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Mysteries of the Mind and Spirit - An Inspiring Journey with Amy Catania

Mysteries of the Mind and Spirit - An Inspiring Journey with Amy Catania

World often relies on science and tangible evidence, but thhere exists a realm beyond our comprehension—a realm where the boundaries of the mind and spirit blur, giving rise to extraordinary abilities and profound connections. It is within this mystical domain that Amy Catania, a remarkable individual who wears the hats of a Holistic Practitioner and Psychic Medium, shines brightly. Amy Catania is not your ordinary practitioner; she possesses an uncanny ability to tap into the unseen forces of the universe and bridge the gap between the physical and metaphysical realms. With her remarkable insights and profound intuition, she has touched the lives of many, guiding them on a transformative journey of self-discovery and healing. Join Mystic Mag, as we embark on an enlightening exploration with Amy Catania, where the mysteries of the mind and spirit intertwine, and the extraordinary becomes possible. Brace yourself for an extraordinary journey that will challenge your beliefs, expand your horizons, and invite you to embrace the limitless potential that resides within us all.

How did you first discover your abilities as an energy healer, psychic medium, and holistic counselor? Can you share a defining moment or experience that led you to pursue this path?

I now believe I always had the ability to connect to spirit. However, my family is of catholic faith, and it was always very openly communicated that we were to fear connecting with anything in the spiritual realm. I remember feeling terrified going to bed as I could sense others around me however not see anything. I would hear footsteps, or my TV would turn on and off and I was the only one in my family to dream of those who had passed within our family. Again, if I were to speak openly terms such as “weird” or “freaky” or “scary” would be used. I had no one to openly discuss this with which instilled more fear within me and eventually it turned off so to speak. So I thought.

I was a troubled teen, I had major depressive episodes and struggled with coping skills. I remember the impact my High School Counsellor had on me. She was the first person to really sit and listen to me. For the first time in my life I felt heard, I felt seen and the impact it had on me was huge. I didn’t realize it at the time.

However, when I became a Mother it was like I was reborn. My eyes were opening to my truth.

I realized a lot of choices in my life were  either not mine, or not heart led and I was not aligned in my purpose.

A lot of young folk around the area were either struggling or had not survived their own battle with mental health. I knew I wanted to support others and make an impact somehow.

That is when I recalled the impact of my High School Counsellor and knew I wanted to do something similar. However, I knew there was more to it than just the mind, and that Talk therapy could not be enough.

That is when I fell upon a Masters in Holistic Counseling. It considered the being as a whole and not just as a mind. It considered energy, consciousness, our inner and outer environments. Meditation practice was heavily encouraged which changed my own life, so I knew how beneficial it would be for others.

I felt as though there was still something missing, so I felt an intuitive pull to bring in a bodywork method to healing.

I remembered a time when I was in high school and went against what the belief was to see psychics, but I went anyway and had my tea leaves read.  She had mentioned there was magic in my hands and I should look into Reiki. At the time, I haven’t a clue what she spoke of and had never thought about it again. One day, I was scrolling through Instagram and came across a local teacher of the Traditional Usui Reiki healing system and saw it as my sign that this is what I had to integrate in my methods of a Holistic Practitioner.

It was when I began my energy healing practice with clients that I became aware of my ability to connect with information and messages. I was able to identify specific subconscious blockages and trauma that the client had suppressed for days, months or many years in specific energy centers or muscles and fascia.

I could also bring messages about their past, present and future. I was able to connect with passed loved ones, future spirit babies and on more than a few instances the client themselves would receive their own visions or visitations of their loved ones in spirit during the healing also.

My heart exploded wide open, and I knew I had finally found my calling.

Can you explain the concept of energy healing and how it relates to the mind, body, and spirit?

During my studies in Holistic counseling, we would read books and watch numerous talks by Dr Bruce Lipton, Dr Lissa Rankin, Dr Joe Dispenza and many others. They all focus on the importance of our beliefs, thoughts and emotions. How the energy of all of these could greatly impact humans and their innate ability to heal, mentally, physically and spiritually. It sparked an “ah huh” moment for me.

