MysticMag chats with Bill Sanda, a spiritual seeker for over four decades, who has studied with renowned spiritual masters. His gift for channeling the energies of the Akashic Records and Light Language became apparent years ago, and he now offers this service as a gift to the world. Bill’s compassionate clarity is a positive force for those seeking wholeness. He works with individuals of all ages, including adults, youth, and children, as well as families and groups. Bill feels blessed to have discovered his passion and path in life, using the powerful process of Akashic Clearing with Light Language for healing on emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual levels. His intention is to empower clients to reveal and be more of who they truly are and more readily access their infinite potentialities. He is honored to share this energy with others, aiming to facilitate deep transformation and self-healing.
Bill, can you share more about your journey and how you discovered your gift for accessing the Akashic Records and Light Language?
My conscious journey to realizing there was more than just the 3D world began when I was 11 years old. I grew up outside of Chicago, IL, and at the time, my primary interest was baseball. I didn’t care much about anything else. My parents weren’t interested in organized religion, so I never went to church, read the Bible, or attended Sunday school. One day, while walking back from baseball practice, about a block and a half from home, I heard a voice in the back of my head say, “God does not live outside of you. God lives within you – you are God.” As an 11-year-old kid with no interest in religion or spirituality, hearing this was really strange. The concept of spirituality was foreign to me. Hearing the voice challenged my preconceived notions. I didn’t think of God as a male figure with a long white robe, a long white beard, throwing thunderbolts. So, what do I do with this information at 11 years of age? Surprisingly, I wasn’t freaked out by it. It felt normal, even though it obviously wasn’t. When I got home and told my parents, they kind of freaked out and said I was weird, and the whole thing was dropped. I had no context to understand it until I was in my 30s.
I was trained as an engineer, so my thinking was very left-brain oriented, but I also had a strong right brain. In my 30s, my right brain kicked in more, and I began exploring personal development. I did a self-help program called the est Training developed by Werner Erhardt, now known as Landmark Education, which was popular in the 80s. This led me to explore other forms of personal growth.
My first channeling experience was in the early 90s with a woman who claimed to be a “walk-in”, a human being whose soul leaves the human body, the body survives, and a new soul enters that body. Thousands of people claim that they are walk-ins. In the case of this person, I actually saw a video of her transitioning from one soul to another while maintaining the same physical body. The video revealed her sitting surrounded by a group of friends when all of a sudden you see a white light shooting out of her crown chakra. She slumps over and then a light energy enters her crown chakra. She reanimates as a different personality, different person, different name. It’s called a walk-in.
She was the first person that I ever worked with who was channeling, and she channeled a Native American energy. That was quite revealing to me. From there, I learned transformational breath work and subsequently taught this to many people. Later on, I was involved with the men’s movement, an offshoot of the feminist movement, and taught a lot of men both breathwork and other practices. Through this men’s work, I participated in Native American sweat lodges and indigenous-based initiation ceremonies.
I then got involved with flower essences, vibrational essences, and other channeled energies. It was in 2010 when I was living in Charlottesville, VA, that a friend of mine introduced me to speakers from the Edgar Cayce Foundation. There was a book on the table called “Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records.” Of the 14,000 healings that Cayce performed over the course of his life, 3,000 were done in the Akashic Records. I had heard of the Akashic Records at the time but had no particular feel for it, nor a real interest in it. As I was walking by the table, the book literally leaped off the table and energetically smacked me in the head as I heard “Read me.” You know, one of those moments where something falls in front of you, and you feel compelled to engage with it. That’s when I read the book and realized, “Oh my, I have the innate ability and gift to read the Akashic Records and I am to do this the rest of my life, 24/7.” So, I’m the latest incarnation, you might say, of this gift of how I work with the Akashic Records. I also discovered that to effectively transmit the Akashic Record energy to a client, I mostly speak in what is called Light Language, a form of energetic communication that is often described as a multidimensional language of the soul. It is a channeling of higher frequencies, vibrations, and information through various forms such as sounds and tones, a frequency conversation if you will.
It’s been an amazing journey ever since. I’ve worked with thousands and thousands of individuals. I offer private sessions and small group work with the Akashic Records and give public talks about them. It’s been a real joy and love of my life.
I’ve done a lot of healing work before and after accessing the Records, chipping away at all these subconscious patterns that have been driving my life. I was really quite an angry person and had to release a lot of that anger and understand where it came from, both in childhood and past life experiences. I am a totally different person now than I was five, ten, or twenty years ago.
How do you interpret the information you receive from the Akashic Records, and how do you ensure the accuracy and relevance of the messages you convey to clients?
I do not interpret in the sense that I don’t give any explanation. The energy that comes out of my mouth is what you get. Some people get kind of fuzzy about that or ask, “What’s my process? How do I access the Records?” I just access the Records. It’s my gift, my innate talent. I don’t have to do any kind of process, prayer, meditation, or shamanic journey. I just have this ability to connect the individual to their Akashic Records, that energy of the individual from all their past lives. It’s just a gift of mine.
I don’t have an off button; it happens naturally, like speaking to another person. I always ask permission to work. I don’t work with anybody without their permission, plus if they’re under 18, I have to have the permission of their parents.
Speaking in English is only part of it. I become a sentient channel, and it’s a collaborative process with the individual. It’s not me doing something to them; it’s collaborating with them. So, what happens is that the individual’s higher self or essence connects with my essence, my higher self, and we go on a trip into the Akashic Records. We do a dance together – it’s the intricate dance of energy, and I have that innate ability to connect to their particular energetic field that we label as the Akashic Records.
