Join MysticMag and embark on a journey through the realms of psychic insight and transformative coaching as we delve into a captivating conversation with Bonita Kay Summers. Discover her lifelong exploration of psychic abilities, profound spiritual experiences, and how she utilizes practices like Psych-K and intuitive coaching to empower individuals on their unique paths.
How much has your life changed after discovering your psychic abilities?
I was born into a line of psychics. My grandmother was a medium in England, and my mom inherited abilities as well. As a toddler, I was already clairaudient and clairvoyant. At 5, I would run downstairs and say, “Mom, I heard the voices again.” My mother would reply with a nonchalant, “That’s nice, dear.” She grew up the same way, so it was never treated as anything but normal. It wasn’t until I was in grade school and telling kids about my experiences, that I learned I was “weird”. I read a lot of books on the paranormal when I was a kid, and I began giving readings at 18. So, the psychic realm has always been a big part of my life. At 60, my love for and dedication to spiritual development has only deepened.
As a child, my visions and the voices I heard often frightened me, so I shut them down to some degree, until I was old enough to handle my experiences. As a parent, I had to learn to be nonchalant when my kids exhibited similar traits and saw dead family members, or verbally responded to my thoughts! I wanted my kids to just be kids, so I didn’t make a big deal out of their abilities — I didn’t deny the existence of these traits either. None of them chose my profession when they became adults, but I suspect a few do use their intuition in their work!
Having psychic abilities gave me a broader view of life. Everyone I’ve ever loved has visited me after their death – and imparted such an incredible feeling of exquisite joy that from that moment on, I was happy for them and their new adventure. It was interesting to be at my Italian grandmother’s wake, viewing her body while having internal conversations with her. I have always had my feet in two worlds. So, I’ve never viewed death as an end. I can also recall several past lives in which I worked on the same patterns I’m facing in this life — and I’ve had encounters in this lifetime with friends from past lives, and we’ve instantly recognized each other and been able to share memories of those lives.
My dream life has always been rich and occasionally prophetic, and I’ve gotten very good at dream interpretation since I spent most of my life interpreting my own. I developed my lucid dreaming and recall abilities such that I could spend time in the morning writing down as many as seven dreams from the night before. I used to keep dream diaries so I could track recurring themes over the years. I also planned experiments to conduct during my lucid dream states, and then would carry them out, and note my observations afterwards.
I love quantum physics and how it presents a scientific explanation for the metaphysical (read “The Holographic Universe” by Michael Talbot). I see the world as an expression of my consciousness. If I don’t like the way something is occurring in the world around me, I go inward to work on whatever issue is disrupting my life. Once the internal shift has occurred, the external world naturally begins to reflect that change.
What is Advanced Psych-K?
Psych-K, or psychological kinesiology, is a series of processes, known as “balances”, that help to overcome limiting fears, beliefs, and habits, by establishing in the subconscious new beliefs that work to our benefit. Psych-K sessions are usually done in person. However, Advanced Psych-K practitioners can conduct sessions long distance, using a process called “surrogation”, where the practitioner channels the subconscious of the client through their body and performs the balances on themselves – with the client feeling the benefit during and after the session.
Psych-K has been around for decades, and I’ve seen it do a great job of lessening the energy that drives behaviour, so it gets easier to see patterns before they erupt and do harm. The more we can create space between a stimulus and our response to it, the more aware we can become, and the more effective and compassionate we can be in our reaction.
What are the ideas you base your Psychic Life Coaching on?
I believe we come into this world as loving, expansive awareness. However, well-meaning parents, teachers, and society project on us ideas about who we can be, and what we can have or do. Over time, we buy into that set of ideas, and it becomes our ego. Traits outside of that set become shadows and stay hidden in the recesses of our subconscious where they influence our decisions and beliefs. This results in distorted identities, destructive patterns and behaviours, insecurity, fear, and lack of motivation.
By tapping into the subconscious, I am able to identify the patterns that were created by the psyche to cope with whatever traumas occurred in childhood and beyond, quickly pointing out the source of the issues my clients face. Then, I use techniques developed over 40 years in my practice to help clients connect with those patterns, bring them to consciousness, and integrate them. The end result is more energy, better decision-making, greater happiness and satisfaction, and a life lived with purpose and enthusiasm.
You also offer Psychic Business Coaching. How much is your approach here different from Psychic Life Coaching?
The two are similar in that we bring ourselves to our work, including our subconscious patterns and beliefs that influence how we show up in our profession, and how well we are able to take action to ensure we are well-compensated. I also build my clients’ websites, set up their SEO, and teach them how to promote their work via their website and social media. I help my clients to overcome any hindering beliefs around career, and I support those in unsuitable professions to align themselves with their purpose and step into a work-life they can love.
What are your Psychic Parties like?
Parties are a lot of fun because they usually involve a group of friends and/or family who know each other well! I give the option to put me in a private room for individual readings, but guests often elect to be in the room together. The result is entertaining, poignant, and funny at times, as I tap into each guest’s psyche and help them understand what their inner wisdom most wants them to know for their path at this time! I invite each guest to record their session on their phones. For online clients, I provide a video and audio recording of their session.
I also do parties via Zoom, so that clients can have fun with their friends and loved ones wherever they are!
Is there anything else about your work that you’d like to share and that we haven’t covered?
I am an empath, so I feel in my body what my clients feel, and I get messages from the subconscious as visions, auditory messages, physical cues, and energetic sensations. I am also able to see the chakras (energy centres in the body). Some people prefer to work with me for a single session, but many clients opt for a discounted package of hours to share with family, or to work with me to do deep spiritual development over a series of sessions. I also teach clients how to develop their psychic abilities, and I have an online course at www.souldecisionleadership.com.
To learn more about Bonita and her work, you can visit her website at www.spiritkelowna.com