In a world where conventional medicine often treats symptoms rather than root causes, Asra Adiba, founder of Sufi911, has embarked on a 15-year global journey to challenge this approach. With a background in psychology, nutrition, and emergency medicine, Asra has become a health sleuth, helping individuals unravel the complexities of their ailments by investigating the ‘scene of the crime’—what they’ve ingested and the injustices done to their bodies. For Asra, true healing often means reversing the road to dis-ease, whether it’s by replacing medication with holistic alternatives or addressing the hidden causes of chronic conditions. Driven by a mother’s necessity to find wholesome solutions for her family, Asra’s work has led her to uncover transformative remedies that not only alleviate suffering but restore balance and health. In this Mystic Mag‘s interview, we delve into Asra’s unique forensic approach to wellness and how her dedication to healing continues to leave no stone unturned.
Your approach to health emphasizes observation and implementation over traditional medical expertise. How do you determine which methods are most effective in resolving health issues quickly and with minimal harm?
I had been studying and looked into various modalities, from homeopathic, naturopathic, energetic, and so on, which all have successes of course, but in all of them, it requires patience from the ‘patient’. After studying emergency medicine, and realizing there is no one in the world that I know of offering, ‘holistic emergency medicine,’ it just fell into place to fill that void in the world. So I would say that I was led to this by necessity, from the people that had asked me to help after a friend or relative came to us and found success, it was all word of mouth. Along the way, I obtained my I.P.H.M. International Practitioner of Holistic Medicine license, which is of the mind and body, as a whole, as there is no disconnection between the two. As for minimal harm, actually we aim for no harm, primum non nocere. Our products only give side benefits, not harmful side effects. That is actually the number one reason we offer this alternative, even for emergency care, because we believe it’s your birthright to have healing without any harm. Personally I just don’t understand why we even put up with it. It is the antithesis of healing. “Harm” while aiming to heal is an anomaly of our times and as far as I am concerned totally illogical.
You’ve traveled extensively over the past 15 years in search of healing practices. Can you share an experience where a non-traditional method proved to be more effective than conventional medicine?
Actually perhaps the question should be asked in reverse…there is no case up to this day that I have found conventional medicine to ever be more effective than the holistic, not one, whether for chronic ailments or urgent care, or even for an ICU or ER patient-so I would have to sit here and tell you every story of the last two decades, : ). I can tell you an interesting story, one of hundreds. A family of many siblings received a new diagnosis for their elderly mother, of liver cancer after living with dementia for ten years. One of the siblings called me for help. I said no problem, that is where our product line shines through as the weak cancer patient usually feels instantly the support they receive, the energy restoration they feel almost immediately because our product line for the most part, has a catalytic effect raising oxygen levels, while at the same time boosting anti oxidant levels. We need both at different times, different parts of the body, both in circulation and
in the tissues, though there is a lot more sophistication to it, but for brevity’s sake. I explained this in a video, if you google me, Asra Adiba, on rumble you’ll find the video on oxidants and anti-oxidants. By the way, we were going viral during the covid era around 2021, first shadow banned then banned all together on YouTube, because we were explaining how people can boost their immunity, and raise oxygen levels at home since the hospitals were sending everyone home except if they became really serious. Our motto then was, don’t do nothing and wait, be pro active, that advice continues to this day as we believe we may be seeing these variants as the new normal ongoing, so we need to be in ready mode and results oriented now, not in pandemic panic reaction. In the thick smog year of the outbreak, out of hundreds that came to us, anyone who listened to our exact directions, we didn’t lose anyone to covid, thank God. Back to the vignette about the bedridden mother, hospice care had just been initiated on her with physicians pronouncing a couple of weeks maximum for her “terminal” cancer. We started
our input right away and after a couple of months some of the siblings kept wondering why she surpassed their prognosis of a quick death. By the way, I consider it, premeditated murder, if someone say “you have such and such many days or weeks to live.” I say that of course to get your brain synapses working. For the blissfully ignorant, make no doubt about it, in America what they call ‘hospice care’ is a euphemism for euthanasia. Run far swiftly, it just means “they” don’t know how to solve your problem, so they’re going to give you pain medication until you die on their time, but your dime. Why are we glued to them? Again back to the anecdote, they caught the one sibling giving their mother our protocols and at this point she showed no sign of cancer. They actually wanted the sibling to stop giving her our regimen because they wanted her to pass into the night “on time” because they were frustrated with the “dementia” part of her illness, bedridden, bathing and bathroom behavioral issues for a decade had left them exhausted. I told them we can tackle that too but needed at least a few months for addressing the dementia [especially because it would require her doctor’s aid in tweaking her off the numerous medications which is ironically, one of the main causes of dementia in the first place]. They didn’t believe it could happen so they had the one sibling stop our protocol for the cancer and she lived many months thereafter but eventually passed. It’s a story with many lessons I can’t get into all of them, but just a sample snippet. Even the bedridden part, we are able in almost all cases able to support the body to get even the bedridden elderly out of bed in due time, as long as they keep the regimen going long enough to see the results. The timeframe is based on how long you have been suffering with symptoms and the level of weakness, and age, but we never saw a client that didn’t see results, thank God because we don’t want to settle for less.
