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Mystical Insights and Maternal Wisdom - Unveiling the Journey of Nicole Wintermyer

Mystical Insights and Maternal Wisdom - Unveiling the Journey of Nicole Wintermyer

Step into the enchanting world of mysticism and maternal intuition, where Nicole Wintermyer, fondly known as “The Psychic Mom,” reigns as a guiding light. In a reality where the spiritual and the familial converge, Nicole’s journey unfolds as a tapestry woven with threads of extraordinary insight and unconditional love. With an innate ability to perceive beyond the veil of the mundane, she navigates both the ethereal realms and the everyday challenges of motherhood with grace and wisdom. As we embark on this exploration of Nicole’s unique path, we discover how her extraordinary gifts have not only shaped her role as a mother but have also touched the lives of those who seek solace, understanding, and a glimpse into the unseen dimensions. Join Mystic Mag in delving into the captivating story of “The Psychic Mom” and the profound connections she cultivates between the mystical and the maternal.

As a psychic medium, you bridge the gap between the physical and spiritual realms. How do you explain your abilities to skeptics, and what evidence or experiences do you find most persuasive in helping them understand?

This is a great question and I think most people naturally are skeptics until they have experienced a “true” mediumship reading themselves. Onei n which their loved one undoubtedly provided evidence that the skeptic is sure the medium could not have know.  And usually it’s a collection of evidence, including facts, personality traits and sometimes specific messages about what is going on in the skeptic’s life.  Having an experience like this can be life changing. Feeling certain about an afterlife and the possibility that what you thought was impossible IS possible…can be very transformational for some. I say a “true” mediumship reading because unfortunately there are scammers out there and people can have unfulfilling experiences. A true mediumship reading is the most persuasive because the evidence is immediately recognized and confirmed. If a skeptic leaves an experience still a skeptic, then the mediumship reading wasn’t well done or the medium was a fraud. Now there may be cases where the medium may be a legitimate and gifted medium,  but their reading may still leave someone unfulfilled.  I’ve seen this happen and my belief is that it has something to do with the skeptic’s own spiritual journey and the need for that skeptic to continue down its path of discovery in a certain manner. Spirit will send through who they deem fit for the time being. For example, sometimes ancestors come through for people. If someone doesn’t know much about their ancestors, they’re not going to feel secure that it is an ancestor actually giving me the info. The message they give may be relatable to the person’s life, but often in a case like this, a message from an ancestor just isn’t enough.  When this occurs, I always encourage the person to seek out more experiences. When the timing is divinely right, spirit will blow your mind and leave you without a doubt. Until then, keep searching. Timing is everything!

Your background spans various creative pursuits, including writing, teaching, dancing, and music. How have these experiences influenced or intertwined with your psychic abilities, and do you find any particular art form enhances your connection to the spiritual world?

For sure.  I think that ALL creative pursuits come from the inspiration that naturally dwells in the space of divinity and spirituality. We tap into this creative space intuitively, whether we recognize we’re doing so or not. And I believe that when we are in creative mode, we enhance our personal connections with the divine. Divinity and spirituality are creation based. Where did we come from, how did we get here? Why were we created? I believe when we allow our minds to quiet and we flow with the creative process we are naturally tapping into that world of creation, intuitively using and strengthening our abilities as we create in any way we desire. Art, Music, Writing, Dancing etc…it’s all about how you are feeling inspired to create. And usually the more you create, the more inspired you feel to create more! If you want to enhance your connection to the spirit world, stay in the flow of creativity.

What type of services do you offer?

My first love is Mediumship. Being able to connect people to their loved ones in spirit, especially for people who are grieving… It is so instantaneously rewarding not only for my clients but for me as well. I also offer Psychic Readings on any topic and I specialize in Relationship Readings. Our lives are so intertwined with the relationships of the people around us. Relationships between partners, children, parents, relatives, coworkers & friends are so dynamic and sometimes they fall short of expectations or they sour over circumstances or they just change and we’re left with unresolved emotions that can hinder our happiness. I love to help with this! There’s no need for suffering or feeling uncomfortable with the people in your life. I can identify the difficulties and areas that need improvement within the relationships, with suggestions for moving forward. Impossible teenager, overbearing parent, obnoxious sibling, conniving coworker…whatever may be going on, I can identify and help!

Parenthood is often described as an intuitive journey. How has your role as a mother influenced your psychic abilities, and do you believe that the parental intuition you’ve developed has any overlap with your mediumship?

I think as a mother you learn to naturally trust your intuition.  For me personally, it became my most trusted tool.  With four kids, I could not be present for each one in all the ways they needed so I unknowingly began using my intuition to understand what was happening with each of my children at all times. I’m not sure if every mom develops in this way, but I certainly did. I trusted myself above everyone and everything. As far as overlap with my mediumship, I don’t know if I would have understood or trusted my first mediumship experience had I not already been aware of my strong sense of intuition. I think my confidence in knowing things led me to trust those intuitive feelings about what was happening when my mediumship kicked in.

Music has the power to evoke emotions and memories. How does the energy of sound play a role in your psychic readings, and are there specific types of music or tones that you feel enhance your receptivity to spiritual messages?

Absolutely! In fact, I was just having this conversation with myself today! Music and sound plays an enormous role in my personal wellbeing which directly relates to my psychic and mediumship abilities. As you may know, sound has an energetic effect on your Chakras (the energy centers in your body) which directly have a result on how you receive and transmit information both in the physical world and spirit world.  So keeping my Chakras “balanced” is very important and sound and music are one way to do that. I have chimes, singing bowls and a piano that I use to “tune up” my chakras and I frequently listen to themed playlists to help influence my emotional energies. There’s nothing like some good music to quickly alter your mood!

As a multi talented individual, you bring a unique perspective to your mediumship. How do you integrate all these facets of your identity – writer, teacher, dancer, musician, cook, and mother – into your work as a psychic medium, and do you find that they synergize to enrich your readings?

It’s been said by some in the metaphysical world that Spirits picks their Mediums.  Spirits coordinate the bringing together of the medium and their loved one in the physical world, from the other side. I believe that by being as dynamic of a person as I can be, I can just relate to more people.  And the more people I can relate to, the easier it becomes to feel connected to everyone. They can trust me, but they’re not sure why. I believe it’s because I see myself in everyone. And people can feel that connection and it feels good, it feels authentic. And because I am open to feeling that same connection with those in the spirit world, they allow me to feel who they are and I can pass that on in a way that then my clients can also feel. I can give you a lot of facts and evidence about your loved ones, but when I can make you FEEL them…that’s the sweet spot. That’s the magic that any good medium strives for. There’s no feeling like when a client recognizes and connects with their loved ones in spirit again. I wish for everyone to have this experience!

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Katarina is a Content Editor at Mystic Mag She is a Reiki practitioner who believes in spiritual healing, self-consciousness, healing with music. Mystical things inspire her to always look for deeper answers. She enjoys to be in nature, meditation, discover new things every day. Interviewing people from this area is her passion and space where she can professionaly evolve, and try to connect people in needs with professionals that can help them on their journey. Before joining Mystic Mag, she was involved in corporate world where she thought that she cannot express herself that much and develop as a person.