In this MysticMag interview, we chat with Emma Smith, a certified level 2 QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) Practitioner and Accredited Executive & Life Coach. Emma opens up about her transition from a career in aviation to becoming a leading figure in hypnosis, driven by a passion for past life exploration and self-healing. COntinue reading to learn more.
Who is Emma Smith? What is your professional story and how did you get into the field of hypnosis?
Hi! I’m Emma Smith, a certified level 2 QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) Practitioner and an Accredited Executive & Life Coach dedicated to helping individuals unlock their full true potential and achieve personal growth in their lives. I have guided countless clients through transformative journeys of self-discovery and self-healing. When I’m not working with clients I enjoy weight training, meditating, and spending time in nature hiking with family and friends.
My path to becoming a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Practitioner began in 2019 with a deep interest in past lives and a conversation with a friend about Dolores Cannon. I was not aware of who Dolores Cannon was at that time and knew nothing about her work or books. Dolores Cannon was a hypnotherapist, author, and speaker specialising in past life regression and uncovering lost knowledge from her clients while under hypnosis. Dolores created and developed her own method of hypnosis over 45 years now known as QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) and wrote 20 books from the information gathered from her client’s sessions. Dolores taught QHHT to students all over the world before her passing in 2014. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to meet Dolores as she only came into my awareness through my friend five years after she passed.
My professional background was in aviation. I spent the best part of my adult life in the air, serving passengers and traveling the world for thirteen years. I lived in Dubai and Saudi Arabia before coming home to settle into a career with Irelands National Airline. My career ended abruptly one year before I embarked on this journey into the field of hypnosis. I sustained an injury that forced me to give up my flying career and carve a new career path for myself.
That same friend friend suggested that I read one of Dolores Cannon’s books “The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth”. I bought the book and put it one side as I was busy trying to carve out a new career and path for myself, which I did successfully as a life and career coach. While I enjoyed working with clients one to one I felt something was missing with life coaching. I felt as though I was not reaching my clients on a deep level. It would be weeks or months before a client would have some kind of breakthrough.
I played with the idea of taking the advanced diploma in coaching with Neuroscience until I surrendered to reading Dolores’s book that my pal suggested I read. I began to read through her client session stories and felt a deep resonance with the information in that book. I felt like I had come home. The book contains information from client session stories about the Souls that have volunteered to be here at this time earth to help raise the frequency of the people and the planet as we shift into the higher dimension from 3rd density to 5th density. I highly recommend that everyone read that book.
Dolores was reaching the client’s higher self with her own method of hypnosis. The clients were getting a clear connection to their higher self and giving themselves the answers to everything they wanted to know about- career, life purpose, relationships, even spontaneously healing themselves instantly in one session. I had to know how to do this. I felt Dolores was calling me to do it too. She began to pop up on my feed on social media and pop into my dreams, just sitting there smiling at me. She still pops into my dreams now and then to guide me. She is a wonderful teacher even in Spirit.
Everything moved very quickly once I took the level one class online in September 2020. I graduated as a QHHT Level 2 Practitioner in July 2021 and set up my own practice while working full-time coaching clients Monday to Friday and then I would facilitate QHHT sessions on the weekends. During my training, I had my own QHHT session. I believe it was December of 2020. In that session, my higher-self guided me to take a leap of faith and move fully into my healing practice. It took some time but I eventually left my full-time job and coaching practice behind in 2022 to work with clients and QHHT full time and I haven’t looked back.
For those unfamiliar with it, can you explain what QHHT is and how it works?
QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) is designed to achieve the deepest level of hypnosis possible which is theta level of trance. At this level, a client can access information from the collective consciousness, recall past lives or simultaneous existences, connect to their high-self, and heal the body. A QHHT session takes a minimum of five hours. It works by regressing the client back to a time and place that is appropriate for them to see to help with whatever may be troubling them in this life.
Can you walk me through one of your QHHT sessions?
Before the session begins, I will conduct an interview with the client. This is where they will discuss their reasons for wanting the session; their goals for the session and what they want to heal in the session. I will get to know the client very well before the hypnosis part of the session begins. Once the interview is finished I will guide the client into a very deep state of relaxation. When they are in a deeply relaxed state, I then guide the client through the process of past life regression, asking lots of questions to get the life story before asking for permission to speak to the client’s higher-self. The higher-self will always explain why it showed the client whatever life it chose to show them. The higher-self will heal the client if appropriate and give answers to the clients list of questions before I bring them back to full awareness.A great example would be a client who came to me complaining of severe migraines. She had been up and down the country to hospitals, doctors, holistic therapists, you name it she tried everything and the painkillers just masked the pain. During her session, she went back to a past life as a man living in Africa with his wife and children. He was the head of the tribe in his community. He hoped one day his son would become the leader of the tribe but his son had other ideas for himself. He wanted to leave the tribe to explore the land and maybe meet a nice woman to marry elsewhere.
The father (my client) was not happy, they got into an argument. The son was so frustrated at him for not letting him go that he picked up a rock and hit his father over the head with it. The father fell to the ground and bled out on the ground in front of the son. The blunt force trauma was energetically carried over into this life causing the migraines. Once she understood the lesson from that lifetime which was to learn to let go and not be so controlling (which was a theme playing out in this life too with her daughter) she could release the trauma from that lifetime.
What are your workshops like?
My past life regression workshops are a lot of fun yet deeply insightful for the attendees. I work in the lighter levels of trance in small groups. I take the whole group at once to a past life, a future lifetime and to meet their spirit guides or guardian angels. Most attending the workshops come along to dip their toe in the water so to speak when it comes to trying past life regression for the first time. One lady healed neck pain instantly after she viewed a lifetime as a witch that was hung from a tree. The higher self will never show a client what they are not ready to see. Whatever they experience is always for the clients’ highest and best good to help them to heal themselves. It’s really all about the clients healing themselves.
You also teach others to become QHHT practitioners through your QHHT Level 1 course. How is the course structured and can anyone become a QHHT practitioner?
Anyone who may be curious about this work or have an interest in metaphysics and past lives can take the QHHT level one and level two classes online. If they have a genuine desire to help people QHHT can be a very rewarding and fulfilling career path. The QHHT level one course is available through my website with a 10% discount using the code SPREADLOVE when checking out. The course is structured into 22 hours of online videos with Dolores teaching the classes. It’s great because students can learn at their own pace from the comfort of their own home and they don’t have to travel or take time off to attend a live class. When students complete level one online they may attend a live companion class with a trained QHHT instructor. Instructors are trained to the level 3 standard to facilitate the companion class. Level one companion classes are available all over the world in different countries and can be booked online through the QHHT official website (www.qhhtofficial.com/upcoming-courses)
I am passionate about continuing my education and have enrolled for QHHT Level 3 Practitioner Course this October. The level three course is the last course that Dolores Cannon designed before her passing in 2014 to work with practitioners individually in such a way that each practitioner’s actual session skills are reviewed, assessed, and fine-tuned so that they are facilitating the technique just as Dolores did. Level 3 practitioners are then assessed every two years. I absolutely love my work and I thank my friend every day for introducing me to Dolores. I thank Dolores for allowing me to practice QHHT and continue her work and legacy every day.
To learn more about Emma’s work, you can visit quantumhealingdublin.com