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Empowering Vitality: Liz Pikutis on the Magic of Flower Essences

Empowering Vitality: Liz Pikutis on the Magic of Flower Essences

In a world where holistic healing is gaining momentum, Liz Pikutis stands out as a beacon of vibrational wisdom. Her journey from discovering Reiki in Peru to delving into the transformative realm of Flower Essence Therapy is a testament to her profound connection with nature and energy. MysticMag has the pleasure.

What has your professional journey been like up to this point?

I’ve always felt a natural pull by the world of subtle vibration and energy. About 8 years ago I found the practice of Reiki while traveling in Peru. I had a synchronistic opportunity to become certified in this really beautiful healing house I was studying yoga at. I continued my education after that and developed a newfound relationship with feeling connected to myself, my own energy, and a higher power, through the practice of Reiki. I offered energy sessions out of my home for a few years.

Friends and word-of-mouth clients were my entry point for growing into a practitioner role. I remember the first moment during this time in my life when I felt truly embodied as a healer. My love of energy work is paired equally with my love of Nature… and along my path, I had found something so special, that immediately sparked in my heart: Flower Essence Therapy. I went on to study herbalism and flower essence therapy at the truly extraordinary Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism.

Where our classes were spent sitting and listening under Sunflowers or Ponderosa Pines or Golden Currants of the mountains, making essences in fields of wildflowers; again, sitting still enough to listen to the whispers of Nature. This was another venture into the world of subtle vibration for me.  It became clear in my heart, the call of blending these two modalities together: Reiki and Flower Essences. Which has turned out more beautifully than I could have expected. I’ve worked at Visions Reiki and Soul Spa of the surrounding Pittsburgh area for almost a year now, offering flower essence reiki and flower essence therapy services.

What issues can Bach Flower Essences be helpful with?

For those who haven’t heard of Flower Essences before… They are essentially bottled vibrational remedies of the flower’s highest frequency. Making a flower essence is a sweet ritual and communion with the plant, in which a flower’s full blossoms are infused into spring water (the medium that holds frequency) and left outside to be alchemized by the Sun or Moon, which drives the flower’s energetic signature into the water. Flower essences are a sister to homeopathy, meaning they are very diluted remedies and more potent this way.

So, we end up with a dosage bottle or stock bottle that is completely non-toxic because it is made up of energy + water + a little bit of brandy as a preservative, which can always be left out. This makes the essences a safe, accessible and supportive modality for so many, including babies, children, animals, elderly, etc.  Flower essences work within the deeper layers of the subconscious to stimulate the free-flowing expression of our own innate intelligence. In this way, they connect us to our hearts, our intuitive knowing, our inner strength and wisdom and potential to bloom into the fullest expression of our souls, as flowers do. They are able to address the root cause of imbalance by working with the main imprint of pain or trauma, where an imbalance is held within the body.

They can support us by digging up  emotional roots where the emotional, behavioral or mental pattern began in order to heal from the source outward.  Flower remedies have an absolute magic about them, in the ways they subtly bring more joy or clarity to the surface of our being and then all of a sudden powerfully help us shift a pattern of blocked energy and emotion, to ripple out into profound transformations. Every flower holds a unique consciousness and frequency, and each offers specific healing opportunities. For instance, Wild Rose supports healing from apathy and opens our inner energetic channels to feel gratitude and joy more vibrantly. Flowers can be combined into formulas that offer synergistic support to the range of someone’s personal needs.

Some positive changes that can be experienced through flower essence therapy include: gaining a greater sense of self, inner peace and clarity, increasing emotional capacity, growing in relationships, transforming fears, soothing the nervous system, healing physical pains, uplifting grief, tending to the heart, dissolving personal obstacles, promoting self-confidence/self-forgiveness/self-compassion and feelings of empowerment. There’s really such a vast spectrum of ways flowers can support us; these are only a few examples.

They are also such amazing remedies for our animals too, our furry friends who are especially sensitive to energy. When they don’t have the ability to speak to us about their troubles or even traumas, we can observe their behavioral patterns to know which flower essence might support them. I’ve seen animals have positive reactions almost instantly to flower essences.

What advice would you give someone who is considering trying flower essences for the first time?

There’s so much I could say, because it is what I love doing, helping people develop relationships with the flower essences and finding their flower allies. It’s important to practice noticing when first beginning to work with them. Notice your thought patterns, and how you feel in your body, check in with your heart – day to day. Notice what flowers you are naturally drawn to, there is a reason for that. Pausing to take a grounding breath before taking the drops, to say a prayer or mantra, mostly being intentional about it is a part of the medicine.

It can be helpful to journal while taking them because there are times where the shifts taking place can be subtle and gentle whispers. Because a flower essence vibrationally supports emotional balance, there can also be times where tears are shed or heavy feelings come to the surface. This is a part of the deeper work, where your system is showing you a pain or personal block to be felt, seen, and integrated in order to be let go of or balanced – to be uplifted. There is a devotion needed and developed in working with flower essences. It is a practice of meeting all parts of yourself with compassion, as emotional layers unravel the more you work with them. I’d say it is quite an expansive and empowering journey home to the core of ourselves.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?

My intention as a practitioner is to share awareness of these vibrational remedies the Earth has to offer, to be an educator, a channel and messenger for the flowers to reach those who need them, to inspire a deep connection to both the Earth and our inner Spiritual Hearts, and to hold safe and compassionate space for clients to explore their emotional bodies, tend to their heart and healing, and find more inner truth, emotional freedom, and self-empowerment.

To give a glimpse of what my sessions look like: My flower essence therapy sessions focus on deep diving into the client’s life as a whole, we talk through many different aspects, identify patterns/feelings/sensations and together we come to find a flower essence formula, as well as some vitalist and somatic practices that feel like a good fit for their current needs. With every follow up we adjust the flower formula based on the emotional layers unraveling at that time.

Working with flower essences in an intentional and long-term setting can be a transformative experience. My flower essence reiki sessions are an opportunity to receive energy work: reiki, supported by the vibrational frequency of flower essences dropped onto the body where needed, in order to release stored emotions and energetic blockages. These sessions are sweetly supported by the plants, as I also bring in an intuitive plant brushing to cleanse and protect. A flower essence reiki session ends with creating a flower blend for the client to go home with, to further integrate the energy work. Both services are meant to be interchangeable and supportive of the client’s overall health, vitality, and growth.


To learn more about Liz and her work, you can visit visionsreikiandsoulspa.com

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Predrag Vlatkovic
Content Editor and Coordinator
Content Editor and Coordinator
Predrag Vlatkovic is a Content Editor and Coordinator at MysticMag. His work includes engaging interviews with professionals from various spiritual fields, alternative medicine, astrology, energy healing, and more. With a focus on growing our blog and bringing readers insightful stories, Predrag stays connected to the latest developments in the spiritual community. His interest in the filed began at a young age. From visiting a palm reader and conducting a small interview for his personal website to now interviewing spiritual leaders from around the world, his passion for the spiritual and mystic world continues to grow. Outside of work, Predrag enjoys meditating, playing board games like chess and Dungeons & Dragons, and spending time in nature with a good book always by his side.