Repressed emotions require a lot of energy to lay dormant. They fester, and each time something else happens where we are not willing to acknowledge or feel into it completely or accept what is coming up and choose to stuff it down with more repressed emotions – whether it would be bypassing the problem, numbing yourself to feeling with unhelpful coping tools or blame and shaming yourself – the energy builds until it can no longer withstand the pressure of holding it all in. This can manifest in outburst, it can manifest in physical illness or symptoms such as anxiety, sleep or mood disorders, chronic pain or fatigue.

This is when people lose faith, lose confidence in their purpose, no direction in life and attract relationships, friendships, opportunities that feel out of alignment with what their hearts truly desire.

Energy healing is about identifying the root emotion, belief, pattern within the subconscious mind, muscles and chakras so that we can clear them. We do this by acknowledging the emotions that have laid dormant, the people, experiences and beliefs that influenced this, recognizing the patterns of behaviors and acknowledging, accepting and releasing the root emotion with the intention of renewal and restoration of loving and healing life force energy. Creating space and raising the frequency from within us will in turn change and raise the frequency around us, leading to aligning with our soul purpose and changes that benefit our journey forward.

What type of services do you offer?

My offerings are now all Virtual and include:

•        In Depth Psychic Readings

•        Mediumship Readings

•        Distance Energy Healing

•        Life and Spiritual Mentorship

In all my offerings I meet you on your path, gently illuminating the shadows of your life and depths of your subconscious mind in a space that feels supportive, warm and most importantly, safe. You will be fully held and seen.

I have completed a Masters in Holistic Counseling and Practitioner II in Usui Reiki Healing Recognised and Certified with the International Institute for Complementary Therapists. I integrate professional and personal knowledge, awareness and understanding within my readings and mentorship sessions.

When working with spirit, I tap into my senses of Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Clairsentience and Claircognizance. I also use Automatic Drawing and Tarot as tools.

How do you approach holistic counseling? What techniques or methodologies do you employ to help clients achieve a balanced state of well-being on a mental, emotional, and spiritual level?

I work with a humanistic approach. It is about free will, self-enquiry and the journey moving forward – towards a deeper understanding of who you are, your soul purpose, the connection to your body, your energy and what it is trying to communicate through you about your internal and external environments and connection to nature and source energy.

Clients leave feeling empowered with the tools and helpful coping skills to implement and integrate into their everyday life.

How do you balance the intuitive information you receive during a session with the need to provide practical guidance and counseling to your clients?

I would call it a switch that I choose not to turn on in my preparation for a counseling client compared to my preparation for an energy healing or reading.

In Holistic Counseling, I am connected to this realm, the human aspect of life.  I connect to my analytical, left side brain. That is not to say Intuitive guidance may not come through. If I intuitively feel they need redirection in the conversation or prompts for deeper self-inquiry, then I would communicate what comes through honestly. My intuition still plays a part in the sessions, but it is more so about what direction to take, tools to use, or support my client may need in that time compared to what messages or information are coming through directly for them.

How do you continue to grow and evolve as an energy healer, psychic medium, and holistic counselor? What steps do you take to deepen your understanding and expand your abilities in these areas?

My own journey in self-healing is and always will be an ongoing journey.

Through Shadow work, Inner child Work, Self Inquiry, Meditation practice and Ancestral Healing and reclamation, I have been able to continue and deepen my relationship to self , in both my humanness and my spirituality.

I continue to grow through educational resources, my own mentors in mediumship, energy healing and connecting with my online and local community.

I truly learn the most when I am connecting with Spirit.

When I am within the channel, when I am relaying the information and messages to those who have come to me for whatever offering it may be – Psychic, Mediumship, Energy Healing or Mentorship – that is where my true deepening practice resides.

Divine Source energy will always be our greatest teacher.

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Katarina is a Content Editor at Mystic Mag She is a Reiki practitioner who believes in spiritual healing, self-consciousness, healing with music. Mystical things inspire her to always look for deeper answers. She enjoys to be in nature, meditation, discover new things every day. Interviewing people from this area is her passion and space where she can professionaly evolve, and try to connect people in needs with professionals that can help them on their journey. Before joining Mystic Mag, she was involved in corporate world where she thought that she cannot express herself that much and develop as a person.