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Sacred Transitions - Navigating Grief and Celebrating Life with Marissa Bostick

Sacred Transitions - Navigating Grief and Celebrating Life with Marissa Bostick

In the intricate tapestry of life, marked by moments of joy, sorrow, and everything in between, the presence of compassionate guidance becomes an invaluable beacon. Enter Marissa Bostick, a multifaceted practitioner of healing arts, seamlessly blending the roles of SBD Doula, Chaplain, EOLD (End-of-Life Doula), CAPD (Domestic Violence), and a Certified Expert Sound Healer. With a warm embrace that spans across the spectrum of human experiences, Marissa extends a heartfelt welcome to those navigating through life’s various chapters. Whether you find yourself grappling with loss, celebrating the resilient spirit after overcoming challenges, or simply seeking support on your unique journey, Marissa’s holistic approach to healing offers solace and companionship. In her capable hands, grief is not merely an emotion; it is a transformative journey, and Marissa Bostick is steadfastly present for every step of it. Join Mystic Mag as we explore the profound intersection of doula services and alternative healing through the lens of Marissa Bostick

As a certified expert sound healer, how do you incorporate sound healing into your doula and chaplaincy practices? Can you share a specific experience where sound healing made a significant impact on the individuals you were supporting?

I think there is a deep connection between sound and both birth and death. I first became interested in sound healing after experiencing my stillbirth. When a baby is born that is not alive, one of the most painful and jarring things is the absolute silence that accompanies the birth. It’s challenging to describe, but those who have shared this experience will understand. I felt that this painful silence needed healing in my life, and I sought it out. I learned how to play the singing bowls and the harp first to heal my own pain, and then to help others with theirs. Sound heals our deep wounds that words cannot reach.

One of my favorite ways to use sound healing is during birth. I have two instruments that I like to bring with me. A large Tibetan bowl called the Motherhood bowl and my Reverie Harp. I recently bought my Reverie Harp for a birth where the mother was struggling with stress, “white coat syndrome” and high blood pressure. We played the harp in between contractions and were able to help her stay calm and keep her blood pressure down. It was beautiful how well it worked.

Your certifications include SBD Doula and Chaplain, EOLD, CAPD (DV). How do these diverse qualifications complement each other, and how do they uniquely contribute to your approach when supporting individuals and families?

After experiencing my stillbirth, I wanted to help other parents who had gone through similar losses. Whether that was a pregnancy, infant, or child loss. I felt that being knowledgeable in both fields of birth and death were important to this work. A mother who delivers a stillborn baby has still given birth, and needs the same kind of care before, during, and after birth as any other mother. But they also have experienced a significant and unique loss, and need care and guidance as they begin their lifelong journey of grieving their baby. I think in order to truly support and guide a family going through these difficult experiences, one must be well versed in matters of both birth and death. It’s a sacred privilege to witness and support those experiencing both uniquely and experiencing both at the same time.

What type of services do you offer?

I offer a wide range of services. I offer birth, postpartum, bereavement, and end of life doula care. I work in hospitals, birth centers, hospice and palliative care facilities, and at home. I do specialize in pregnancy and infant loss, but I am happy to support any birth and any death. I also offer a-la-carte services such as birth story listening, birth planning, memory making, chaplaincy and funeral services, and more.

For sound healing, I do offer both virtual and in person individual sessions and am available for group sound baths.

In your role as a Chaplain, how do you address the spiritual and emotional needs of individuals during the end-of-life process? Can you provide an example of a particularly challenging situation where your skills were instrumental in providing comfort and support?

In our initial meeting, the family and I will go through a questionnaire together. I will ask them questions about their faith and cultural background. I try to deeply understand my clients so that I can best support them. I am well versed in the major religions and do my best to help facilitate any faith based practices. It is my intention to help these families meet their spiritual needs and facilitate ways for them to connect with their faith in a way that will guide them and strengthen them during these difficult times.

I unfortunately have seen many families go through crises of faith during times of pregnancy and infant loss. I feel in these times, it is my role to act as a guide, a listener, and a companion. I try not to give many answers, I help the families find their own answers. There was one family in particular I supported that lost their baby to SIDS. The mother was angry and blamed everyone, especially God. Her main concerns were if God is in control of everything, then why did her baby die? Did he cause it to happen? I listened and validated her feelings. I asked her questions, and we worked through her thoughts. I helped her work out what she was feeling and thinking and gave her a sounding board to express herself. I don’t have all the answers, but I am always happy to be a guide for others to help them find the answers they need.

Sound healing is often associated with relaxation and stress reduction. Can you share a success story where sound healing played a key role in helping someone manage stress or anxiety, particularly in a doula or chaplaincy context?

I have the immense privilege to volunteer in the NICU part time. It is my favorite thing to bring my Reverie harp to the NICU, both in support groups and one-on-ones. The NICU is an extremely stressful experience for parents. I love to offer my harp to parents to play, as well as play for them. The Reverie harp is the type of instrument that anyone can play and it will sound beautiful. It resonates beautifully and is very calming when held closely while playing. I’ve found that it has a deeply calming effect on these parents and has become very popular.

In your role as an End-of-Life Doula (EOLD), how do you help individuals and their families navigate the complexities of grief and loss? Can you share a memorable experience where your support made a meaningful difference in the grieving process?

It is such a unique honor and privilege to support families during the loss of their baby or child. The way I support families varies widely depending on the family and situation. But mostly I help parents find ways to remember and honor their babies and children. When a parent experiences this loss, it can be overwhelming and clouds our minds. It can be difficult to make decisions and plans. It can be helpful to have someone there to provide suggestions and advice for how to honor and care for their precious loved ones.

One family that I supported in particular stands out. I had the honor to support a family who lost their newborn in the NICU. The baby had a genetic condition and was expected to pass shortly after birth. I was able to support them at the hospital, as we worked on memory making, taking pictures, and navigating decisions. This was the first family I had been able to support in person. They asked me what brought me to this line of work, I told them it was because of my own personal experience with loss and I wanted to help others who had gone through what we’d gone through. In that moment everything changed, the fact that I had shared lived experience meant everything to the family. It opened the door for our relationship and the family knew I was someone they could deeply trust. It was beautiful to support the family both from what I had learned from personal experience and what I had learned from my training. I try to bring this into every client relationship, and I am deeply thankful that I can serve families in this way.

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Katarina is a Content Editor at Mystic Mag She is a Reiki practitioner who believes in spiritual healing, self-consciousness, healing with music. Mystical things inspire her to always look for deeper answers. She enjoys to be in nature, meditation, discover new things every day. Interviewing people from this area is her passion and space where she can professionaly evolve, and try to connect people in needs with professionals that can help them on their journey. Before joining Mystic Mag, she was involved in corporate world where she thought that she cannot express herself that much and develop as a person.