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Janice Sestrap: Energizing Balance and Wellness

Janice Sestrap: Energizing Balance and Wellness

Janice Sestrap, hailing from the Pacific Northwest, is a distinguished Reiki Master Teacher and Certified Emotion Code Practitioner in the field of energy healing. Her innovative approach harmonizes the mind, body, and spirit.

Through an array of energy healing techniques, Janice rejuvenates and revitalizes, paving the way for optimal health. She champions alternative energy healing’s potential to restore balance and vitality across the spectrum of being.

Janice’s track record boasts impressive client successes:

  • Restored vitality in a South African horse battling depression.
  • Aided conception for couples through focused Reiki sessions.
  • Conquered obstacles in horses, from chronic coughs to trust issues.
  • Accelerated recovery post-surgery, encompassing major procedures.
  • Eased discomfort for those facing surgeries, cancer, and ailments.

Janice’s conviction lies in the transformative power of energy healing techniques such as Reiki, The Emotion Code, and Chakra Reading & Balancing. Her mission? To rejuvenate, recalibrate, and reinvigorate individuals and animals, paving a path to unparalleled well-being. Find out more about her in this MysticMag interview.

Can you share your journey and experience in becoming a Reiki Master Teacher, Certified Emotion Code Practitioner, and energy intuitive? What initially drew you to these practices and how have they transformed your own life?

In 2018, I first learned of Reiki when I was doing online research and scrolling through YouTube. I was originally looking for answers because my former husband had committed suicide the year prior in October 2017. The search took me down many rabbit holes and I eventually came across Reiki. I now know that I was being led. I had never heard of Reiki before and instantly became intrigued and just felt that I needed to learn more. At that same time, I started googling Reiki in my local area and came upon one gal who was teaching classes. I reached out to her, and my Reiki journey all started there. I completed Level 1 in March 2018, Level 2 in April 2019, and Level 3 (Master Teacher) earlier this year. In September 2019, I also received my certification in Animal Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho. 

I first learned of The Emotion Code a few years ago when my spiritual journey had really started taking off. I always thought it was really interesting and wanted to learn more, but at the time I didn’t want to invest money into learning the technique. As they say, “There is a time and place for everything” because the last year I was introduced to The Emotion Code again and this time knew I was ready to become certified. I am now currently at that point again, but this time it is moving up to Level 2, The Body Code. It takes time and money to really invest in these certifications and I know for me, I have to be 100% sure that it is the modality I am wanting to learn, invest in, and incorporate into my practice. There is also a Level 3, The Belief Code, which I know I will most likely learn and become certified in the future.

I always knew I was different from the majority of people around me. I just didn’t have a name to put on it until these last few years. I now know that I have always been an empath and intuitive. I have been slowly coming out of the closet these last couple of years as having psychic/mediumship abilities. Thinking back, once I became attuned as a Level 1 Reiki Practitioner, that really opened the door for my abilities as an energy intuitive to take off. For the last two years, I have had a daily practice of self-Reiki, and meditation, followed by automatic writing with my spiritual team (aka A-Team) and former husband that continues to help me be the best practitioner I can be.

As a Reiki Master Teacher, how do you approach the process of teaching and attuning students to Reiki energy? Can you provide an example of a particularly impactful teaching experience you’ve had?

At this time, I currently am not teaching Reiki due to my schedule. But I am looking forward to developing an online curriculum in the near future so that I can provide others with the opportunity to learn all three levels of Reiki along with becoming attuned. Since the pandemic, I am 100% online and providing sessions for all modalities at a distance. My vision is to be doing the same when it comes to teaching Reiki to others. The Certified Emotion Code Practitioner certification involves working with trapped emotions in the body. 

Could you describe a case where you successfully identified and released trapped emotions in a client, leading to positive changes in their well-being?

That is a great question! I have seen positive changes and outcomes for so many of my clients, both people and animals. If you don’t mind, I would like to share three different stories…

Client #1 was feeling as if she was being held back in her career and having money blocks. After 2-3 sessions, we were able to clear and release all trapped emotions contributing to those specific issues. She reported back to me not long after those sessions, that she was so excited that she had started receiving money in all sorts of ways including a $3 raise increase! As far as her career, she has now gone into a new career as a soon-to-be Yoga Instructor.

Client #2 has three dogs that were barking all the time and anytime someone came close. She asked if I would do individual sessions for each dog regarding that specific issue and any other issues that came up. After one session with two of the dogs and two sessions with the third (a rescue dog), she happily reported back that with all three dogs, the barking was at a minimum now. Even her husband couldn’t believe the change and was surprised at what I was able to do with them.

Client #3 is a more recent client of mine. She came to me with specific issues of stress, anger, frustration, irritability, sadness, and opening up. In our consultation together, I was sitting across (via Zoom) with someone that showed very little emotion and was hard to read. I truly didn’t think she would schedule a session with me past the free consultation. Boy, was I ever wrong. She scheduled the following week and from that point on I was seeing her weekly for the next six sessions. I began to see a difference in her personality and emotions around the third session. By the sixth session, she was a totally different person.

