Dive into the profound insights and transformative journey of Justin Speller, a holistic wellness practitioner who shifted from a destined path in medicine to a realm of spiritual awakening and divine healing. In his exclusive MysticMag interview, Justin shares the essence of his Divine Light sessions, guiding us through the intricacies of energy alignment, beautification processes, and the profound impact of a shifted perspective on creating a life of unlimited potential.
Who is Justin Speller? What can you tell me about yourself and your professional journey?
The question “Who is Justin Speller” is an interesting one – at one level, I would answer that the same way I would answer it for every beautiful soul who walks this planet. We are all unbounded potential, unlimited possibility, the very energy of love expressed and fulfilled. Of course, we all take on different roles and attach to different identities through this journey, and I certainly have my share of those. I grew up in a family of doctors – both my parents are psychiatrists, and both of my grandparents on my father’s side were doctors as well. There was always this sense that medical school was my destination, and all things pointed towards that – which, to tell you the truth, was fine with me. I saw a lot of good in that profession and sought to help people, to provide assistance with health and wellness in the ways that I understood my parents did.
However, it was not to be. I had a massive, life-altering spiritual awakening during the winter break of my sophomore year of college. Things began to change profoundly at that time, although I had no framework within which to really understand what was happening to me. So I spent the next years of my life seeking out and creating a framework that could hold my experiences effectively in a way that made sense to me. This ultimately led me down this path of becoming a holistic wellness practitioner, work that I do today.
What services do you offer and what ideas and principles do you base your work on?
I see all of life as part of a dynamic intelligence seeking to express and then experience itself in and through form. The dance of the formless moving into and out of form, nothingness into somethingness, the in and out breath of the divine moves all of creation, and we souls taking human form hold a reference point for observation to beautify that which we observe. This may all sound very esoteric, but ultimately this is a lens through which to understand how I approach my sessions with clients. These sessions are fundamentally a beautification process – we start with full acceptance of what is, what’s happening, what’s the client’s reality at the moment, and then explore the desires of the client on the three levels of mind, body, and spirit. We are looking to create something new, something different, a change in what has been occurring. This dynamic process unfolds with the assistance of the divine, angelic helper beings, spirit guides, and the higher self very much involved in creating in a new and more aligned way.
Can you walk me through a Divine Light session?
We begin a Divine Light session by assessing the flow of energy. We check the 7 main creation centers, or chakras, the 14 main meridians, the aura or main energy field, the dance of energy moving through the 5 elements or rhythms, and a number of other energy systems that govern the unfolding of a person’s experience. Once we find imbalances and misalignments, we then proceed to correct these issues and bring the person’s life essence into a more beautiful expression to create wellness in body, mind, and spirit.
Sometimes sharing aspects of the client’s story assists this process, and other times it does not, it really varies from person to person, session to session. I hold everything the client shares in compassion without judgment – we are all human after all, so whatever has transpired is ok. We are all doing the best we can and grow up in families that teach us limiting beliefs of one sort or another, which eventually will come back to bite us and create suffering.
Can you share a memorable success story?
I worked with a man once who struggled to perceive social cues. He had difficulty reading faces and body language, and you can imagine how much this impacted his day-to-day life. So much of communication comes through subtle changes in facial expression or shifts in body language, and being cut off from that can create such profound feelings of isolation. We did a few sessions together, and by the end of the last session, he experienced an opening of perception that was totally new to him. The block in his energy fields that had been constricting the flow of social information to his awareness dissolved – it was like a wall that had always been there all of a sudden disappeared, and he saw through new eyes.
What would be your main advice to someone who feels stuck in life?
My main advice to someone who feels stuck in life would be that whatever you are going through, first and foremost, is ok. It may feel like intolerable suffering, of which I certainly have experienced plenty in my life, but it is not bad or wrong in and of itself – it just is. That shift in thinking breeds compassion for oneself instead of judgment, which can open space for change.
We are all creating all the time, whether we are conscious of it or not. A change in what you are creating can be as simple as a change in your perspective – that is, you start to see things in your life in a new way and then start to create in a new way. It’s ok to be human, to have faults, to have done things you are not proud of, to have experiences you are ashamed of. But you are not a bad person. You are not a worthless person. You are a divine soul creating a body and a physical experience on earth, with unlimited potential. The canvas of life waits for your direction, you are the artist, the maestro of your symphony. Believe things can change, even if they have been stuck for 10, 20, 30, or 40 years. The length of stuckness doesn’t matter – the only thing that matters is, what will you decide to do now?
To learn more about Justin and his work, you can visit tapintothelight.com