MysticMag chats with Mary Crawford, the founder of The Joy of Being Well, with over 20 years of experience in energy clearing and healing for both people and animals. She believes that healing should be easy and fast, and she has been praised for achieving in just one or two sessions what others have struggled to accomplish in months. Mary understands that what holds us back from living our best lives resides in our body’s energy fields and vibrations. By clearing and balancing these energies, she helps restore health, vitality, and joy, sharing tools to maintain balance and enhance well-being.
Mary, what does a life full of joy and vibrant energy look like to you, and how can one start incorporating those elements into their daily routine?
As humans we don’t expect to be joyful every minute – we would get bored pretty quickly. However, a joyful life is one that makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning excited for what the day will bring. Sure, there will be challenges, but they are simply problems looking for solutions. The outcomes can be exciting and rewarding – offering great opportunities for growth and expansion. We want to get to a place where we know for certain that we are always supported, that we are powerful creators and that everything is always working out for us.
How can someone identify and release energy that doesn’t serve them, and what impact can this have on their overall well-being?
As energy beings we are always picking up signals from other people, from animals even from the Earth. In addition, we come to this lifetime with ancestral energy that often does not serve us. (science has now proven that emotional energy can be passed down on the DNA). For example, say your great grandfather was in a war and saw something really traumatic. That energy got trapped in his body – even imprinted on his DNA – then passed down to you.
You do not need to keep these energies, thoughts, beliefs that don’t serve you. Sometimes just by recognizing that you hold a belief is enough for you to let it go. If you hold on to old fears, doubts, anger, anxiety, etc. – even if it was not originally yours – it affects every cell in your body and all of your actions. I have seen these energies contribute to problems with work, with relationships and definitely with the physical body. There is always underlying emotion attached to every physical dis-ease.
Can you share some techniques or practices that help individuals tune into their higher selves and listen to their body’s needs?
The fastest way to tune into your body is to meditate – get completely quiet even for just a few minutes and let your body tell you what it is feeling. We need to disconnect more so we can hear the signals coming from our body.
Another way is through Dowsing or Muscle Testing. Your body has all of the answers you need. These techniques allow you to tap into that inner wisdom quickly and easily for the truth. I teach two levels of Dowsing classes. It’s a technique that anyone can learn and use daily.
In what ways can understanding and working with one’s energy systems influence their relationships, career, and health?
When you are truly in tune with your body, and you understand what beliefs you may be holding, you can make decisions from a place of confidence and excitement knowing that you are guided and on the right track. With a practice of daily meditation and the ability to tune into your inner wisdom, you have more confidence, less stress and you’ll be giving your body the best chance for self-healing.
How do you envision the role of spiritual guidance, such as connecting with one’s angels or guides, in achieving personal transformation and success?
When you work with an Energy Guide, you will learn to trust that you are never alone. There are more beautiful energies here on the planet than in any time of our human history. The support is there for us if we know how to ask for it. Your Guide should be able to
Help you release old patterns, beliefs and energies
Clear you of any attachments
Help you remember how powerful you are
Give you the confidence to connect to your angels and guides
Give you the tools you need to continue to grow in your power
I look forward to helping you with all of this. I offer a free Discovery Call to help you see what you might be holding that is keeping you from your joy. https://thejoyofbeingwell.as.me/freeconsult