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Gaining a Stronger Sense of Presence and Intuitive Clarity with Lightstar

Gaining a Stronger Sense of Presence and Intuitive Clarity with Lightstar

MysticMag chats with Lightstar – a best-selling author and artist renowned for her visionary attunement artwork and frequency-encoded oracle decks, including The 2nd Edition Magical Dimensions Oracle Cards and Activators and Celestial Frequencies Oracle Cards and Healing Activators. As a High Frequency Attunement Artist, Celestial Channel, and Starseed Ambassador, Lightstar guides Lightworkers, Starseeds, and spiritual seekers to discover their soul’s truth. Her work, infused with sacred color rays and light codes, aims to awaken, inspire, and align individuals with their divine purpose. With over 20 Light Languages and transformational music activations, Lightstar’s offerings provide profound healing and spiritual growth. Her expertise is recognized globally, with her art showcased in galleries and her insights featured on various media platforms.

Can you share more about your journey from working in the corporate world to becoming a High Frequency Attunement Artist and Celestial Channel? What inspired this significant transition?

I started my journey in the corporate world, working across various industries such as software, nutrition and health products, environmental companies, disaster restoration and reconstruction, and forensic engineering. Primarily, I focused on marketing and continuing education, taking on diverse roles and responsibilities. Around 2009, I began to sense an impending change. While working at a forensic engineering company in Colorado, my intuition strongly urged me to pursue a spiritual path, but I initially ignored these promptings, opting instead for the comfort of familiarity.
However, the market crash of that period forced my hand. I was the last to lose my job, clinging to it until the very end. When the bottom finally dropped out, I had no choice but to embrace the spiritual journey I had been resisting. Despite not knowing exactly what this entailed, I had been taking various courses and classes on the side. This shift led me to leave Colorado, where I had lived for nearly 20 years, and move to Sedona, Arizona.
Sedona profoundly expanded and opened my spiritual journey. The spiritual connection here unlocked my creative flow and channels as an artist, allowing me to discover higher aspects of myself. Mystical, magical beings began to appear to me, and I started to express them through digital art from a higher dimension. Frequencies and codes poured in, which I translated into visual formats, including galactic and starseed codes.
As I embraced my intuition, I began to honor and appreciate my gifts. I started doing intuitive readings for clients, a completely new genre of work for me. I never anticipated doing readings or creating high-frequency art; these unfolded as I worked in higher dimensions and brought that energy here.
My transition involved many ‘dark night of the soul’ moments, traversing through challenging times. Despite the difficulties, it was also an exciting adventure that led me to where I am today. My journey continues to unfold, bringing new experiences and opportunities, making it a beautiful and evolving path.

Your artwork and oracle decks are described as being infused with sacred color rays and light codes. Can you explain how these elements work to transmit divine inspiration and assist in spiritual awakening?

My artwork is highly unique and specific, imbued with what I call sacred color rays. These color rays manifest in extraordinary ways, often beyond the usual spectrum, resulting in a multitude of distinct colors. People frequently comment on the uniqueness of these colors, sensing their impact because we are all composed of color, light, and sound. My artwork works with these color rays, light codes, and the matrices that define our essence.
As I create, I begin to see these codes, lights, and colors, intuitively incorporating them into my work. This process has led to the creation of my artwork and, subsequently, my Oracle decks. My second edition Magical Dimensions Oracle deck and the Celestial Frequencies Oracle deck are infused with these divine codes. From the beginning, I knew my art was destined for Oracles due to the higher-dimensional beings and frequencies coming through. These artworks and Oracles activate divine connections in others, often sparking spiritual awakenings. People frequently tell me they feel a deep connection to the scenes depicted, as if they have been there before.
The beings in my art work with individuals, their spiritual guides, angels, elementals, fairies, and other beings of light. My art helps individuals connect more deeply and divinely with themselves, enabling them to receive answers to their own questions. This premise inspired my Oracle decks: to help people access their intuition, strengthen their psychic abilities, and connect with their inner selves.
This journey has also sparked various other products and services I offer, including music, codes, and light languages. These creations help people open their divine lens, feel more confident in using their intuition, and strengthen their inner navigator. This innate tool guides us through life’s challenges and lessons, fostering a deeper connection with our true selves.

You speak over 20 Light Languages. How did you discover and develop this ability, and how do these languages facilitate healing and soul activation for individuals?

