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Dr. Dolores Fazzino - Bridging the Gap Between Physical and Spiritual Healing

Dr. Dolores Fazzino - Bridging the Gap Between Physical and Spiritual Healing

In the realm of holistic healing, few practitioners possess the unique blend of expertise that Dr. Dolores Fazzino brings to the table. As an author, nurse practitioner, spiritual intuitive, and energy whisperer, her mission is clear: to help people heal in ways they never thought possible. Dr. Fazzino’s approach transcends traditional boundaries, seamlessly integrating the physical with the spiritual and the visible with the invisible to foster lasting health and true wellness. With a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of the mind-body connection, Dr. Fazzino’s work extends beyond conventional medicine. Her holistic perspective allows her to address the root causes of illness, guiding individuals on a journey towards healing and transformation. Through her intuitive insights and energy work, she offers a unique pathway to wellness that empowers individuals to tap into their innate healing abilities. Join Mystic Mag as we delve into Dr. Fazzino’s mission, exploring how she bridges the gap between physical and spiritual healing, and the profound impact her approach has on those she serves.

Your journey from music to healthcare is quite fascinating. Could you share more about the pivotal moment when you decided to shift your focus and pursue a career in nursing and energy healing?

I believe everyone has their own story. For me, it began in a household where expressing emotions wasn’t encouraged. Being born an empath, intuitive, and highly sensitive person, I felt everything deeply. My parents struggled to understand how to handle me because I didn’t fit into any conventional mold that could be easily controlled. Growing up, whenever something emotional or painful arose, my mother’s advice was to ignore it, assuming it would eventually fade away. However, as an empathic and sensitive child, ignoring these feelings only caused them to intensify and persist.

To cope with the intensity of my emotions, I sought a creative outlet, which led me to develop a strong interest in music, where I excelled. Concurrently, alongside my personal growth, a significant event occurred in my family’s life. In the mid-1960s, my father experienced a severe back injury that necessitated surgery. Unfortunately, during his hospitalization, he contracted a serious infection, which, at that time, often resulted in dire consequences. Witnessing my father’s suffering and the emotional toll it took on my family was a profound experience for me.

Despite the grim prognosis, my father miraculously survived the infection. However, over the next few years, from 1970 to 1975, his health remained precarious, with recurring episodes of compromised immunity leading to prolonged hospital stays and major surgeries. Each time, it felt like we were teetering on the edge of losing him. The uncertainty and fear became a constant shadow looming over our family.

By 1975, after enduring several cycles of these traumatic events, my mother was exhausted and desperate for answers. It’s important to recognize the context of the time—this was before the internet era, when information wasn’t as readily accessible. Despite the lack of resources, my family continued to navigate these challenges with resilience and determination.

My mom began exploring alternative possibilities and came across a write-up in the National Enquirer, which, despite being considered one of those scandalous tabloids of the day, featured an article about a minister from Caro, MI, approximately 1000 miles away from our home in Connecticut. This minister was being highlighted for his gift of laying on hands and had been practicing this type of healing work since 1950, nearly 25 years prior to the article being written. The feature recounted how he had helped his brother heal from leukemia.

My mom was immediately intrigued by this discovery, but my dad wasn’t as enthusiastic. Around the same time, there was a significant development in medical technology with the introduction of the first CAT scanner, marking a shift towards a new era in Western medicine. When my dad underwent a CAT scan, it revealed that his health issues, including the infections, stemmed from the site of his original back surgery in 1966.

The recommended solution was major back surgery known as spinal fusion, which in 1975 was still relatively new and carried significant risks, including paralysis or death. Faced with this daunting prospect, my mom shared the article about the spiritual healer with my dad, who agreed to consider it, but only if the surgeon approved.

In a remarkable turn of events, while my parents were still in the hospital, my mom approached the nurse’s station and boldly asked the surgeon if they could bring in a spiritual healer to assist with my dad’s recovery. Without hesitation, the surgeon granted permission. Delighted by this unexpected approval, my mom quickly relayed the news to my dad, who agreed to the idea.

Within minutes, my mom returned to the nurse’s station to inform the surgeon of my dad’s decision. The surgeon looked up at her and said, “What are you talking about? I never agreed with that.” This is where the universe seemed to be orchestrating events.

A month later, Reverend Holmes was in our humble home in Connecticut. My mom flew him out from Caro, Michigan, and my two grandmothers, brother, two sisters, and parents were all present. Reverend Holmes was a beautiful soul with great energy, radiating humility and practicality. It was remarkable how he knew that my dad had a leg length discrepancy, even though my dad was seated barefoot and his shoes with lifts were not visible.

Reverend Holmes instructed my father to elevate both his feet. When a book was placed under the longer foot, there was a noticeable one-inch gap. After praying over my father and touching his solar plexus and crown chakra, Reverend Holmes instructed him to lower his legs. Within minutes, he instructed my father to elevate both feet again, and to our amazement, they were now the same length. In that moment, my life changed forever. I realized my calling was no longer to become a concert clarinetist but to enter healthcare and bridge the gap between the physical and spiritual realms.

