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Unlocking the Secrets of the Taoist 3 Lucks with Laurent Langlais, Master of Feng Shui and Bazi Astrology

Unlocking the Secrets of the Taoist 3 Lucks with Laurent Langlais, Master of Feng Shui and Bazi Astrology

Imagine a life where you fully understand your potential, master your personal timing, and transform your environment for lasting success and happiness. This is not just a dream but a tangible reality according to Laurent Langlais, a distinguished Author, Astrologer, and Feng Shui Consultant. Laurent’s unique methodology is rooted in the ancient wisdom of the Taoist 3 Lucks, also known as the 3 Realms: Heaven, Earth, and Human. By harmonizing your divine plan, your territory, and your actions, Laurent believes you can unlock a life of profound meaning and success. In this enlightening interview, Laurent Langlais shares his journey into the world of Feng Shui and Bazi Astrology, reveals the intricacies of the Taoist 3 Lucks, and offers practical insights on how you can transform your life by understanding your life blueprint and creating a nurturing environment. Join Mystic Mag as we delve into the ancient wisdom that Laurent masterfully applies to help individuals around the world achieve their fullest potential and find lasting happiness.

What inspired you to pursue a career as a Feng Shui master and Bazi astrologer, and how did your journey begin?

If we go back to when I was a child, I had dreams about being a magician, which I later understood to be related to shamanism and similar things. I now understand these dreams were probably memories of past lives. These dreams were recurring, and I felt like I was a magician who had lost my powers upon returning to this life. I wanted to find that magic again.

I wasn’t raised strictly as a Christian, but I did attend catechism in France because my mother was Christian. I started asking a lot of questions on spirituality. When I was 16, I left catechism but still had many questions. My mother, who was very psychic and had many premonitions about geopolitical events and things happening within our family, learned Tarot as well as numerology from one of the most respected teachers in France, Jean-Daniel Fermier. She saw that I was ready to learn those oracles. The Tarot really resonated with me and it has stayed with me to this day. I was totally hooked and started to find answers about the existence of another world, an invisible web or matrix beyond our reality.

Fast forward to my first real career, which was working in special effects, creating computer graphics for cinema and television. This job also connected me to the idea of spirituality because it involved creating a meta-reality. I enjoyed the fantasy aspect, but the work was demanding. One day, I worked for 32 hours straight to meet a deadline, then slept for 17 hours without waking up. After that, I realized I didn’t want to be married to a computer, despite the excitement of this work. I felt a strong calling to travel the world and discover new things. I told my parents, but they didn’t take it seriously. However, six months later, I had my ticket and set off on what was supposed to be a one-year trip through three continents. It lasted 20 months.

The first part of my journey was in Asia, where I had an awakening, particularly in Malaysia. I felt a strong sense of déjà vu, as if I had been there before. I discovered many things, including buildings with slanted doors that they took very seriously. I also visited the famous Blue House in Penang, which is a centuries-old sanctuary. This sparked my interest in Feng Shui. My brother had already given me an encyclopedia of Feng Shui before my trip, so everything was aligning.

Upon returning to France, I lived back in the family home in the attic which had been converted into a studio. I didn’t want to return to my previous career, so I decided to call a Feng Shui consultant to help me transform my environment and figure things out. She was very interesting and helped me a lot. I realized that I loved architecture, hidden meanings, and metaphysics, and thought maybe I could combine these interests by practicing Feng Shui.

I started learning Feng Shui in Paris and then went to another school in Montreal, as I had a good connection with the city. Each time, the teachings were interesting but had a New Age, Westernized approach. I discovered that I am a classicist when it comes to metaphysics, and I believe it’s important to go back to the source. I found a traditional Feng Shui academy in Malaysia, the Yap Cheng Hai Academy. This was a turning point. I asked the universe for a sign if I should invest my savings in this training, and within five minutes, my father called me to watch a documentary on Malaysia. The synchronicity was insane, and I took it as a clear sign.

I went to Malaysia and learned from the academy. Through one of the teachers, I connected with another master (known as Sifu in Chinese philosophy) who became my mentor. He taught me not only Feng Shui but also Chinese astrology and the Oracle called Qi Men Dun Jia. This master explained that to be a good Feng Shui practitioner, I needed to learn the whole Chinese astrology because I would be doing the astrology of the people before doing their house Feng Shui. At first, I was hesitant, but over time, I became as much an astrologer in Bazi as I am a Feng Shui practitioner.

