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Bridging Realms: The Journey of Marina, a Gifted Certified Medium and Tarot Advisor

Bridging Realms: The Journey of Marina, a Gifted Certified Medium and Tarot Advisor

Marina is an authentic, highly sought-after Certified Medium and Tarot Advisor who has both enlightened and transformed the lives of every client she has worked with. As a strongly advocated, evidential medium who delivers detailed validations and messages from passed loved ones, Marina has already made a lasting mark in her gifted role, proving that there is more to life than this one brief stint here on this earth.

Unlike most mediums, Marina was not born this way. Her spiritual gift arose several years ago during a blissful massage, where she saw an older man appear in her mind. He took her on a journey through a small Western US town and talked about a woman named Carol, who Marina later discovered was her masseuse when confronting her about what she saw. Since then, Marina has embraced her new role as the bridge between the two realms, avidly studying and learning how to listen, converse, and receive messages with the spirit world, including mastering the art of tarot reading.

Nothing makes Marina happier than being able to deliver people closure, comfort, and peace by reconnecting them with loved ones who have passed. She takes pride in her abilities and demonstrates that ardency by providing powerful experiences and readings that leave her clients feeling both invigorated and in awe as they realize that the human body may die, but the spirit itself does not.

Learn more about this fascinating person in our latest MysticMag interview.

Could you talk about your experience as a certified medium and tarot advisor, including how you got interested in that field and obtained your certification?

Absolutely nothing had piqued my interest in this field. It wasn’t until one morning that I found myself unexpectedly engaged with it. Out of the blue, I began hearing a voice from the other side while in the midst of a lengthy career. This wasn’t a pursuit I had been seeking nor had any familiarity with. It simply presented itself to me without warning. I never actively sought it out, desired it, or comprehended its impact. It struck me unawares.

Once this happened, the initial response was to question my sanity and contemplate seeking help. However, upon reflection, I realized that the voice I was hearing wasn’t akin to the voices associated with schizophrenia. It was distinct, conveying information that wasn’t related to my personal experiences but often carried messages for others. Accepting this, I embarked on a journey to understand and embrace this newfound ability, assuring myself that I wasn’t losing my mind.

The foremost challenge was to curtail its constant intrusion. This unusual ability would manifest even in public places, urging me to communicate messages to strangers. This proved cumbersome, as not everyone was receptive to unsolicited messages. My initial goal was to learn how to control and manage this phenomenon. However, finding resources or guidance was unexpectedly difficult. In a city like New York, known for its diverse classes, there was a conspicuous absence of information on becoming a medium. It took me around 4 to 5 months to locate a suitable place to nurture this skill.

In the interim, I voraciously consumed every available piece of literature on the subject. In a year, I devoured an extensive array of texts spanning from mediumship accounts to diverse philosophies, from Eastern to Western traditions, encompassing Kabbalah, scientific studies on life after death, and even perspectives from Buddhism. This eclectic knowledge-seeking phase culminated in a realization: I could directly inquire the other side to fill in the gaps in my understanding.

Ultimately, I discovered a mentor and a school after about 2 years of searching. These next years were dedicated to honing my abilities and comprehending their scope. This endeavor involved not just developing existing aptitudes but also learning to control the overwhelming influence this had on my daily life. This phase culminated in achieving certification as a medium and tarot advisor. Despite not initially envisioning this as a career, I found myself practicing on others.

The idea of charging for my services hadn’t initially crossed my mind. However, as I balanced two full-time roles – my regular job and this newfound skill – I reached a juncture where a decision was imperative. Believing that everyone can pursue their desired path, I recognized the uniqueness of my situation. With faith in the calling that had emerged later in life, I took a leap and transformed this into a full-time business. Since making that choice, I’ve never looked back.

How do you approach a session with a client? What do you do? How do you establish the connection? Do you prepare if you prepare at all?

My routine involves a brief meditation as part of my preparation. Before each session, I allocate about 15 minutes to center myself and allow the residual energy from the previous client to dissipate. This process serves as a mental cleanse, although it’s not strictly necessary since I don’t retain the energy. As one client leaves, I ensure there’s no mingling of information as the next one arrives, as that could become overwhelming. So, I take a few deliberate breaths and dedicate one or two minutes to meditating, helping me return to a state of balance. That’s the extent of my pre-session ritual. There’s nothing more to it, really, because the real work is done by the client.