Following the healing session, my father wept with relief, needing validation that something profound had indeed occurred. He continued to receive healing from Reverend Holmes and was advised to rest for the next day. He slept for over 24 hours, understanding that after significant energy work, the body needs time to integrate and process the changes.

A month later, my father underwent a repeat CAT scan, which showed no evidence of infection. The surgery was no longer necessary, and he never experienced a recurrence of the problem in his lifetime. He passed away at the age of 80, about 12 years ago. This pivotal experience, once considered quackery in the 1970s, has since become more widely accepted. Witnessing this transformation and being part of it has been a profound journey of professional and personal growth. It’s about offering hope, inspiration, and empowerment, showing that healing can occur in ways previously thought impossible.

It’s a very interesting story. You know, I could see how my mom, you know, she did the best that she could. She was trying to keep it together. As a young woman in her 30s with four kids under the age of 8, not knowing whether or not her husband was going to live or die, it’s just like that was the way she coped with it. And, you know, I can’t, you know, criticize her for that. It’s just, you know, a lot of times as kids, we have different interpretations. It’s not until you’re older that you can really see what was really going on when you actually start healing those childhood wounds because of that, because it’s not as it appears. But we take things as a child way differently, because our perceptions are way different. So, there was a lot of healing that’s taking place around that.

Your approach to healing encompasses mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and even dimensional aspects. How do you assess and address these diverse dimensions of health in your clients’ healing journeys?

That’s an interesting question, and I’ll see if I can answer it as well as I can. We have to remember that our physical body is like the tip of the iceberg. We can see that; we can see the tip of the iceberg. A lot of times, underneath the surface, you can’t see the extent of what’s going on. So, if you can see the physical aspect of an iceberg in our physical body and what’s wrong with us, below the surface is the stuff that is still part of us, but it’s more unconscious. So, above the surface, it’s conscious, and below the surface, it’s unconscious. A lot of times, our beliefs are there: how we think, how we experience life, how we cope, whether or not we experience our emotions, stuff them, ignore them, or partially experience them. Our connectedness to ourselves – a lot of people are just so disconnected from their physical body; they’re in their heads all the time. When they’re in their heads all the time, they’re living in the past or the future, rarely in the present moment. When you are in your physical body, you are in the present moment. So, your connectedness with yourself, your divinity. Also, we are more than this dimension where we live; we live in multiple dimensions. So, a lot of times, we’re fractured all over the place, living in multiple dimensions at the same time, having different experiences. That’s going to be a little bit of a stretch for some people to wrap their minds around, but it’s true. And also, we have the ancestral lineage too, that interferes and plays into what’s going on. All of that, except the physical body, is below the surface that’s running the show.

So, what I have found through my career in healthcare – I’ve been in healthcare for well over 45 years – is that Western medicine is good at looking at the physical. Rarely do they look underneath the hood of the car and examine the emotional, mental, spiritual, conventional, and ancestral issues that contribute to creating the physical distress that people experience. They feel that they can treat everything the same, as if it was the same root origin. But it’s not. You could have 20 people who have been diagnosed with diabetes, and all of them, underneath the surface, have had different experiences that have contributed to creating that. When you don’t address what’s contributing to creating that and you just give medications and throw a Band-Aid on and say, “Change your diet,” well, that might help a little bit, but guess what? It’s never going to be cured unless you dig deep underneath the surface and see what the original wound is.

Healing, you know, working on this stuff requires courage and bravery to go there. Many people simply don’t want to; they just want a pill and to be done with it. They’re so disconnected that they just, you know, want instant relief. I’m committed to helping people heal at deep levels and move beyond surviving to thriving. So many of us give our power away to something outside of ourselves, instead of tapping into our inner wisdom, our innate healing ability. Seriously, we are sovereign beings. We are wired to heal. However, we often give that power away to something external. In healthcare, it’s the white coat, the doctor, or a pill or procedure, and then we think it’s the end-all, be-all. Like those weight loss drugs; they’re the biggest trend right now. However, we don’t know the long-term effects, and I’m sure they’re not pretty. But people want instant gratification; they want the quick fix. They don’t want to put in the work that they need to do, which is really a shame.

What type of services do you offer?

I offer coaching; I really like to help people. One product I offer is called “Becoming Your Own Best Friend.” It consists of six series of videos that delve into different foundational aspects of developing a relationship with oneself. The longest relationship one will have in their life is the relationship they have with themselves. People may not believe it, but it’s true because you’re with yourself 24/7, your entire life, yet many people distract themselves from being with themselves.

Additionally, I host a podcast, TV show, and radio show called “The Doctor Dolores Show” on Inspired Voices Network, available on over 350 international platforms. Through these platforms, I help people learn how to heal themselves and offer hope, inspiration, and transformation. I also teach classes, frequently host summits, write blogs, and contribute to Life Coach Codes based in Eastern Europe.

Circling back, I am also an author, having written several books and contributed to numerous compilation books. My mission is to spread the word and invite people to take their power back because too often, we unconsciously give away our power.

In your experience, what role do mental, emotional, and spiritual factors play in the manifestation and resolution of physical health issues, and how do you address these aspects in your practice?

