In a world where the mind often holds the key to overcoming life’s most significant challenges, Maree Deeley stands out as a beacon of transformative healing and growth. With over 25 years of experience, Maree blends clinical hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, and life coaching into a winning formula that has changed countless lives across the UK and worldwide. From guiding individuals to unlock their potential to helping businesses and groups achieve harmony, Maree’s dynamic and holistic approach has earned her national recognition on TV, radio, and in the hearts of her clients. For Maree, the art of therapy is not just about credentials—though she holds numerous professional qualifications and memberships. It’s about her rich life experiences, which add depth and empathy to her practice, allowing her to guide clients toward the results they seek, desire, and deserve. Ready to step into a more confident, happier version of yourself? Join Mystic Mag as we delve into Maree’s inspiring story and her approach to empowering individuals.
With 25 years of experience, you’ve worked with clients worldwide. How have your methods evolved over the years to meet the changing needs of your clients?
It is a long time, 28 years of therapy for people from all over the world. From Aberdeen to Arizona, Paris and Rome, London, the Netherlands, Zurich, Italy USA and Moldova, just to name a few.
There is so much more fear and anxiety worldwide than say even 5-10 years ago. Listening in depth is still and always will be a priority. I give time generously and it pays off every time. Getting to know, really know the client is so important. My vast experience in all I do is constantly honed, sharpened and kept up to date. Clients need change over all and of course this changes over the personal journeys they are on, the issues they have, the goals they want to achieve. In fact with a potent mix of the therapies I offer. There is also a deep spiritual awareness and I can most times even hear and know their unsaid words…see web site comments.
Your practice integrates clinical hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, and life coaching. How do you determine which technique or combination of methods will be most effective for a client?
Indeed as above I mesh several therapies together as required, and tailored to each individual’s journey. Only through having a deep knowledge and understanding of each client, can one then mix the correct techniques and methods for the individual. Changing as they progress on their journey with me. Producing real and tangible results in their lives. Taking them both forward and sometimes back with age regression, and past life, and then of course forward after addressing the issues found.
What type of services do you offer?
I offer so much more than the above mentioned therapies. Including my spiritual side, which is always present throughout each therapy , including hypno-healing, emotionally, physically and psychologically, and often where medication has not produced the results they have wanted. Addressing deep psychological issues, behavioural issues. I work with children through to adults. Age groups from age 3 to most recently 107 years of age. Long and wonderful story!…. Relationship issues with self and indeed others, often whole families.
I also run pretty inspirational weekend courses, with very interesting and varied content eg..’getting in touch with your inner child’, getting in touch with your inner Goddess’ ‘Healing in the secret garden’, just to name a few. All courses are weekends and include a healthy buffet, and crystal infused Spring water…and more! Content is always changing and clients often want to partake in the next course, so hence ongoing change. Wonderful results come from these courses and the emphasis is given to quality small groups, so the real personal touch is there for everyone. New Courses begin in Feb 2025.
Past life regression is a fascinating aspect of your work. What role does it play in the healing journey, and how do clients typically respond to this type of therapy?
PLR is an incredible experience for me. Full consultation is always done before embarking on this. PLR journey is renowned for enabling the client to find old issues, patterns that may have been holding them back in the present, ‘this life’ Great resolution can take place, allowing for a deeper understanding of their life in the here and now. So although we call this PAST LIFE, it ultimately can and does correct past mistakes, hurts etc, and allows a clear path and an enlightened path to moving forward in many areas of their lives. Importantly often there is a spontaneous healing, whether mentally or even physically. I have many truly wonderful stories and feedback. Could truly write a book on this subject alone!
What is your advice for someone considering therapy for the first time but feeling uncertain or nervous about taking the first step?
My advice to a new client considering any of these therapies is to book a consultation first. Initially it often opens up more than they were even expecting. Perhaps an issue or two they have been quietly struggling with comes to the surface. Better still it may even be resolved too at this stage. Nerves are left far behind, I’m told within the first 10 minutes frequently. All you have to do is take that first step….call me or e mail me directly from the website www.mareedeeleylifetherapies.co.uk
‘You have only the problem, the issue to lose…and EVERYTHING to gain. Truly move into a NEW YEAR!
My Book now on Amazon ‘The Harvest Always comes’ Maree Deeley 2025
Article about NDE at ‘Spirit and Destiny’ mag
RADIO AND TV WORK also undertaken ‘Agony Aunt’