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“Good Mind = Good Life” - Gladys Mabel Cantelmi

“Good Mind = Good Life” - Gladys Mabel Cantelmi

Gladys Mabel Cantelmi, Director of the Good Mind Center, stands as a dedicated advocate for holistic well-being, striving to equip individuals with essential tools for harmonious living with oneself and the surrounding environment. Recognized by the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM), she brings expertise in various disciplines, including Mindfulness Meditation, Emotional Coaching, Conflict Resolution, and Energies Healing. Beyond her holistic therapy prowess, Gladys is a multifaceted international artist, poet, and creative writer, deeply engaged in self-discovery and spiritual growth. Through seminars, conferences, and a blog, she shares insights and guidance for personal transformation. MysticMag finds out more.

What can you tell us about your own spiritual journey and personal growth?

Wow… I think that it’s easier to do than to explain!
This is a long journey through life… and yes, perhaps it’s not easy however it’s doable and above all it’s a wonderful journey! Discovering every day a new vision, living every day a new experience in worlds, or better say different dimensions, that are parallels to what we are used to recognizing as the only reality but as much or more real than this earthly one. I don’t know if my particular personal case can help others to apply the same modus operandi because I have been a special child from an early age; but yes, I’m sure that all the spiritual masters, angels, and bright beings teach me, I have applied on me first of all and then on others and all the knowledge they gift to me I can give to individuals to help them to discover a new view of the sense of life and the way of living it.
I can say with certainty that the main door that is opened to me towards wisdom and therefore towards spiritual growth was art. Now, what if you’re not an artist? Can you discover those parallel dimensions that I was able to experience? Of course, you can discover them! Even if you are not an artist, you can do it through other roads or with a guide like me who knows how to give each individual what they need, because I respect the uniqueness that is in everyone and for this reason I don’t believe in generalized programs or apply some methods for generalizing all cases. I believe that to be a true holistic guide one must “feel, intuit, perceive and empathize” with my clients and in this way I can offer them various way to contact their “Ultra-real Ego” (I call in this way the inner own divine essence – Gladys C.’s Ultrarealism manifiesto-) so, to know really them self and then to go to the own spiritual elevation to a personal growth and a satisfactory life. But, your question is about my personal growth, and I can affirm that if it is true that this travel is individual and intimate it’s also a veritable fact that sharing the gathered experience the growth is greatest because it’s the ad of more and more individuals’ growth! Imagine a family or a society where everyone is going to a high mental and spiritual level … There would be space only for love!
My life wasn’t easy. During my infancy I suffered from several health issues and my adolescence was harder than childhood because of health and other very sad circumstances I had to experience. However, I have never felt hatred or anger, I always felt something connecting my inner being with the universe, with God and the Angels comforting me. Throughout my life, I understood that every circumstance allows us to learn something else and that the experiences are not negative nor positive it depends on which approach we have and what we take from those to make it precious knowledge. This is the principal reason that through my own experience, I feel and know that to help other people to grow and elevate their minds and spirits, in consequence, to improve their physical state, is absolutely my mission in this earthly life.
More than all I learned from the vicissitudes of my life I’ve formed professionally as a holistic transformational and emotional coach, applied positive psychology expertise, and mindfulness and meditation instructor (I use also other skills I have like bio-decoding, naturopathy, and yoga) all that and other are my tools to put at the service of people who need and want to change a part or totally their life. Then, any consultant is like a blessed challenge that I must face with total responsibility and genuine love to help them improve their life and reach their best dreams!

Can you share more about the concept of “good mind equals good life” and how it relates to one’s ability to create their personal reality and well-being?

We can choose and decide to focus our intentions on the determinate objectives of our lives. The question is “how to do it?” or what is worse “focusing badly, in the wrong way”! To focus in the right way and create a nice reality in your life, you need first of all to create your “positive mind” so, go to learn how to manage this positive mind to focus your thoughts in the right way. I have helped and continue to help dozens of people to make it real on a practical and tangible level. It’s very important to awaken and/or strengthen the creative mind.
Creating is giving shape to one’s daily reality, which will then lead us to a greater reality, that is, to the realization of our goal. For this reason, we need to know how to strengthen and free our creative mind with which we will be able to model or paint our reality like an artist who creates his/her artwork which is nothing more than a tangible product resulting from the inspiration that the creative mind has received and interpret, and which through action is brought to the material level.