In recent years, I have also studied with another master, Dr. Jin Peh, but most of my knowledge comes from my master in Malaysia, Master Ham.

Can you explain the concept of the Taoist 3 Lucks (Heaven, Earth, and Human) and how they interact to shape a person’s life and destiny?

A very old and recurring question in astrology and similar practices is: What part is up to our astrology, and what part is up to our free will? The Chinese add a third component, so let’s go into detail.

Heaven is what you’re born with. If you believe in reincarnation, we don’t come back with a blank slate. We return with luggage and a passport, metaphorically speaking. This is our karma. Astrology helps us see this baggage—our boundaries, possibilities, challenges, and so on. Our birth date, which astrology maps out, isn’t random; it’s connected to the lessons we need to learn. This is the Heaven part. A simple traditional word for this is fate. Fate is what you’re born with, while destiny is a combination of factors.

Heaven also includes help you can receive from the spirit realm—your ancestors, spirits, and entities that can assist you. When we use Chinese oracles, we tap into Heaven for answers beyond everyday life. This encapsulates the Heaven part of spirituality.

Next, we have Earth. Earth is very interesting and specific to the Chinese system. Earth refers to where we live and its influence on us, starting with our house. This is where Feng Shui comes in, allowing us to change our Earth luck by altering our living environment. We’ve all experienced how moving into a new house or apartment can affect relationships, finances, and overall well-being.

I remember a story where a realtor in London asked me about using a Chinese compass. I explained I was analyzing the space for good Feng Shui. He then told me about a “divorce house” where six couples moved in and all ended up divorcing. This illustrates how the energy of a place can impact our lives.

But Earth extends beyond our house. It includes the karma, history, and energy of the city and region we live in. Cities like Berlin, Munich, Chicago, or New York have their unique karmic energies. Additionally, the culture and traditions of a country also play a role. Whether you embrace or walk away from your culture, it influences your destiny. We have tools such as Bazi (Chinese astrology) and astrocartography (in Western astrology) to help choose the best city or country for increasing luck in various aspects of life.

Finally, we have human. Human is your free will—your actions and decisions that shape your destiny. Even if your Heaven luck and Earth luck aren’t optimal, your free will can improve your life through good karma and wise choices. The goal of my practice is to help clients understand their Heaven luck, improve their Earth luck, and ultimately guide their free will to make the best decisions.

Combining these three elements—Heaven, Earth, and Human—enables a more harmonious and prosperous life.

What type of services do you offer?

With the Bazi I offer a deep life reading to help you understand who you are, what are your challenges, your karma and your possibilities. My goal is to guide my clients towards directions and paths that allow them to thrive and not go against the flow. This is what I aim to provide with a comprehensive reading.

Additionally, timing is crucial. I offer monthly personalized predictions, providing a calendar to indicate which months are favorable for certain activities and which months you should keep a low profile. This aspect is part of the Bazi readings. I also analyze compatibility between partners and can also help you determine which person is potentially most compatible with you. This applies to business partners as well since your destinies will be linked when you enter a business relationship.

Bazi encompasses timing, personality, and potential. This is the essence of the Bazi reading.

I also offer Feng Shui for homes and businesses to change your environment for better luck and an easier life, helping you thrive where you are.

Date selection is another service I provide. Choosing the right date to open a business, start a new venture, move to a new place, or for your marriage is crucial. For weddings, I offer a comprehensive package that includes studying the compatibility of the partners, highlighting potential trigger points, and selecting the best possible date to ensure auspicious beginnings.

Lastly, I offer a paid membership that combines the Qi men Dun Jia oracle with Feng Shui. This involves monthly activations of specific parts of your house at specific times and dates. It is done by using an aquarium pump in a bucket to activate the Qi. There are five activations per month, tapping into universal Heaven luck. These activities boost your life, even if you don’t fully implement Feng Shui in your home, providing a monthly boost of luck.

How do you help individuals uncover their life blueprint using Bazi astrology, and what are the key elements you look for in a person’s chart?

Bazi is a unique form of astrology because it doesn’t focus on planets. Instead, it uses the five elements as its foundation. This approach reveals what you are made of spiritually and your elemental composition. For example, you might be like a plant needing more water and sun to flourish, an old tree full of wisdom that grows no matter what, or a resilient dry land. These poetic images in your chart help us understand what you need to thrive.

