Today, we delve into the transformative journey of Beth Helbrow. Beth’s professional beginnings in education took a profound turn after a series of personal challenges, leading her to retrain in various healing modalities and ultimately find her true calling as a spiritual life coach and healer. Learn more in her exclusive MysticMag interview below.
What were your professional beginnings like and what led you down this spiritual path?
Although I have always been a spiritual soul, professionally, I started life out very differently from where I am now. I worked in education for over 20 years in management, first in a college and then in a university. It wasn’t until I had my second breakdown that I knew things really had to change and so I retrained, initially in massage and then in Reiki, Crystal Healing, and Goddess Elemental Healing.
During my Reiki Attunement, my Reiki Master told me that Goddess was waiting for me and when I was ready, I should make my way to the Temple at Glastonbury. At the time I had no idea what that meant and it wasn’t until I did the Goddess Elemental healing that I had my first lightbulb moment and discovered the beginning of my true path, finding Goddess.
I love learning and developing myself so during the Covid lockdowns I decided to retrain as Spiritual Life Coach and as a meditation teacher. I also set up an online crystal business which I did for a while but eventually, I knew the coaching was my true path and so closed the crystal business down.
After lockdown, I began volunteering every week at the Goddess Temple in Glastonbury and I felt that I had come home. It was there I discovered the Silver Spiral Priestess training, learning to work with Goddess and Astrology. At that moment I knew I had found my true calling.
I have always been drawn to the moon and felt a strong connection to her. Astrology has always interested me too so I knew this was my path. I have been on the most transformational journey with my training and Maria Jones is the most beautiful and inspirational teacher you could ever ask for.
What is your approach to spiritual coaching and what can people hope to achieve through it?
I always approach my coaching from a place of service, ensuring that my clients know that they are safe and are held in a loving container without judgement or fear. That is incredibly important.
I like to bring the moon into my coaching, and we work with her cycle, encouraging my clients to do release work at the time of the dark moon and full moon and setting intentions at the time of the new moon. I believe that this helps them to live life more in flow and develop healthy practices and rituals. Setting intentions to me is a healthy, less pressured, yet more focused way of setting goals.
We usually begin by looking at core beliefs and what brings my clients joy. This can help bring some sense of direction and focus. However, it is important that my clients are in the driving seat and so I always ask them what their intentions are for the session and what they would like to achieve.
For many of my clients, after working with me, they feel much lighter, like a huge weight has been lifted. They also feel as though they have a greater sense of direction, purpose, and focus. They have been able to introduce a sustainable practice of sacred self-care and start living an authentic life, according to their truth and belief systems.
Self-worth, limiting beliefs and negative thinking are often themes that my clients come to me with and so I help them work through those issues, helping them to feel empowered and confident. They leave me with the necessary tools they need to be able to live a fulfilling and meaningful life.
Can you walk me through one of your Blueprint of your Soul readings?
These are so powerful; I absolutely love creating them. These are Goddess Centred and so I look at the birth chart from a divine feminine perspective rather than traditional astrology that brings in both masculine and feminine energies. I also avoid using old-fashioned language such as ‘planets are in exaltation, detriment or fall’. Instead, I bring in a much more positive perspective. This is not bypassing but rather looking for opportunities and challenges, the lessons that the placements want to teach you, to help you develop and grow. It is a far more constructive and helpful attitude I believe and this is where Goddess is so supportive.
The readings have been described by clients as though I am able to look deep into their souls, helping them understand themselves better and helping them see the areas they want to work on, their challenges, and opportunities. They are a fabulous coaching tool.
What other astrology services do you offer?
Currently, I am not offering any other pure astrology services. However, having just studied progressions and been totally blown away by the impact of that I will be looking to add that soon I think as I believe it will be a powerful addition to my coaching as well as stand-alone. I love how astrology can be such a powerful tool for soul development.
I have been looking into Asteroid placements though and there maybe some future work there to be developed which would include meditations, journaling and affirmations. It is something that is currently sitting quietly in the background.
What can you tell me about The Sacred Sanctuary?
The Sacred Sanctuary is something I am incredibly proud of. I love working with the moon and have felt a draw to her ever since I can remember. I wanted to create a membership to help anyone who was interested in working with the moon, but I wanted it to be more than just a run-of-the-mill kind of thing. I have created it very much for those who are new or relatively new to her, or to developing a spiritual practice.
Each month members receive 3 in-depth workbooks to work through for the dark moon, the new moon, and the full moon. The books guide you step by step, working through each phase, paying particular attention to the sign that she is sitting in.
They help you with ideas, themes, and recommendations for release work, intention setting, taking inspired action, journaling prompts, creating affirmations, cleansing, and implementing sacred self-care. They have a strong coaching feel and are wonderful for self-development. Some months also include bonus books.
Also in the membership is a library of over 20 guided meditations to access and each month I do a video introducing you to the energies of the month and I finish with a 3 card reading.
It was really important that the membership was totally flexible with no contract. I don’t like being tied into things and so didn’t want anyone else to feel that way either. It may sound a bit odd, but I wanted anyone who joined to appreciate the freedom of the membership.
Is there anything else about your work that you’d like to share that we haven’t covered?
I have recently started a beautiful online 8-week group coaching programme called the Soulful Sanctuary which is all about helping women find serenity and balance through developing a practice of sacred self-care and learning to live in flow with the moon. It is incredibly powerful, and the results have been phenomenal.
I only take a maximum of 4 women at a time to keep it intimate and they learn how to work with the moon, release blocks, negative thinking, and limiting beliefs, and start learning how they can set their intentions to prioritise themselves and discover their true soul purpose in the process, what brings them joy and helps them live a more authentic life. I am so blessed to be able to help women in this way.
To learn more about Beth and her work, you can visit www.bethhelbrow.com