Dive into the world of energy healing with Leigh Phillips from Healed Heart Wellness as she shares her journey from massage therapy to discovering the transformative power of The Body Code and Emotion Code. Explore the differences between these modalities and learn how Bioshielding and personalized supplement testing can bring you holistic well-being and lasting results. MysticMag has the pleasure.
How did you get into energy healing and what led you down this path in life and in your career?
I got started in energy healing after being a massage therapist for approximately 14 years. I never understood why so many people are still chronically ill or in pain despite several holistic and medical interventions. Including massage, chiropractic, acupuncture, diet, supplements, exercise, and much more. In most cases, people tried the pharmaceutical route with no results. I knew there had to be more that I wasn’t aware of. Then I discovered The Body Code and Emotion Code and I knew this was the answer and the missing piece to the puzzle. I had already been doing muscle testing for my daily supplements and knew I could do this, using my natural intuitive skills and my desire to heal others. I got certified and am now healing people so much more efficiently with better and lasting results.
What are the differences between Body Code and Emotion Code and which of them is more suitable for whom?
The Emotion Code is a way to find trapped emotions and release them. There could be hundreds of trapped emotions in the body causing all kinds of damage physically, mentally, and emotionally. The Body Code is a method to find underlying root causes for so many things. Everything from physical, mental to emotional issues. I can find toxins, pathogens, different types of trapped energies, cords, curses, sabotage, realign all body systems, address muscle and skeletal issues, remove inherited sickness and trapped emotions, balance the aura, chakras, and meridians and so much more. A number of these can be the root causes of so many issues in the body. I use muscle testing and the Body Code Program to find all imbalances. Both services are great for everyone including babies, young children, and adults. I heal animals all the time too! Literally, anyone can benefit from The Emotion Code and Body Code.
What is Bioshielding?
Bioshielding is an energetic Method to build a shield around you. I meditate and muscle test several layers to protect you from other people’s negative energy, pathogens, toxins, WIFI radiation, and much more negative energy. The Bioshield adds a calm or peaceful feeling to your everyday life. It can even help you sleep better.
What other services do you offer?
Another service I offer is supplement testing. I can test any supplements you’re currently taking or are thinking about taking and can let you know if your body wants it or not. I can also test through my charts to find out if there are any foods vitamins, minerals, herbs, or essential oils your body wants or that you should be avoiding.
What can people hope to achieve with your assistance?
My main goal is to coach you into a healing plan and help you release your unwanted baggage and bring your body back to a state of healing efficiently and spiritual balance.
To find out more about Leigh and her work, you can visit her website at www.hheartwellness.com