What are the key components of a “good mind” as you define it, and how can individuals work towards developing these aspects in their lives?

The components of a Good Mind you can found in my own coaching method: G.L.A.D© – getting GLAD, life is better-
Growth is the personal and community elevation because if you know your inner being, then an universal vision of reality is possible.
Love is the most pure energy inside each of us; it’s the essence of life; it’s the Supreme Source’s divine flame burning into human beings.
Aliveness– Is necessary to understand that to be alive is not just living.
Delight – Learning to appreciate and enjoy every single little thing we find in nature and in every moment of our life understanding that it is a blessed gift that we receive from the Supreme Source.
Like a therapist as well as a Peace Ambassador and Leader for different communities around the world, I use this method to coach people in any situation (often they are living in very critical environments where violence and poverty are their daily lives) I mean that it’s a powerful method that can help everyone no matter their culture or provenience or situation, the only thing that matters is that he/she wants to change and grow.
My G.L.A.D©. method is positive because it points right to the hidden strengths areas in the subconscious of the people making them flow and emerge and, therefore, grow towards their well-being, avoiding as possible their further sufferings.
-My method is also Spiritual! Because using individual Talking meetings, conferences, self-knowledge Art, Emotional Writing and Poetry, and the different types of Meditations people can meet, touch, know and understand their self essence, their deepest being, that is the divine identity inner us connecting us with God’s love.
My Coaching Method is Personalized As well everyone has (or should have) the same Rights, not all people are the same and each one has a different character imprint and it is important for me, to respecting that uniqueness of each person and / or community for which although I use my method I try to personalize it according to the demands of each one and of each circumstance.
My Coaching Method can train volunteers to become guides of groups or communities I’m an internationally certificated Transpersonal and Emotional Coach , Meditation Instructor and Yoga for Children Instructor as well Holistic Medicine Therapist and Applied Positive Psychology Expertise also registered in the international Ibero-American directory. I’m available to provide training courses (with Diploma at the end of the course).
Every individual can work on their personal growth and consequently on improving different aspects of their life.
This is achieved through various paths guided by a professional expertise in the field of holistic well-being (changing mindset). People who are well guided through their path of self-knowledge can investigate their deepest being, often unknown to themselves, and can therefore discover surprising potentialities that have always belonged to them but that perhaps they didn’t know they had or, if so, don’t know how to free them, therefore it is necessary to also know the internal enemies who are the main cause that slow down and hinder the achievement of our life ideals, causing frustrations, and therefore causing us to abandon the desired dream.
If we know our potential which is truly our “superpowers” and at the same time we reveal our frustrating emotions that are hidden in our deepest self, we can do an excellent job on ourselves and consequently on our lives because if we change to starting from our mind, means that we learn to manage our thoughts, and our emotions, our moods will change and we will be predisposed to have a different attitude when faced with the circumstances that present themselves to us in every moment of our life, and it is precisely the attitude, the action that brings to the material level what was alive but in a latent state in our mind. Therefore, having a beautiful, enlightened, positive mind is having a good mind that will lead us to productive actions obtaining a life full of beauty, light and positivity. This is the relationship between mind and life understood as realization and I am not referring only to material realization because this is the consequence of an internal state which must first contain all these qualities.
I use all the weapons (experience, research, specializations) that I have to put the individual in a position to know themselves first and then I guide them to understand what they really want to do and then, once they have decided, I give them the useful tools to arrive at accomplish the chosen purpose and teach them the best way to manage the situations with which they could potentially have to deal using, in the right way and at the right time, those tools that I have already introduced them to before. I propose exercises to be carried out like homework at school at the end of each session. Furthermore, in my book and in my blog at www.goodmindcenter.com I propose various useful exercises to unlock different emotional barriers, whether conscious or unconscious; moreover, starting from January 1st 2024 on my website www.goodmindcenter.com (and my web channel) you will find much, much more material like weekly blog articles, discussions about topics published in my books, consultations, tips, etc. from which you can draw and make it yours to use at the right time in your own lives and obviously for any particular need or clarifications of If you have any doubts or feel you need help you can always ask me for advice, I will always be available.

