In the ever-evolving journey of self-discovery, finding a guide who can seamlessly weave together the threads of mental, emotional, and spiritual growth is rare. Dijana Harris, a Holistic Counsellor, Psychotherapist, and Spiritual Mentor, has dedicated her practice to doing just that. With a deep commitment to empowering individuals, families, and communities, she helps her clients explore, heal, and integrate every facet of their being. Dijana’s unique blend of counseling, psychotherapy, and spiritual mentorship equips her clients with the tools and insights necessary for true personal transformation and lasting self-actualization. Through her holistic approach, Dijana addresses the complexities of the human experience—honoring mental, physical, emotional, and quantum energy dimensions. Her methodology is like an ignition switch that sparks introspection, guiding clients to shift perspectives, unravel limiting beliefs, and embrace their potential. As a result, they embark on a journey towards greater inner peace, enhanced focus, cognitive clarity, and emotional resilience. Whether working with individuals or entire communities, Dijana’s work goes beyond surface-level solutions. She creates a sacred space for exploring the depths of one’s soul, facilitating a transformative process that ultimately leads to a thriving, harmonious, and deeply fulfilling life. Join Mystic Mag as we delve into the mind and heart of Dijana Harris to learn how she awakens the power within and helps her clients ignite their true essence.
Your approach to counseling is deeply holistic, integrating mental, physical, emotional, and quantum energy aspects. How do you ensure that these different dimensions of a person’s being are harmonized in the healing process?
Essentially, I have always worked holistically, even before I started my business. My journey toward health, well-being, and mental health has always been rooted in a holistic approach. As I mentioned earlier, my family and I immigrated from the former Yugoslavia to Australia in 1988 when I was 17 years old. My father was a professional soccer player (as they say here in Australia, meaning a football player), which is how we ended up here.
At the time, I didn’t know much about natural medicine, though I grew up with a lifestyle that was naturally inclined toward health. We grew our own vegetables and fruit. In Subotica, the town where I’m from, it’s almost like a village. We had land, animals, chickens, ducks, rabbits, and everything we needed. That’s how I grew up, but despite that upbringing, I didn’t have the answers I needed for my health.
For most of my life, I suffered from endometriosis. At that time, few people knew about the condition. If you’re unfamiliar with it, it causes a very painful monthly cycle, along with other symptoms that affect the female body. When we first arrived in Sydney, the doctors simply wanted to put me on the pill, but I had a terrible side-effects. I experienced migraines, acne, and gained 10 kilos in just one month. It was a horrible experience, so after about three months, I stopped taking the pill.
At that time, I was 18 years old, struggling with adjusting to Australia. I missed my friends, my life in Subotica, and cried a lot. I was looking for something that could help me find some peace because those first few years in Australia were really difficult. That’s when I found a meditation class, which was the beginning of my journey into spirituality. I started learning about meditation, breathwork, and pranic healing. From there, I moved on to studying natural medicine to help my body. I learned about vitamins, minerals, herbs, and how to integrate them into my life.
In my 30s, psychology entered my life when I was studying to become a herbalist. I came across a course that integrated natural medicine with psychology, and I immediately thought, “This is it. This is what I am meant to do.”
So, to answer your question about how I work with clients, it doesn’t matter what presenting issue the client needs help with. Any consultation begins with three key aspects: How is your sleep? How much water do you drink? And what’s your nutrition like? These are essential because someone dealing with depression, anxiety, or any other mental health symptoms often has a foggy mind. They can’t take in new information because they’re in survival mode, just trying to move forward one small step at a time.
That’s why we always start with the basics. It may take one or two sessions to make small changes in those areas. Once the brain has rested a bit and the person is no longer so much in survival mode, we can begin to heal, reprogram the mind, understanding what’s happening biologically, psychologically, and energetically.
It takes time, but this is always the starting point. You can’t learn new things when you can barely see in front of you, let alone have a professional tell you what to do.
Many people struggle with entrenched beliefs and values that limit their growth. What strategies do you use to help individuals recognize and release these limiting beliefs?
There are two other components to this story that are common for almost everyone. The first is self-awareness. The journey of survival mode means that our focus and attention are either too far ahead in the future—”Oh my God, what’s coming? I’m scared, and I don’t know what’s ahead”—or too stuck in the past: “Something happened to me back then, and I’m so broken, hurt, or scared that I haven’t figured out how to move forward.”
With this dynamic, two things happen:
- We’re not living in the present.
- Our focus is always outside of ourselves, never inward.
