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From Adversity to Animal Intuition: Elizabeth Lee’s Journey into Energetic Healing

From Adversity to Animal Intuition: Elizabeth Lee’s Journey into Energetic Healing

Elizabeth Lee’s journey into intuitive readings and energetic healing for animals is a tale of passion and serendipity.

In her interview with MysticMag, she shares how growing up in the Illinois countryside, her deep love for animals blossomed despite battling asthma and allergies, which prevented her from having pets. This bond intensified when a miraculous respite from her allergies allowed her to care for a stray cat, igniting her desire to explore animal communication. Her friendship with an animal communicator and a profound experience with a terminally ill cat revealed her own intuitive abilities.

Embracing this gift, Elizabeth now offers telepathic and Reiki healing services, transforming the lives of countless animals and their owners.

What inspired you to begin intuitive readings and energetic healing for animals?

Yes, well, as a child, I loved animals more than anything. I grew up in the country in Illinois and I just adored all the wild animals. Unfortunately, I had asthma and allergies, which I still have, so I wasn’t allowed to have my own dog or cat. I connected with the animals outside instead. As I got older, this desire grew bigger.

When I was in my early 20s, I moved to a new location, and somehow my allergies weren’t affecting me. There was a little kitty next door who had been abandoned by her owners. I took her in and noticed that I wasn’t reactive. It was like a miracle for me to be able to have a cat to take care of. During that time, which lasted about 10 years, my allergies weren’t bothering me. I still don’t know why, but it was a magical period for me.

I hired an animal communicator to help me with her at one point and became friends with the communicator. I loved how deeply they connected and interacted with her. It was amazing to me, so I learned everything I could about animal communication. One day, this friend had a difficult client and asked me to tune into a cat for her to help understand what was happening. The issue was that this kitty’s human was an actress, and her character had cancer. During this period, the kitty got cancer too. The owner wanted to know how to help the cat. I tuned into the cat and saw a curtain coming down on the stage, realizing this kitty wasn’t going to be on this Earth much longer. That made me realize I had the ability to tune in just as much as anyone who really wanted to. That’s what started me.

Later, I went to an animal sanctuary with my daughter when she was about 10. I wanted so much to help animals, but I got so sick with my asthma that we had to leave early. I was so upset and angry. I remember looking out my bedroom window and yelling to the sky, “What is this about? I don’t understand. I’m so frustrated. I have this desire to help and I can’t.” Immediately, I heard, “Your gift is to help the animals telepathically. Do what you can, and you have the ability to help them that way.” I realized this is what I have the ability to do, so I did it. That was in 2012, and I’ve offered it publicly ever since.

Along the way, I also learned Reiki healing. When I talk to the animals through Zoom or the phone, I always run energy work. It helps with the healing, the connecting, and the communication. It just helps things flow better. That’s how I started, and I never looked back. It’s been the pleasure and joy of my life to connect with and meet all these animals. Now, hundreds of animals are in my life, even though I’m still allergic and can’t have them myself. That’s my outlet for helping them.

Can you explain how you use intuition and telepathy to connect with animals?

Sure. I really believe that everyone has the ability to connect with animals through intuition and telepathy. It’s a part of being human and connected to the natural world. Just like anyone can be a teacher or a lawyer, some people might have an easier time with animal communication due to their natural love or compassion for animals. I love teaching this skill to others. My goal is to empower people to communicate with animals themselves, rather than relying on an animal communicator.

My first animal communication workshop was at a stable full of horses. We were instructed to connect with a horse out in the field. I looked at the horse and felt into my heart. We were taught to open the gates of our hearts to allow the flow of communication. Initially, I felt fear because I could sense the horse’s intense anger. Eventually, I breathed into it, opened my heart, and asked the horse what it was angry about. Then, everything started to flow.

For me, it’s really about setting aside my personality and human tendencies and being an open vessel. I set an intention to connect with spirit, my guides, and helpers, and open my heart to receive. It’s challenging because our minds are often chatty, and we tend to push our energy out when connecting with people and animals. The real training involves stepping back and being willing to receive and accept what you get.