To determine this, we look at what we call the “Day Master,” which is the archetype based on your day of birth. This can be earth, metal, water, wood, or fire, in either a yin or yang form. Everything revolves around the Day Master. The interactions of the elements will reveal your connection to wealth, your relationships, and other aspects of your life. For instance, increasing your wealth might require developing good karma and giving to charity to balance it out, otherwise, your relationships could suffer. This level of subtle analysis applies to every pillar in your Bazi chart.

Bazi, meaning “eight characters” in Chinese, is organized into four pillars: the year, month, day, and time of birth. Each pillar consists of a heavenly Stem and an earthly Branch, with the branch representing the Chinese zodiac animals. When people say they are a Snake or a Dragon, they refer to their year of birth, which influences their childhood and connection to their parents. However, this is just one-fourth of the chart. Your chart also includes animals and elements for your month, day, and time of birth, leading to over a million possible combinations.

The placement of these pillars reveals insights about your career, money potential, relationships, family, and future. I help people find their life mission and ideal career, especially during career changes. It can be philosophical, guiding you to your true calling and identifying the best timing for major life changes. Through Bazi, we uncover your challenges, potential, and the easier path for you to take.

In your practice, how do you balance the influences of Heaven, Earth, and Human realms to create harmonious and lasting results for your clients?

What is super interesting is the San Yuan Feng Shui method, that I am lucky to have learned from a lineage with Master Ham. It fully connects Bazi and Feng Shui. Some schools of Feng Shui use your year of birth to determine your Kua or Gua number, which tells you if you are an East or West group person. This is useful, but in the school of Feng Shui I learned, we also fully integrate the Bazi.

So when I analyze your house, apartment, or workplace I first need to fully understand and analyze your Bazi astrology. This provides your full spiritual DNA, so to speak. I can determine which energetic foods are beneficial or harmful to you, and which medications or treatments are most suitable on a very precise level.

The signs in the Bazi express personality and timing but they also are the same signs found on the Chinese compass, indicating a location in space. The same signs connect character, personality, time, and space. This is how we connect the three aspects of human existence: heaven, earth, and human. By using Bazi and Feng Shui together, we connect time, space, and the person.

So while I offer Bazi consultations I also practice a Feng Shui that integrates Bazi astrology. Starting with a Bazi analysis helps people understand why they are facing certain challenges and what their destiny and timing indicate. If they are also ready to do the Feng Shui, we make the  changes to their living space to help them go to the next level of their life. When working with families, I need to find elements that unify the family while also helping each individual thrive in their own space. This includes bed placement, colors, and other elements. It’s an interesting challenge.

I also provide guidance throughout the year with tools like tarot and I Ching to help with human luck. However, I always emphasize: know yourself first. Understand what’s good or bad for you. For instance, I discovered at 28 that I was intolerant to gluten. While it was hard as a French person to give up baguettes and croissants, removing gluten improved my health. Interestingly, when I went to Sicily, I could eat gluten without problems because of the longer fermentation process and older wheat varieties used there. This demonstrates how changing location can affect your well-being, connecting to the earth’s luck. Your Bazi chart can reveal dietary issues and other health concerns, but changing your environment can also help manage these issues.

In summary, knowing yourself and being guided in your decisions is crucial. Then, changing your environment to improve your earth luck is important. You can have the best potential (seed) and the right guidance (gardener), but you also need the right environment (soil).

In my consultancy, I offer a holistic approach: understanding your potential, making the best decisions, and creating an environment for you and your family to thrive. We can do this gradually, separately, or all together in what I call “Raise Your Qi.” This method helps navigate the complexities of modern life, such as pollutants, stress, and crises, to maximize your potential and create a thriving cocoon for you and your family.

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Katarina is a Content Editor at Mystic Mag She is a Reiki practitioner who believes in spiritual healing, self-consciousness, healing with music. Mystical things inspire her to always look for deeper answers. She enjoys to be in nature, meditation, discover new things every day. Interviewing people from this area is her passion and space where she can professionaly evolve, and try to connect people in needs with professionals that can help them on their journey. Before joining Mystic Mag, she was involved in corporate world where she thought that she cannot express herself that much and develop as a person.