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From Nature's Embrace to Digital Grace: Heather Cumming's Journey of Holistic Healing

From Nature's Embrace to Digital Grace: Heather Cumming's Journey of Holistic Healing

In an enlightening interview with MysticMag, Heather Cumming shares her remarkable journey from the pastoral fields of Brazil to the forefront of holistic healing, encapsulating a life deeply intertwined with nature, spirituality, and a profound connection to the divine.

Her transition to establishing Healing Quests is a narrative rich in resilience, spiritual awakening, and the impactful guidance of mentors in Reiki and shamanism. Amidst the isolation brought on by COVID-19, Cumming’s adaptability shone through as she expanded her practice online, broadening her reach to impart soul retrieval, energy work, and her unique experiences with Orbs of Light.

Through MysticMag, Cumming’s story unfolds as a compelling testament to the transformative power of spiritual healing, bridging the gap between the serene cattle farms of her childhood and the expansive digital landscape of modern holistic practices, all while maintaining a deep-seated commitment to healing and divine connection.

What inspired you to establish Healing Quests and dedicate yourself to holistic healing practices?

What inspired me to establish Healing Quests and dedicate myself to holistic healing practices is deeply rooted in my upbringing and life experiences. I was born and raised on a cattle farm in Brazil, a place reminiscent of the American West from over a century ago. Life there was devoid of modern conveniences like television and electricity, fostering a profound connection with nature and spirituality. My early education came from my mother, and much of my time was spent alongside the farm’s Wranglers. This exposure to their spiritual, yet not religious, way of life, filled with laughter, dance, and prayer, had a significant impact on me.

This shamanic upbringing, where every aspect of life was intertwined with nature, from the food we ate to the infrequent trips to town, laid the foundation for my spiritual journey. However, a shift occurred when I was sent to a boarding school in Scotland. The absence of the familiar natural and spiritual environment, coupled with the lack of communication with my family, led me to seek solace in my imagination. This was where I first started to ‘journey’ spiritually, using my mind to reconnect with my roots in Brazil.

The true calling, however, did not emerge until I was 39, living in Connecticut. It was a time when holistic practices like Reiki were not as prevalent. The turning point came unexpectedly when I encountered my future Reiki master, signaled by a serendipitous license plate. This encounter opened the door to Reiki and subsequently to shamanism, under the guidance of Sandra Ingerman, a renowned teacher in the field. Encouraged by my mentors, I began practicing out of my home, not only as a healer but also as a medium in a spiritual center.

The advent of COVID-19 was a catalyst for change. It pushed me to adapt and move my practice online, leading to the creation of Healing Quests. This new platform allowed me to integrate various healing modalities, from soul retrieval to energy work, making them accessible to a broader audience. It was a culmination of my life’s journey, bringing together my shamanic upbringing, personal challenges, and the teachings I received along the way.

In essence, Healing Quests is not just a practice but a testament to the power of spiritual healing that has been woven into the fabric of my life since childhood. It’s a reflection of my journey, from the cattle farms of Brazil to the digital world, always guided by the lessons learned from nature, spirituality, and the people who have touched my life.

How do you tailor your healing sessions to address the individual needs of your clients?

Tailoring healing sessions to meet the individual needs of my clients begins with preparation and intention. Before a session, I dedicate time to meditate and call upon the helping spirits that guide my practice. During this meditation, I focus on the client, invoking their name and asking for guidance to meet their highest needs. This process is rooted in the belief that, like the alchemists of old who sought transformation in the wilderness, we too possess an innate ability to tap into our deeper, alchemical selves through meditation. This allows us to access the divine aspect of our being, which holds the wisdom and lessons from all our incarnations, including our achievements and missteps.

The connection with clients is typically established through digital means, such as FaceTime or WhatsApp, enabling a visual link that complements the energy work. This setup allows me to keep my hands free to channel energy directly towards the client, even if they are physically distant. At the start of each session, I engage in a dialogue with the client to understand their specific desires and needs, which can range from soul retrieval and shamanic healing to energy work.

Based on this initial discussion, I might suggest additional or alternative approaches for future sessions. For example, a session focused on soul retrieval might evolve into guiding the client towards connecting with their higher self. This connection to their higher self, encompassing the wisdom of past lives and their intrinsic divine nature, facilitates deep healing and the resolution of old wounds. It’s a process where the client’s own divinity plays a crucial role in seeking and achieving healing.

The shift to online sessions has, in many ways, enhanced the healing experience. Clients can remain in their personal sanctuaries, surrounded by familiar comforts, without the stress of travel. This environment, where even pets occasionally participate, contributes to a relaxed state conducive to healing. Post-session, the absence of the need to immediately transition back into the outside world allows for a more profound integration of the healing experience. This accessibility and comfort have, in my view, amplified the effectiveness of the healing sessions.

