the love and energy vibration that is needed at the time. Healing may come angels, dragons, unicorns and light beings who assist in the healing sessions and offer their energy and love. And I also channel light language which is used in healing sessions, but also is the basis of in person and online events that I host.

In addition I also teach healing which is a huge part of my work. I run courses in all levels of Reiki, as well a Reiki refresher day, Pellowah levels 1 and 2, introducing angels and crystals. Other exciting courses are in the planning stage! And I also offer transformational healing packages designed to help people with particular issues they are struggling with at the moment.

Could you tell us more about Crystal Healing and how does it work?

I truly believe that this earth carries within it all the medicines that we need to heal. There are so many aspects to this beautiful world and Gaia offers them to us as a gift for our growth and healing. Crystals of course are found across the world and are a part of our energetic toolbox for healing.

Crystals carry a vibration which resonates with our own physical, emotional and mental energy. Crystal healing is the art of placing crystals on or around the client’s body in order to facilitate a healing and release any blockages. We choose crystals that match the vibration of the client or their blockages so that we can open doorways to change and more easily break down the resistance to healing. Crystals also help raise our vibration and have very practical uses such as helping us sleep better, focusing our mind or calming our fears.

Each crystal healing session is as unique as every client. Once the crystals are placed on the body, then we assist the crystals to work by channelling healing energy into the client. Crystals can be used as a stand-alone therapy but they can also be used with Reiki, Pellowah and other healing energies.

What does it mean to be a Pellowah Practitioner? What exactly is Pellowah practice?

Pellowah is an angelic word that means “Radical Shift in Consciousness”. It is pure source energy which, once channelled into the client, switches on their light so that they are able see their life from a new perspective. When we can see the patterns we have created in life we are able change the result. This form of healing is incredibly powerful as the changes are internal.

The results are often unexpected but Pellowah always provides us with what we need. As a Pellowah practitioner, and teacher, I am able to hold a space for the Pellowah energy which then interacts with the consciousness of the client, to create the shifts that are needed to align them with their higher self. The changes, as you can imagine, can be profound as the first time for many, they are being led through life by their own higher self, and not the opinions and expectations of others.

It is a joy to witness the transformations that occur as a result. Pellowah allows us to build on the positives in our lives and create change from a place of deep certainty about who we are. For some a Pellowah session will truly give them the first moment of connecting with their deepest truth and feelings.

What can a person expect from your sessions?

Growing up I felt disempowered. A sense that I had power but had no idea how to use it, how to become who I sensed I was. I lacked the courage to honestly and easily be true to myself. I felt like I constantly let myself down or betrayed myself. So if I can help someone else to feel empowered to stand in their own truth, to express their desires without shame, and to be fully themselves without apology, then I feel I have done my work. Witnessing someone blossom into all they can be, is a privilege.

I want people to know that they are in control of their own health and that they do not always need to rely on medication or a doctor, to make them feel better. I believe that when we love ourselves and can live a life of joy, then our body responds positively. When someone books a session we have a chat about what they wish to achieve and then I assist them in choosing the best therapy. We do each know what we need and I encourage everyone to listen to their feelings about their needs.

What do you love most about your profession?

How could I not love what I do? To help each other is to be human. I see so many broken people who believe that they are worth nothing, who see no joy in their lives, and to have a part in their awakening to their own light, their own power, and happiness, is a privilege, an honour. I gain so much joy seeing someone who has been struggling let go of the struggle, and accept who they are.

This is why my business is called Step Into Your Light. This is what I long for people to do, step into their own divine nature and realise who they truly are. And as people awaken to this truth, I watch their problems fade, their aches and pains disappear, and joy rise within them. They learn to flow with life and let go of the worries they carried for so long. I also see so many people relying on medicines to help them cope with life, even though they do not want to take them and it is a joy to be able to help them take control of their own bodies and health.

Love, self-love, is the best medicine and if I can assist someone in discovering their light, then I have done my job. Essentially I am motived by helping people find the freedom to be themselves and to be at peace in who they are. What job could be better than this?

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Petar Vojinovic is a content editor for Mystic Mag, where he curates and oversees content related to mysticism, psychics, and spiritual practices. In his role, Petar oversees content creation, ensuring that each article, interview, and feature provides valuable insights into the mystical world. He collaborates with experts in the field to present a wide range of topics, from tarot readings to holistic healing methods, maintaining the site's reputation for authenticity and depth. Petar's interest in spirituality and mysticism has been a lifelong passion. He has a background in cultural studies, which gave him a unique perspective on ancient spiritual practices and their relevance in modern times. Before joining Mystic Mag, Petar wrote for various publications, focusing on alternative medicine and the metaphysical. Outside of work, Petar enjoys practicing meditation and studying astrology. His fascination with the occult continues to fuel his dedication to exploring the unknown.