Upon entering the session, clients bring the presence of their departed loved ones with them. This is beyond my control and influence. I’m not capable of summoning specific spirits at will. It’s important to dispel the misconception that mediums can instantaneously channel any spirit on demand. That’s simply not how it works. Our role as mediums is more akin to messengers.

So, during the session, my involvement is minimal. I request clients to share limited information with me, as I prefer to hear what the spirits have to convey. Once we start, there are no incense burning, beads adorning, or elaborate shamanic rituals involved. Absolutely none of that. The setting is uncomplicated – typically a coffee table with a book, and a simple arrangement of flowers, often tulips and others. From there, it’s a straightforward conversation, much like the exchange between you and me right now, with the added dimension of the spirits’ presence. In essence, it’s a three-way dialogue rather than a conventional two-way exchange. That’s the essence of what takes place in a session.

How do you handle difficult, challenging, or sensitive topics that might arise during a session?

Well, the sensitivity factor hinges on how you define it. Are we discussing private confidences or forecasts about the future? However, the extremities you’ve mentioned aren’t typically the case. Sensitivity is context-dependent. If the topic touches upon someone’s personal history, I ensure transparency by sharing exactly what I’m sensing or picking up. My approach to channeling involves delivering unfiltered information. I refrain from any form of censorship or alteration, as this could taint the intended message. During the process of channeling, my foremost goal is to offer the most unadulterated message possible.

Yet, when confronted with challenging messages such as cautions or predictions, I adopt a different stance. It’s essential to understand that tarot doesn’t revolve around fortune-telling; it’s more about offering advice. When addressing these instances, I guide individuals regarding potential outcomes if they continue down a specific path. However, I underline the significance of free will in these situations. Ultimately, the responsibility to make choices lies with them.

How do you offer support and guidance to clients who are experiencing grief or turmoil and seeking closure?

My role isn’t to offer closure directly; rather, I function as a conduit for messages. The majority of the time, clients discover solace in establishing a connection with their departed loved ones. I find that the messages I convey hold significant weight, often bringing the closure they yearn for. The energy and distinctive characteristics of their dear ones channeled through me, provide a source of comfort. This process reassures clients that the presence of their loved ones endures in some manner. I consistently hold onto the belief that our energy persists beyond physical existence, and this notion aids in fostering a feeling of unbroken continuity and profound connection.

In any profession, ethical considerations play a role. How do you ensure the privacy of your clients, maintain professional boundaries and uphold ethical standards?

It’s not something that lends itself well to strict regulation; rather, it hinges on principles of integrity. I refrain from engaging in practices or providing services that don’t align with my personal beliefs, regardless of any client requests. For instance, I won’t assert the ability to dispel curses or spells, as I don’t subscribe to those concepts. I also uphold a guideline of only conducting readings for individuals who have sought them out personally. I hold certain matters as private and hold a deep regard for the boundaries of my clients.

While it’s not a formal rule, I consistently remind my clients that certain inquiries might not yield explicit answers. This isn’t due to any withholding on my part, but rather a reflection of the necessity for messages to remain authentic and true to the energy of their departed loved ones.


We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Petar Vojinovic is a content editor for Mystic Mag, where he curates and oversees content related to mysticism, psychics, and spiritual practices. In his role, Petar oversees content creation, ensuring that each article, interview, and feature provides valuable insights into the mystical world. He collaborates with experts in the field to present a wide range of topics, from tarot readings to holistic healing methods, maintaining the site's reputation for authenticity and depth. Petar's interest in spirituality and mysticism has been a lifelong passion. He has a background in cultural studies, which gave him a unique perspective on ancient spiritual practices and their relevance in modern times. Before joining Mystic Mag, Petar wrote for various publications, focusing on alternative medicine and the metaphysical. Outside of work, Petar enjoys practicing meditation and studying astrology. His fascination with the occult continues to fuel his dedication to exploring the unknown.