What type of services do you offer?
Through sufi911.com we focus on the physical body, again specializing in emergency input and care, but of course we see as many if not more, of chronic ailments as well. So immediate assistance for those needing a rapid favorable response, which most people when they come to us, never thought was possible with holistic medicine and dealing with serious issues such as cancer, autoimmune ailments, autism, Alzheimers, which are all just descriptions of some mishap in the body, they don’t explain the cause. With holistic medicine we’re dealing with causes. Actually holistic medicine is very simple, the cause of any symptom or labeled illness is one of two: Either something entered the body that doesn’t belong there, causing pain or disorder, or the body is missing a key ingredient that it needs to regenerate and heal. We don’t allow bad or wrong fuel into our cars, why aren’t we as meticulous with our bodies? When we follow a recipe for a meal, we don’t substitute for a main ingredient, we may do so for a trivial ingredient that is not decipherable, but we will not attempt it until and unless the main ingredient is found, that is how we regenerate or heal the body. Through our sister site sufisalon.com we see everyone who has been labeled with so-called, “mental illness” which I say is mainly “mental illness” coupled with unprocessed childhood trauma, and that’s where the explosion of the ‘mental health’ ailments are from. My book called “Mental Illness” explains all of this. Its subtitle is, “The biggest misconceptions of our times: Muslims, metals, and microbes. It can be found on our sufisalon.com site, by clicking on “Book” top right on the home page.
Sufi 911 operates under the belief that many health problems stem from ingesting harmful substances. What are some of the most common “injustices” to the body that you’ve identified, and how do you help people reverse their effects?
That is correct, no matter how much of the ‘good stuff’ we can take, whether from, food, water or air, organic supplements or foods, superfoods, if we don’t remove the harm, it’s one step forward, two steps back. As for the harmful substances, as I mentioned they would include, heavy metals, stemming from various routes, amalgam fillings, vaccines, the air, the food, water, and then pesticides, the plastics, poor air quality from mold, chemicals, any pollution, and on and on and now you can add the hybrid mosquitoes, various insects, ticks, ants, the hybrid mosquitoes of which may cause West nile virus, dengue fever, Eee-Eastern equine encephalitis. But I don’t want to overwhelm, especially the blissfully ignorant about all this, so we just focus on easy, gentle removal of harm, with our product line, and in our era, I don’t see an end to the devastation. The best thing to do is pick a regimen you can comply to and be consistent with, to fit into your lifestyle and keep to it regularly, whether it’s daily or few times a week or once in a while to clean out the body, and keep this terrain relatively clean. In this way, you don’t have to be overwhelmed with fear, not for the antigen nor any of these labels, just keep the body temple at least 60% clean. It is most crucial to clean the water within your body, just as you don’t need to give the fish in an aquarium much but wholesome food, and keep the water clean.
Going back to your question, again I would ask the question in reverse, “Where is there no harm?” As the default is, they’re everywhere. Our product line offers to your door, an easy way to get out of this ubiquitous grit and grime without leaving your home and even in many urgent cases, without going to the emergency room, that’s our competition. We produce the safest, yet most potent route to removal of the toxins coming at us from every direction. There are thousands of products in the market, but I scoured the earth looking for the top of the line, which produce immediate results, within seconds, minutes, hours or days, just like the ER department does, but without any of the downsides, and conveniently taken without buying bulky expensive machines, that are hard to hook up to, let alone being outrageously expensive, though they may work. We’ve tested just about everything out there, not letting obstacles of country or machine or modality unturned. What we have now continues to produce the most radical and satisfying results in real time, without any harm or inconvenience. In addition we have compared our results to the bulky big boxed units, like hyperbaric chambers, IV infusions, and routes that holistic centers use, that do produce results but many of our clients can’t even get out of bed, it may be too taxing for them. Yet, even compared to such things that often work, our line has produced even better results but with ease of convenience at home. We are swimming in the open blue ocean, meaning we have no competition, so we compete with ourselves
In your work, you’ve encountered individuals who are committed to unraveling their health mysteries. What qualities or mindset do you believe are essential for someone to successfully navigate this journey with you?
They must realize the last point, that we are living in toxic terrain, these poisons from the environment, the food, air and water must be filtered out of our bodies, but with wisdom, not forcefully not rapidly but at a level safe for each individual which varies, but certainly and surely, in order to get at the bulk of our healing. Anyone may pick anything from our product line, but for anything serious, chronic or urgent, I would recommend looking into our mentoring services in addition. Also I would add that through our mentoring services, we also make custom products to tweak according to your needs. If you just email and engage with us, from any walk of life, and with any level of financial stability or not, you will find we work with anyone, and if not able to purchase at full price we provide assistance, never turning anyone away for lack of funds, as it is your birthright to have complete health, regardless. We are a club, not a business, looking to help anyone who truly needs our services. We do regular complementary support services to make sure you get results.