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Life Between Lives with Diana Paque

Life Between Lives with Diana Paque

Embark on a journey into the realms of hypnotherapy and spiritual exploration as we sit down with Dr. Diana Paque. From her unexpected entry into hypnotherapy to the profound insights gained through past life and interlife regression, Diana shares the transformative power of these therapies and the profound connection between mind, body, and soul, with MysticMag‘s readers.

How did you get into hypnotherapy and what sparked your interest in it?

I had left an academic job about a year before and hadn’t found a new position. A friend was interested in doing hypnotherapy training, so we both ended up taking the training together. I knew little about it, but found it was something that intrigued me. I hadn’t anticipated having to do my own work as part of the process; I just thought we would learn some skills to apply to others. As I proceeded through the 4-month course, I became more interested in aspects that were new to me, such as energy and regression therapies. As a result, I continued and gained further certifications in these areas and continued to do a supervised clinical program following these to practice with clients.

How does Past Life Regression work?

The purpose of a past life regression is to support the client in greater understanding of themselves by seeing themselves in another body in another time and place. Through relaxation, the client is supported in releasing their focus from this current lifetime and moving back into another body. The past life is then explored, looking for themes, challenges, lessons, and experiences. The client is then supported finishing the life and then is able to look back at this past life and observe what happened and what it means for both that lifetime and the current lifetime. Because the soul has lived both incarnations, there is generally continuity of learning.

I help the client set an intention prior to visiting a past life so they are choosing a meaningful one. We are able to observe what happened, who was in that life with them, how they felt, what stimulated or drove them, etc. When the client finishes the journey, we then look at what had occurred and what it means for this current lifetime.  Sometimes they find that the past life marks the beginning of an exploration they have the opportunity to complete or make great strides on in this lifetime. Sometimes it can show work that one started with someone that is now coming up again in this lifetime and give an understanding of what one had done in the past with that work. As humans are attuned to learn through stories, this work tells the client’s past story of a lifetime and leaves open the chapter for what it means in the current life.

What is Interlife Regression?

Interlife Regression and Life Between Lives ™ Regression are the same thing. Many practitioners use the term Interlife regression but Life Between Lives is trademarked by the Michael Newton Institute for their between lives work. This was the foundational work done by Dr Michael Newton starting in the 1960s and 70s where he regressed clients into past lives and then found that when supported in dying out of those lives, they were free from being in a body, an incarnation, and simply in the state of soul, connected to consciousness itself. From this perspective, they were able to gain a systemic view of their soul’s journey and they were able to inquire about the questions and concerns that faced them in their current lives.

You also offer Life Between Lives Regression. What can you tell me about that part of your work?

When the client is supported in going beyond the human body, connecting with all of consciousness, all of the love, wisdom, knowledge, and expansiveness of the universe is available. The facilitator has worked with the client in advance to determine intentions for the work, as well as specific questions they may have, and supports the client in navigating this between lives portion of their experiential journey. Sometimes they may have a desire to meet members of their soul group, or engage with a loved one who has died, or see the record of all of their lives, or meet to work on a project they have been in engaged in while on earth. When the soul goes home, they are supported in refamiliarizing with their environment and then choosing what they want to do. During the process, we always visit their Council of Wise Beings, energies that have supported them throughout the journeys of their soul. In this visit, the client is able to directly ask their questions and receive answers.  The Council is concerned with the soul’s journey more than the internal workings of an individual lifetime, and so their answers may appear vague or nonresponsive at first.  The client needs to be gently guided to hear the answers and reformulate questions to receive relevant responses.

The work on the soul plane is very deep work and is generally not the first stage in one’s explorations. One can encounter blockages from this lifetime that may hinder progress and need to be addressed first. For example, the person who wants to go between lives to avoid destroying her 3rd marriage likely has issues in this current life that needs to be addressed before she is ready to be open to the deeper and larger learning available. Regression supports these deeper inquiries and requires a significant level of trust between the client and the facilitator. Past life work can show what learning and issues were encountered before and leading to this current life, and the work between lives can support the person to gain greater understanding of the meaning for the soul and what one can choose in this current lifetime.

What is the difference between Usui Reiki and Kali-Ki Reiki?

Usui Reiki is the most common tradition of reiki taught in the western US and comes from the work of a Japanese doctor who learned that working with the energy of a person can support healing in addition to whatever might be happening in the physical body. Reiki is a spiritual healing practice that can provide relaxation, and through relaxation the body and all of its manifestations can open to healing. Kali ki Reiki is a new tradition developed and taught by Rajashree Maa of the Wisdon School in Napa, CA. The basis for this practice is the recognition that we are all part of the divine, and we are connected to the Loveforce of the Universe. Kali ki practitioners ignite the loveforce in the client to support the client in strengthening their connections to this loving and healing force. Kali ki reiki is not merely a treatment but a way of life supporting the alignment of the body, mind and spirit with Divine Love. To become a reiki master, one must not only complete the courses and practice doing reiki on one’s self and others, but one must also develop a deeper connection to the loveforce energies through meditation, yoga, and increased personal commitment to its principles.

If I were to look at my history with developing spirituality and spiritual practices, I can see my growth from curiosity in my youth to engagement with living a life of deeper purpose in my later years. And, as with therapies and techniques, we start at the place we are and grow as we connect and learn. Clients who come for hypnotherapy want their problems resolved and relieved, and we as facilitators use the techniques best suited for what they need and where they are in their lives. The basis for this work is safety and trust, because a client does not relax and open tender spaces unless they feel safe to be vulnerable. Each of the techniques I practice revolve around serving the highest interests of the client. It is not my role to force anything onto the client. I am a guide and a facilitator. I provide safety for the client to be vulnerable and to open to the work that presents itself. And the more work I do on myself, the more I am able to help others.


To learn more about Dr. Diana and her work, you can visit www.dpconsulting.biz

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MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Predrag Vlatkovic
Content Editor and Coordinator
Content Editor and Coordinator
Predrag Vlatkovic is a Content Editor and Coordinator at MysticMag. His work includes engaging interviews with professionals from various spiritual fields, alternative medicine, astrology, energy healing, and more. With a focus on growing our blog and bringing readers insightful stories, Predrag stays connected to the latest developments in the spiritual community. His interest in the filed began at a young age. From visiting a palm reader and conducting a small interview for his personal website to now interviewing spiritual leaders from around the world, his passion for the spiritual and mystic world continues to grow. Outside of work, Predrag enjoys meditating, playing board games like chess and Dungeons & Dragons, and spending time in nature with a good book always by his side.