Could you elaborate on the various techniques and disciplines offered at the Good Mind Center to promote holistic well-being, including mindfulness meditation, personal growth, and emotional coaching?

Since we can “switch on” or “turn off” any thought traveling through our mind and, as we know, it depends on the positive or negative approach we have in front of those that thoughts can influence our emotions and our well-being depends principally on that! I apply these techniques as well self-knowledge and emotional art (paint, craft, writing) the technique with which you can let go of your deep inner being and all your emotions flow that you need to be conscious to manage them in your favor. The main part of the path to the progressive personal growth is to start with “conversations” face to face, online conference –zoom/skype- or by call –phone/whatsapp- when I dedicate to the client I dedicate careful listening to the client and propose specific options for decisive attitudes that the client himself is free to choose and put into action. For this, I believe that one of my greatest strengths is my “sixth sense” since my refined intuition helps a lot to understand and intuit what is the best path that the client can follow to find their most appropriate solution.
So the various types of meditation can help individuals and groups in the different aspects of needs that each one has in different determinate moments of their life. For example, I guide people who need a deep changing using a specific type of meditation that can across the various levels of conscience to the deep inner world where people can “be in a parallel reality” so, can meet all the characters living in the unconscious sphere then, people can decide to have a conversation with those and even eliminate any to make feel bad emotions, vice versa can take care of those that give benefit emotions. Then there is various types of meditations – for example: mindfulness to learn to set and reset the thoughts; self-knowledge meditation; no-stress/inner peace as well as somnolence or insomnia resolution meditations; also spiritual, visualization and focus meditation and other more because like I’ve said before, since each individual is unique I not use generalized techniques for everyone, I always personalize the coaching not only on the base of what someone needs but also it depends on who is the individual that needs my help and guide. Obviously, this is only a part of the way to personal growth and emotional coaching. I apply for each one and in each session that is better to do to offer the most benefit to the client.

How does your background as a holistic therapist and international artist inform your approach to helping individuals achieve inner peace and serene living?

It’s wonderful to discover that both professions combine very well together, since both are capable of reaching the most hidden parts of our unconscious and bring out our feelings, our emotions, our strengths and our limits to overcome, our inner peace results from an encounter with the divine plan where that pure and powerful energy charges you and gives you light and strength, makes you feel the fullness of your existence and the love that lives in you. That makes you recognize the beauty what is in yourself, increasing your self-esteem and making you feel at peace with yourself and with those around you.

Can you provide some insights or advice from your experience that individuals can apply to enhance their self-knowledge, spiritual elevation, and overall well-being in their daily lives?

Train our mind to polarize bad thoughts and negative judgments by always trying to analyze situations with the greatest objectivity possible and you will see that you will always find the good or beautiful or positive part of every circumstance or event or person. Try to smile even when you are alone and think of life as a gift they have given you and that even if you don’t always understand it, it has a precise function: the meaning of life, your mission on this earth. This will help you to have a more positive attitude towards your daily life and to have a psychological and spiritual evolution to obtain a healthier mentality which will help you to be more lucid and serene to overcome obstacles by trying new alternatives to resolve them. Thinking positively allows you to change your attitude and have more optimistic visions which can improve your mentality as well as your healing energy which materializes in a condition of physical well-being. Remember that… Good Mind = Good Life!

Contact and more info:
Website: www.goodmindcenter.com –
E mail: [email protected]
FB – Istagram-Google: Gladys Mabel Cantelmi
WhatsApp messages: +39 366 98 62 191

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Sarah Kirton
Sarah is a keen and passionate advocate of the spiritual and healing components within the mystical realm of the world we live in. She resides in Cape Town, South Africa, where she enjoys spending time in the outdoors, kite surfing, and playing guitar.