She was smiling, talkative, and much more outgoing. She was so happy with her results that she referred her boss to me! And her boss has even said what a difference her co-workers have seen in her and was asking her what she did.

How do you integrate your skills as an energy intuitive into your healing and teaching practices? How does your intuitive insight enhance the effectiveness of your sessions and workshops?

Some examples of my energy-intuitive skills would be being able to remote view where my client (person or animal) is. Since I am working at a distance and remotely, I ask for a picture of the client and their name when I am doing a Reiki session. I am able to go into a meditative state and place myself in their space where I can talk and work with them.

During my Emotion Code sessions, I am now able to know what the trapped emotion is before it is revealed and also have a feeling when their subconscious is wanting to end the session. With all the modalities I work with, I at times have a knowing that just comes to me. For instance, when I am doing a Chakra Reading & Balancing session, I usually will have a good idea of which chakra is open and which one is blocked before it is actually confirmed. I am currently learning Medical Intuitiveness and am excited to see what more opens up for me in that area of energy work.

I consider my intuition just “one of my tools” when I am working with clients. Like a carpenter needs a hammer in their toolbox, I feel that my intuitiveness is just part of my toolbox. It allows me to be more in tune with my client and leads me in the right direction I need to go to better their outcome from the session(s). I not only have my intuition that helps but also my connection with my spirit team (aka A-Team) and the client’s higher self and their team.

Can you explain the importance of maintaining ethical boundaries and self-care when working as a Reiki Master Teacher, Certified Emotion Code Practitioner, and energy intuitive? How do you ensure that you’re providing a safe and supportive environment for your clients and students?

First, I bring my experience from working in healthcare into my practice. I worked in healthcare going back to when they introduced HIPAA. You might say, I still am actively using HIPAA in my own practice when it comes to my clients sharing with me personal and confidential information. What they tell me stays within our session together. But in the case that I knew the information I was receiving is life-threatening to others or they were to do bodily harm to themselves, I would then have to take the proper steps to report it.

Second, I prepare myself for my sessions by clearing and grounding myself. Like a medium, I have to be ready and in the right head space when I go into a session, even including those sessions that are remote and not face-to-face. I have my steps I go through prior to a session and once the session is complete.

When I am working in an Emotion Code session, I am connecting to the client’s subconscious and work by proxy for them. I connect prior to the session starting and I have to make sure I disconnect from them once the session is complete.

As always with all of my sessions, I instruct the client or the owner of an animal client, to drink plenty of water prior to our session(s) together – this ensures a stronger connection, and once the session(s) is complete releasing of additional toxins.

Energy healing and intuitive practices can sometimes be met with skepticism. How do you address skepticism or doubts from potential clients or students? Can you share an experience where you were able to help someone overcome their skepticism and experience the benefits of your work?

I am somewhat used to skepticism and doubt from others because the majority of my family and friends are skeptics. I have learned that each person is living their own reality and what they believe is their opinion and has nothing to do with me. But it does bring me great satisfaction when I am working with someone that doesn’t believe in anything I do and after working with

them they see results that they have no explanation for. Though there are some that will still not admit to the work I have done with them and will find other reasons for their sudden changes and outcome.

Most of my clients, they come to me with already a belief in what I do or are neutral and are open to learning more. For example, I had a couple that I worked with a few years ago that was trying to conceive for the first time. She had numerous miscarriages and couldn’t seem to carry full term. One day I was talking to her, and she told me that they are even questioning if they are even meant for parenthood in this lifetime. I asked her if she and her husband would be open to Reiki sessions and working with me. They agreed to Reiki and the distant sessions began with each of them. She was having bloodwork done continually and due to what the doctor was seeing within the bloodwork, that may have been the primary reason for the early abortion of the fetus. So, I went to work to increase her prolactin and TSH levels along with help with her hormones. I was also working with her husband because at one point we didn’t know if it was, he or she that was having the infertility issue. Early on, I also told her that she needs to focus more on the color ORANGE. I said, “Wear orange, eat foods that are orange, drinks that are orange, place that color all around you. Orange is associated with the Sacral chakra which is where fertility lies.” She was puzzled by what I was telling her but did exactly what I said and five weeks later she called to tell me, “We’re pregnant!” I continued to work with just her and also the baby during the pregnancy. They went on to deliver a beautiful, healthy baby girl who is now almost three years old.

I have so many more stories like that to tell, but that one is one of the most remarkable testimonials I have been blessed to be a part of!


We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Petar Vojinovic is a content editor for Mystic Mag, where he curates and oversees content related to mysticism, psychics, and spiritual practices. In his role, Petar oversees content creation, ensuring that each article, interview, and feature provides valuable insights into the mystical world. He collaborates with experts in the field to present a wide range of topics, from tarot readings to holistic healing methods, maintaining the site's reputation for authenticity and depth. Petar's interest in spirituality and mysticism has been a lifelong passion. He has a background in cultural studies, which gave him a unique perspective on ancient spiritual practices and their relevance in modern times. Before joining Mystic Mag, Petar wrote for various publications, focusing on alternative medicine and the metaphysical. Outside of work, Petar enjoys practicing meditation and studying astrology. His fascination with the occult continues to fuel his dedication to exploring the unknown.