Light language is a term that encompasses various forms of communication, often referred to as universal light language or the language of light. It manifests in many ways, and I have personally experienced and tracked these languages over time. My journey with light language began when I was around nine years old. I spoke a language that I didn’t understand at the time, so I tucked it away in my memory.
Around 2011, I received a significant download of different languages over a two-week period. They came to me in various settings, like while showering or drifting to sleep, compelling me to record them. These languages originated from different realms—galactic (Pleiadian, Arcturian, Sirian), elemental, and angelic. Over two years, I integrated these languages, understanding their energy frequencies and purposes.
Although the languages aren’t meant to be deciphered or interpreted in the traditional sense, I believe they are soul languages, stemming from our deeper, spiritual essence. Some of us might speak multiple languages due to our roles in other dimensions, like serving as ambassadors. These languages serve various functions, including transmissions, activations, healing, and shifting DNA to awaken different strands.
The languages I channel assist in awakening, healing, and aligning individuals with their divine and life purposes. Many transformations occur on a non-verbal level, affecting the subconscious and transmitting codes that awaken and heal. I have developed a unique chakra clearing method using light language, part of my interdimensional starseed alignment sessions, which consists of three phases. This clearing and subsequent upgrades help clear blockages and integrate new energies.
Even now, I continue to receive new languages, although I have slowed the flow to allow for proper integration. This ongoing process remains a powerful and transformative aspect of my work, helping others connect more deeply with their true selves and their spiritual journeys.

Your work is widely recognized and you have received numerous certifications in traditional and alternative healing. How do these diverse practices integrate into your sessions and attunement artwork?

There was a time in my life when I felt compelled to obtain numerous certifications, moving from one to another without pause. I began my journey with Reiki, becoming certified and practicing as a Reiki healer. Concurrently, I trained and worked as a Swedish massage therapist and also offered polarity treatments. My pursuit of knowledge and skills didn’t stop there; I earned certifications in Crystology, pranic healing, and as an Angel practitioner. These were all part of my personal development during my corporate career, often pursued in the evenings and weekends.
My deep interest in health, nutrition, and wellness is rooted in my family history. My father was one of the pioneers of chelation therapy, and his work as a physician greatly influenced me. I became a traditional naturopath, focusing on a degree-based approach rather than obtaining a license to practice naturopathy. I also earned a Master’s in Science in Natural Health, integrating this knowledge into my practice.
After the 2009 market crash, I transitioned out of the corporate world and delved deeper into my spiritual path. I became certified as an Angel practitioner, initially channeling messages from angels but soon discovering my ability to receive messages from crossed-over loved ones. Despite this, I chose to focus on angelic and higher-dimensional guidance. Along the way, I also became a certified channel, medical intuitive, and professional career intuitive coach.
Today, I utilize all these certifications and my extensive educational background in my sessions. My work centers on helping people discover their life purpose, career paths, and soul missions. I assist clients in manifesting their soul’s gifts and lessons here on Earth, integrating my knowledge and skills to offer comprehensive support.
My life’s work is to explore and experience the body, mind, and spirit across various dimensions and disciplines. I have created a holistic platform to assist people in healing, receiving soul messages and insights, and aligning with their higher purpose. By combining all these elements, I help individuals navigate the complexities of their journeys, upgrading their energy and maintaining a connection to the higher dimensions.

What do you find most fulfilling about your role as a spiritual teacher and guide for Lightworkers and Starseeds? Can you share a particularly memorable experience or success story from your work?

I love what I do because it allows me to help people uncover and express their fullest potential. I consider myself more of a spiritual catalyst than a spiritual teacher, as my role is to facilitate and unlock the inherent gifts and abilities within individuals. This approach resonates deeply with me, given my own journey as an intuitive empath. Like many lightworkers and starseeds, I faced the challenge of being overwhelmed and shut down early in life. Having worked through these obstacles, I now use my experience to assist others in accepting and embracing their gifts with confidence.
My work involves helping people put their power into play so they can manifest their dreams with grace and ease. It’s incredibly fulfilling to know that I’m contributing to the collective need for more people to step into their roles of service on this planet. Helping others align with their purpose and mission brings me immense satisfaction.
For instance, I had a client who was the CEO of a food distribution business. He sought my help during his spiritual awakening, struggling to understand the visions and dreams he was experiencing. Through multiple sessions, I helped him gain confidence and strength in his abilities, grounding and balancing the spiritual insights he was receiving. He was able to integrate the spiritual aspects, past lives, and patterns at play, and he eventually stepped into his true purpose within the spiritual world of business. Watching him grow and transform was incredibly rewarding.
This is just one example of the many successes I’ve witnessed in my practice. My clients often start with a sense of confusion or uncertainty and, through our work together, they gain clarity, confidence, and a deeper connection to their true selves. It’s my greatest joy to see them flourish and expand into the truth of who they are, honoring their unique paths and missions.

If you would like to find out more about Lightstar, please visit https://www.lightstarcreations.com/

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Sarah Kirton
Content Editor
Content Editor
Sarah Kirton is a Content Editor at MysticMag. She focuses on exploring diverse holistic therapies, energy healing, and esoteric arts. Her role involves delving into these subjects to bring out meaningful insights from each individual she interviews. With a long-standing spiritual connection, Sarah has dabbled in Reiki (Reiki 1) and tarot, drawn by the fascinating power of energy and its healing potential. As a freelance writer for the past five years, she has honed her ability to craft compelling narratives around these topics. Sarah is also a mother to a 6-year-old, whom she considers her greatest teacher. Outside of her spiritual work, she enjoys water sports, appreciating the energy and power of nature, which aligns with her love for the healing and transformative aspects of the natural world.