When teaching others, I focus on calming their minds, calming their bodies, opening their hearts, and listening. To share a message back to the animal, we use telepathy. This involves seeing pictures, feeling your feelings, and sending that in a bubble from you to them. For example, if an animal has a behavioral issue, you can share simple pictures of how you would like them to behave. If you don’t want a cat to jump on the counter, send images of the cat playing elsewhere and avoiding the counter. This helps guide them and creates more harmony between you and the animal.

The way I receive information varies. I hear words and phrases, and my body acts as a receiver, so I might feel things like pain in my neck if the animal is experiencing discomfort. I don’t do medical diagnoses, but I can share what I sense from the animal. Sometimes I see images like graphs or circles, or I feel sensations in my body. All these different ways help me connect and communicate with the animals.

What are some common issues you help animals and their owners with?

Absolutely. Anything that comes up in a household or family setting, we can talk about. Some of the most common issues are behavioral problems, such as a dog being overly aggressive or barking a lot. Separation anxiety is another frequent concern I address. If a family adopts a new animal and wants to ensure a smooth transition, I can help with that too.

I love to assist people in a preventive way before big changes happen. Family changes like a divorce, the birth of a baby, introducing a new pet, or even going on a vacation, can be significant. Many people call me after a vacation when their animals are upset or have caused damage. By talking to the animals ahead of time about what’s coming up, such as a trip to Europe for a week, I can tell them what to expect, who will take care of them, and when their family will return. This can prevent a lot of stress for the animals.

I also help with emotional issues. If an animal is suddenly sad or angry, I can help understand the reason. People who care for feral cats often call me to find out if the cat wants to stay feral or be adopted and how to engage with the cat.

If an animal isn’t feeling well, I can listen to what they’re experiencing. Although I can’t diagnose or treat, I can provide information that owners can share with their vet. For example, I can help pinpoint where a stomachache is or how severe a headache might be. This can assist the vet in treating the animal more effectively.

After surgery, if an animal needs to avoid certain activities like jumping or running for a period, I can communicate this to help them understand how to recover better and heal properly. These are tough calls, but they can significantly aid the animal’s recovery.

One of my favorite aspects of my work is helping when animals have passed into spirit. People often feel heartbroken or have lingering questions and guilt about the timing of their pet’s passing. I help reconnect them with their animal in spirit, allowing them to let go of the pain of those last moments and remember their connection in a new way. This helps them start anew and fosters a new relationship with their animal in spirit.

Often, animals in spirit love to teach their people how to hear or see them and reconnect in a tangible way. These sessions are incredibly fulfilling because people often write back, expressing how they’ve moved from heartbreak to feeling their pet’s presence again. Our culture doesn’t provide many outlets for this kind of grief and loss, so I like to support people in this way and help their pets come through to them. It’s one of the most beautiful and rewarding parts of what I do.

So, really, any issue that your animal is going through or that you are experiencing with your animal, we can talk about and work through it together.

How do you approach connecting with animals who have passed into spirit?

Hmm, well, that’s a good question. Many people feel it’s very different, and I get asked a lot if I can do that too. The truth is, it’s the same exact thing. There’s no difference between talking to them when they’re right in front of me on Zoom or when they passed away 20 years ago and are now in spirit. Sometimes, I work with people who still have questions about their childhood pets from way back when, and we connect with them. It’s such a beautiful thing.

Connecting with those in spirit is really the same process. However, to me, it feels a bit different because we’re going beyond their personality and connecting with their soul. I do this with animals that are still living too, but there’s something bigger about them when you connect with them in spirit. They come forward with their soul first, which feels very big and profound. It’s always a humbling experience for me because I just sit back, let them take over, and do my best to translate everything as clearly as I can.

It’s an impactful experience that feels bigger to me, and sometimes it’s hard to put the right words to it. But the process remains the same: putting aside your own ideas and sense of self and opening up to something bigger without judgment. It’s a beautiful experience.

Can you share a memorable experience from your work with an animal client?

This is hard for me because I have so many memorable experiences. I’ll share a couple. What I’d like people to know is that as soon as they decide they want to understand their animal better, things can start to shift. Just setting up the appointment can make a difference. Animals love to be listened to, and when they feel heard, they often perk up and start looking at their owners differently. It’s like opening a new line of communication that maybe wasn’t there before.