Can you explain the significance of Orbs of Light in your practice and personal experiences?

Orbs of light hold a special significance in both my practice and personal experiences. The fascination began one day in Connecticut during a casual photo session. To my surprise, one of the photographs captured an image that strikingly resembled an angel, bathed in daylight. This unexpected vision sparked a curiosity and wonder in me, leading me to perceive these orbs as manifestations of spiritual beings or evolved entities making their presence known to us in a tangible form.

Over the past two decades, my encounters with these orbs have become a frequent occurrence, especially when photographing natural phenomena like the moon. These orbs, with their distinct visibility and aura, have fostered a deep sense of connection between me and these spiritual entities. Their presence feels like a reassuring sign, a visible touchpoint to the spiritual realm that surrounds us.

In my practice, especially when leading spiritual groups, I often encourage participants to observe these orbs during our night sessions. There’s an implicit confidence in their appearance; their consistent presence has never left me in doubt. This shared experience often becomes a gateway for others to establish their own connections with these orbs, extending the sense of comfort and wonderment beyond our sessions and into their personal spaces.

These orbs, with their mesmerizing colors and brilliance, are believed to be benevolent spiritual beings offering comfort and delight. While their exact nature remains a mystery to me, the joy and solace they bring, both to myself and to those I guide, are undeniable. They stand as a testament to the intricate and beautiful ways in which the spiritual realm communicates with us, adding a layer of awe to our everyday lives.

How do Reiki and Shamanic Practices complement each other in your healing sessions?

Integrating Reiki and shamanic practices into my healing sessions has been a thoughtful process, tailored to enhance the healing experience. In Reiki, the focus is on channeling energy to the recipient, who in turn, opens up to receive and meet this energy. This interaction is facilitated by ensuring that both the practitioner and the client are grounded and connected to their higher selves and spiritual guides. This foundational step is crucial for creating a conducive environment for healing.

The synergy between Reiki and shamanic practices lies in their shared goal of fostering healing and wellness. While Reiki primarily involves the transfer of energy, shamanic practices introduce an element of imagery and journeying, often leading to profound experiences where past influences or entities might emerge for resolution and healing. This dimension adds depth to the healing process, allowing for a more holistic approach that addresses not just the physical, but also the emotional and spiritual aspects.

Both modalities operate on the principle of divine energy, working in harmony to facilitate the individual’s journey towards their highest potential of health, wellness, and healing. Whether it’s addressing specific health issues or broader life challenges, the combination of Reiki and shamanic practices offers a powerful toolset for transformation and healing. By drawing on the strengths of each, the sessions are enriched, providing a comprehensive healing experience that aligns with the individual’s highest good and divine order.

In what ways do prayer and meditation contribute to the healing process in your practice?

Prayer and meditation are foundational elements in my healing practice, serving as essential tools for both personal grounding and facilitating the healing process for others. For instance, ahead of today’s meeting, I found myself grappling with anxiety. Recognizing the need to shift away from overthinking, I turned to meditation and prayer, allowing their calming energy to flow through me and restore my balance.

In preparation for working with clients, I employ prayer to invoke the presence and guidance of divine beings and helping spirits, bridging the gap between human consciousness and divine wisdom. This spiritual alignment is not only vital for the healing session but also contributes to a broader sense of peace and harmony, which has been especially crucial during challenging times like the COVID-19 pandemic.

During the pandemic, I committed to twice-daily meditations, focusing on gratitude for frontline workers and holding a vision for global unity and peace post-crisis. This practice reflects my belief in the power of prayer and meditation to effect positive change not only on an individual level but also on a global scale, fostering peace and harmony for our generation and those to come.

The current global climate, marked by widespread unrest and anxiety, underscores the need for these practices more than ever. By cultivating inner peace and extending it outward, we contribute to a collective energy of tranquility and well-being. Meditation, even if practiced for just 20 minutes, can significantly impact when aligned with divine intention, fostering a peaceful and harmonious world.

Find out more at: www.healingquests.com

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Luka is a Content Editor at MysticMag. In his role, Luka focuses on crafting insightful interviews and articles that explore a wide range of spiritual practices, energy healing modalities, and wellness therapies. He ensures that each piece is thoroughly researched and aligns with MysticMag’s mission to enlighten readers about holistic health and spiritual well-being. Before joining MysticMag, Luka developed a deep interest in energy restoration and hypnotic therapy, which has greatly influenced his editorial focus. His experience includes writing about environmental preservation, wildlife, and natural health, bringing a unique perspective to his work in the spiritual niche. Outside of work, Luka enjoys solo travel and outdoor adventures, often seeking ways to reconnect with nature. His passion for energy healing extends into his personal life, where he explores meditation and mindfulness practices to maintain balance.