That energy is connecting through the individual’s DNA, which science is now finding is not just a physical double helix; it’s actually more of a quantum energy. So, we’re dealing with the quantum energy aspect of your DNA, and that’s what I’m communicating through or with to access the Akashic Records. Your DNA is what carries your Akashic history, that connection with that history.
So, there is no interpretation; it’s a direct communication with that individual or individuals. I can also work with groups. It doesn’t matter whether it’s one person, ten, a hundred or a thousand. It doesn’t really matter to me. Working with either the collective of all these essences of the individuals in the rooms or by video or whatever the case might be, or the particular individual. I’ve been working with people as young as two months old up to people in their 80s or 90s. It really doesn’t matter.
What role does Light Language play in your Akashic Record sessions, and how does it enhance the healing process?
Light language is a significant part of how I work, and it sets my approach apart from what most other Akashic record readers offer. My work is essentially a frequency conversation; it’s not about the spoken words or the language we use. While I do speak in English during channeling to help individuals understand the energy we’re working with, such as specific chakras, the words themselves are not the focus. Occasionally, I might provide additional information in English, like when I had an image of a wild boar for a client, indicating a new power animal for them. However, this happens spontaneously, and I’m not consciously aware of it during the session.
I don’t go into a trance during my sessions; I remain fully present and engaged. Light Language has been a part of my work since I started with the Akashic Records. It can be described as the language of the soul, not understandable or interpretable like human languages. It’s a frequency conversation that works through your DNA. It’s something that needs to be experienced to be fully understood, as it can sound different to different people, resembling various human languages or even sounding like the precursor of human language.
During an Akashic Record session, which typically lasts about an hour, we first have a conversation to familiarize you with how I work and what to expect. Every individual responds differently to this work, as everyone has different issues from this lifetime and past lifetimes. The goal is to help you identify and clear subconscious patterns, moving them into your light, love, and healing energy. My role is to collaborate with you in identifying and clearing these patterns so that they no longer impact you. This allows you to create a future that is not based on your past but on your present and your True Self, which is love, joy, compassion, passion, appreciation, kindness, grace, gratitude, and generosity. Light Language facilitates this personal transformation.
Could you explain how Akashic Clearings can be beneficial for families and children, and what outcomes can they expect from these sessions?
When working with clients, I work with people of all ages, from two months old to adults. When it comes to working with children, I find it essential to work with at least one of the parents beforehand. There’s no point in working with a child and putting them back into the same energy field that the family is living in. So, I insist on working with at least one of the parents, if not both, before working with the child. I then get their permission to work with the child and address whatever issues are going on.
Typically, when I’m working with a baby or a young child, I’ll conduct a series of short sessions, maybe 10-15 minutes each, spread over a month. I record these sessions and then review them with the mother or father and, hopefully, the child online, either through video or phone. The recordings can be played back to the child, perhaps during sleep or quiet times.
I’ve seen remarkable results with this approach. For example, I worked with a four-year-old who was non-verbal due to autism. After just one session, the child said “mommy” for the first time in his life. We were able to identify and clear the patterns that were preventing him from speaking, allowing him to communicate with his parents for the first time.
Working with children and adults often involves emotional release. This can include sadness, anger, and even fears stemming from past lives. I’ve worked with healers who have been persecuted in past lives, such as during the witch trials, and these experiences can leave deep-seated fears that need to be addressed.
Every session is different, and I never know what might show up. I once worked with a 13-year-old girl whose mother was present in the room. During the session, I saw a vision of the girl being initiated into womanhood by a circle of elders. This was a profound experience for the mother, who expressed regret that she hadn’t been able to provide such an initiation for her daughter herself.
I’ve also worked with children impacted by drug addiction. For example, I worked with a two-year-old boy whose parents were addicted to fentanyl. The boy had to go through withdrawal after birth and was being raised by his grandmother, who was also my client. Through our sessions, we were able to clear the energetic impacts of the drug addiction, allowing the child to thrive despite his difficult start in life.
One thing I always emphasize is the importance of working with the mother, as she is often the emotional center of the family. Clearing issues with the mother can have a profound impact on the child, even if I’m not directly working with the child. I’ve found that clearing these energetic patterns can have a significant positive impact on the child’s well-being.
How has this work changed your life and contributed to your spiritual growth?
It’s hard to fully capture the depth of my work, as it’s truly phenomenal. I feel so much love for this work and seeing the expressions of joy, love, and anticipation from individuals after a session is incredibly rewarding. People might come in feeling angry or grumpy, not wanting to be there, but during the session, there’s a shift, a change in both them and me. It’s amazing how someone can come in looking grey and tired and leave with bright colors on their face, their blood flowing better, their eyes shining. I jokingly call the work a “cheap facelift” because, instead of getting a surgical facelift, we’re releasing the stresses that age us. Stress is one of the biggest contributors to aging, and when you release it, the true vitality of the individual reveals itself. It’s astonishing. I’ve had women scream with joy when they see themselves after a session because they don’t recognize the vibrant, youthful face staring back at them. It’s not just a temporary change either; these are permanent shifts. We’re releasing stress from all levels – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual – and the entire energy field shifts and changes. People look and feel so much younger, lively, and vibrant. That’s why I do this work. It’s a gift, and I love being able to offer it to individuals around the world.
If you would like to find out more about Bill Sanda, please visit https://www.myakashichealing.com/