It’s a twofold issue. From a spiritual perspective, this involves working on the third eye, which is linked to internal vision. When we activate the third eye, we begin to see not just externally but inwardly. We start to learn who we actually are, rather than who society tells us we are.
Secondly, this inward focus brings us more into the present moment. The more we are present in the now, the less power the future or the past has over us. We begin to reclaim our power and strength.
What type of services do you offer?
As I mentioned, my focus has always been on health and well-being, with a holistic approach. Over the years, I’ve offered holistic counseling practices and services. However, more recently, I’ve shifted away from traditional counseling and moved more into spiritual mentoring. What I found is that the individuals who were coming to me for help, support, or personal development often arrived at a place where they were centered in their hearts. This expansion allowed them to embrace a broader, more cohesive, and unifying spiritual worldview.
As a result, I started working more within the quantum field, if you will. You mentioned quantum and energetic fields earlier, and while I’m not a scientist, I’ve been a very keen student of quantum physics for a long time. Primarily, I’ve been interested in how spiritual practices can be intelligently explained by science. I’ve found that quantum physics, or quantum mechanics, does this best, and there’s now a lot of research supporting this.
What fascinates me most is how we can apply these concepts directly to everyday life—whether it’s waking up in the morning, having a cup of coffee, or checking in on our mood, emotional well-being, physical health, and mental health. How do these quantum principles relate to our daily lives, and how can I help people understand them in a way that enhances their overall well-being?
Holistic counseling emphasizes addressing the “whole” person. How do you approach clients who may initially be more focused on only one aspect of themselves, such as emotional or physical well-being?
When a person reaches out for help, it’s important for me to understand what a client thinks the problem is, because their perception tells me a story about where they are at in their journey. However, in terms of a holistic approach to healing, it doesn’t matter where we start. Whether we begin with overwhelming emotions, a mental breakdown, or a physical issue, the process will naturally weave in different aspects of the whole person.
There are some patterns I’ve noticed. For instance, feminine energy tends to be more emotional, while masculine energy is often more analytical and focused in the head. Part of the healing process involves understanding how these different aspects of a person are connected—how the left side of the brain (typically associated with action and doing) communicates with the right side (more feminine, creative, and nurturing). These conversations come up naturally, without a set formula, as the client guides the rhythm of the process, whether we move forward, sideways, or take an unexpected turn.
For example, someone might come in with symptoms of depression, or even with a clinical diagnosis after working with a psychiatrist or psychologist. They may have tried medication or are still taking medication, which helps in the short-term but doesn’t solve the underlying issues—they often still feel numb. People like this often come to work with me because I help them embark on a journey of self-awareness, a sense of waking up and self-awareness rather than numbing down.
That feeling of awakening can happen anywhere within them. It could start in the gut as ‘gut feelings’ become more common, or be as simple as recognizing and remembering a dream they had as an insight, which previously would have caused panic. Maybe they’ll start journaling, practicing breathwork, listening to music, using incense, or even exploring how food and water can be medicine.
Speaking of water, the research on it is fascinating. How incredible is it that something as simple as water can support health and well-being? By creating intention in water and visualizing it nourishing your body as you drink it, you can engage in a conversation with your organs, letting oxygen flow through your breath—just extraordinary.
None of these practices require hours of time or cost money. What they do require is self-awareness, a little education, and the willingness to practice. Over time, you develop that inner knowing, that feeling inside where you just know—yes, this is right.
The concept of quantum energy is central to your practice. How do you introduce this idea to clients who may be unfamiliar or skeptical about energy-based healing?
It’s actually not that hard to understand when people think about it. Let me use a really simple example I share with people all the time. We all know that when there’s a full moon, the moon affects bodies of water, right? This is scientific knowledge. Since we are made up of about 80% water, the moon also has a direct effect on us, but it’s something unseen. We don’t ‘see’ the effect of the Moon’s energy on our body but can feel it. What we do see if the how rise of the tide on the bodies of water when the Moon is in effect. That’s how we know that this phenomenon is real.
The principle is the same for other situations. For example, when you walk into a room where people are having a great time, you can instantly feel the joy. Or, you walk into a space where someone is tense, angry, or upset, and you immediately sense it, making you want to leave. It’s the same principle. Most people can relate to this, even skeptics. They might say, “Oh yeah, I’ve had that experience.”
This opens the door a little to the possibility that this unseen energy or vibe is real. We just need a small opening like this for the brain or ego, the survival part of ourselves, to recognize it as a possibility. From there, we can expand on that knowledge. It doesn’t have to be a huge “aha” moment—sometimes it’s just about planting a seed in the consciousness.