That’s a good question too. Everybody is uniquely different. For me, one of my gifts is being a medical intuitive; I am very fluent in reading energy. If energy were a language like English or Spanish, I would be fluent in it. What I mean by that is that everything is a vibration and energy. The physical is a denser form; for example, you and I are both looking at each other, demonstrating denser energy. Everything in our office or surroundings is also a denser demonstration of energy. Additionally, your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions are energy as well, but they’re like radio waves.

When a person starts talking or tells me about what’s going on with them, it’s like the energy starts to come forward. It’s about being able to tap into maybe the thoughts, the beliefs, and then if they’re connected to themselves and how they could reconnect with themselves. So, when you’re able to figure out what’s going on, I like to teach my clients how to do this for themselves because if they take ownership, it’s more likely that they will have a lasting result. Many people go to healers, expecting to be healed, but find that their issues persist. This is because they haven’t changed anything on a deeper level; it’s just like throwing a Band-Aid on the problem.

By guiding them through healing methodologies and teaching them simple techniques they can use to help themselves, a lasting result is achieved. It’s not about having to come back every week to see the healer; it’s about empowering people so they can learn how to heal themselves, which is their innate sovereign right. Many people have forgotten how to do it or were never taught, or they gave their power away.

Your intuitive abilities and sensitivity are key aspects of your practice. How do you tap into these qualities to guide your treatment plans and interventions?

It’s just a natural part of who I am. Instead of putting it on the shelf and ignoring it, I embrace it and allow my life to unfold with it. So, it’s just a part of who I am; I was pretty much born that way. I think everybody has their secret sauce, if you want to call it that. That just so happens to be mine, and it’s about how I perceive the world and how I’m able to tap into my higher self and my inner wisdom to allow me to take my next steps or to gather the information that I need for my next steps.

Many of us have a tendency to want to know the who, what, when, where, why, and how of life. I call them the W and the HP’s. And I think that’s all fine and good, and sometimes it’s okay to just ask for my next step because everything is there for us in our energy field. We just need to trust, raise our frequency so it matches what we’re wanting to create, right?

For example, I think this is really key for a lot of people, especially young people who want to create a partner. People say, “Oh, create a list,” and they say, “Well, I created a list,” but the list is vibrating at a higher frequency while you’re at a lower frequency. It’s like the ships are passing in the dark, right? You’re not attracting this; you’re attracting what you are. What you need to do is become the list that you want to attract. Seriously, those qualities that you’re looking for become those qualities, so you’ll be a matching vibration for that, and then you will manifest it.

You need those qualities because that’s an energetic vibration. How often do we have these pie-in-the-sky ideas, which aren’t just possibilities, but how do you manifest that? You raise your frequency and raise your vibration so the vibrations match because like attracts like, right?

It’s that simple. It’s that way with health and wellness too. Your physical body is so connected to the mental, emotional, spiritual, dimensional, and ancestral aspects. Your body is the barometer. Sometimes, if you’re experiencing being triggered by something, you may feel something somatically in your body. Like, you know, this person is pushing your buttons, and you’re feeling really anxious. You’re really constricted and tight. What happens is this: you may feel something somatically in your body, for example, this person is pushing your buttons, and you’re feeling really anxious. You’re really constricted and tight. What happens is that, at another time and place, this also happened. This old triggering is not a new thing; it’s deeply seated within you, right? Instead of reacting to what’s going on, I invite you to sit with whatever you’re experiencing, that anxiety, and just be with it. Just let it be part of who you are. Our natural tendency is to push it away, not experience it, put a lid on it, and do something else. But I’m going to give you a little secret: it’s a part of ourselves that wants to be loved, appreciated, and valued. So next time that happens, feel what you’re feeling. Wherever that is happening in your physical body, and you’re feeling really tense, just focus on sending so much love, appreciation, and pink light to that area because you’re flooding it with love. You’re calling parts of yourself back home so your soul can be complete and whole. When we are a soul and we are born, we’re this beautiful diamond. Every experience that has left us hurt or wounded, a part of that diamond fractures off and stays landlocked in that time and place. When you’re able to call back those parts, you become complete and whole. I know this is a really big, abstract thing, but it’s true, and it’s that simple. So when you have something that is really pushing your buttons, instead of reacting, just be curious and say, “Isn’t that interesting? Why am I feeling this way? Where am I feeling it in my body?” Sometimes you might get a visual of exactly when it happened originally or ask for the original wounding of what had happened. You might get a flash of something from a previous time earlier in your life or even from a past lifetime. But it’s about calling back those stuck pieces that are running the show in another time and place that are not congruent with what’s happening today. But the trigger is a gift from the universe to allow you to look deeper, to heal that.

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Katarina is a Content Editor at Mystic Mag She is a Reiki practitioner who believes in spiritual healing, self-consciousness, healing with music. Mystical things inspire her to always look for deeper answers. She enjoys to be in nature, meditation, discover new things every day. Interviewing people from this area is her passion and space where she can professionaly evolve, and try to connect people in needs with professionals that can help them on their journey. Before joining Mystic Mag, she was involved in corporate world where she thought that she cannot express herself that much and develop as a person.