One memorable call was quite a while back. A mother contacted me because her grown son had lost his dog, and he was heartbroken. She wanted to help. When I connected with the dog, the dog said, “I’m an angel on his shoulder.” The mom started crying and shared that after the dog passed, her son had a tattoo put on his shoulder of the dog with angel wings. Validations like this are always exciting, but the best part is when people shift their perspective. For instance, someone once emailed me saying I helped them understand their animal’s experiences better, connecting dots they hadn’t seen before.

Another memorable case involved a dog that would get very upset and wreck the house every time its owners left for work. I tuned into the dog and found out she hated being alone. When I suggested they get her a companion, they adopted a second dog, and the destructive behavior stopped immediately. Sometimes the solution is simple.

A friend once asked why her dog was constantly licking the air, making an awful noise that was driving her crazy. I tuned in and asked the dog why he was doing it. He responded that he was just really bored. After asking him to stop because it bothered her, he never did it again. It’s not rocket science—sometimes it’s that simple.

I also work with a farm that has many orphaned and abandoned animals. One time, the owner wanted a mother cow to allow an abandoned calf to nurse. The cow had only been letting one specific calf nurse. After our session, the owner, feeling more confident, asked the cow to help the other calf. The next day, the cow turned around and let the calf nurse. She had been asking the cow for weeks without success, but a simple conversation changed everything.

Helping people see their animals from a different perspective is so fulfilling. Animals have souls, complex emotional lives, and relationships with us and other animals. Getting people to step out of their human mindset and be open to another perspective is wonderful for everyone involved. Some successes might seem small, but they are incredibly meaningful.

What advice would you give to pet owners looking to deepen their connection with their animals?

Sure. The first thing I would say is to try to understand from the animal’s perspective what they might be experiencing. In most of my calls, I try to share tips about how to connect telepathically with pictures in your head so that the animal can follow your lead.

If you have some time and want to make this a consciousness-opening experience, just sit with your animal quietly. Sit without any expectation, consciously relax, and open your heart. Call your animal by name, like, “Hey, Suzie, how are you feeling today?” Then, just sit and listen.

I really encourage people to try this themselves. It’s surprisingly simple. Until you have your own experience of connecting, it’s hard to believe that it’s possible. You can read about it and hear others talk about it, but it won’t impact you in the same way until you experience it yourself.

If you’re willing to practice a few minutes every day, sit quietly with your pet, send them love, call them by name, and ask how they’re doing. Whatever comes into your mind—whether you hear something, feel something, or start thinking—don’t judge it. Really notice it. If you feel scared all of a sudden, acknowledge it. Sit with that feeling and maybe ask another question like, “What are you afraid of?” Then, wait.

The hardest part is sitting back, waiting, and believing what you receive. I make it a rule for myself to share anything I hear, feel, or experience, even if it seems out of the blue. I share it with the person I’m talking to so they can decide what it means.

To get closer to your animal, try to get out of your human mind and see things from their perspective. For many animals, we are their entire world. They are very tuned in to how we’re feeling and read our thoughts to make sense of what’s happening. Anything we can do to make it easier for them, they appreciate. They love it when we reach out to them—it makes them feel better and more alive around us.

My biggest advice is to practice, practice, practice. Believe what you receive and don’t doubt it. Don’t overanalyze it or seek validation from others. Just listen, hold onto it, and trust your experience. It feels simple, and it sort of is, but it’s not always easy because of our minds. Practice helps, and having your own experience will make it real for you, changing you when it happens.

Find out more at: www.elizabethayerlee.com

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Luka is a Content Editor at MysticMag. In his role, Luka focuses on crafting insightful interviews and articles that explore a wide range of spiritual practices, energy healing modalities, and wellness therapies. He ensures that each piece is thoroughly researched and aligns with MysticMag’s mission to enlighten readers about holistic health and spiritual well-being. Before joining MysticMag, Luka developed a deep interest in energy restoration and hypnotic therapy, which has greatly influenced his editorial focus. His experience includes writing about environmental preservation, wildlife, and natural health, bringing a unique perspective to his work in the spiritual niche. Outside of work, Luka enjoys solo travel and outdoor adventures, often seeking ways to reconnect with nature. His passion for energy healing extends into his personal life, where he explores meditation and mindfulness practices to maintain balance.