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Navigating the Psychic Realm: The Inspiring Odyssey of Sha'ron and Skip Leingang from Psychic Spectrum

Navigating the Psychic Realm: The Inspiring Odyssey of Sha'ron and Skip Leingang from Psychic Spectrum

Join us in unraveling the extraordinary journey of Sha’ron and Skip Leingang, the remarkable pair behind Psychic Spectrum. Discover how Skip’s near-death experience transformed their lives, propelling them into the world of psychic phenomena. Explore their fascinating path to becoming accomplished psychic mediums and radio hosts, and learn about their unique insights into communicating with the other side. All that and much more, in their exclusive MysticMag interview.

Can you please share a few details about your backstory? How did you two meet and how did Psychic Spectrum come about?

Skip: I worked for a company, and my boss often asked me to go to another store and teach the manager there, Sha’ron’s cousin, how to close his store’s books. One day, I was helping him at the counter and Sha’ron walked in. The minute I saw her – I knew that she was the one for me and I asked her cousin about her. A week later, I was going to go somewhere with him and another guy, but he asked, “Do you mind if I bring my cousin along?” and we agreed, thinking that it was a guy. However, he came out with Sha’ron. The rest is history, except that I had to ask her to marry me 17 times before she said yes. It’s been 48 years together, and Sha’ron jokes that we’ve been happily married for 15 years. One day in 1976, I was driving a motorcycle when I was broadsided by a huge pickup truck with a camper. As I was approaching an intersection, the truck ran right through the “Stop” sign and hit me. Before that, I didn’t believe in psychic things, but right before the hit, I heard a voice, which I later recognized as my grandfather who passed away when I was 5, saying “Lift your leg”, so I did, not knowing why. When he broadsided me, I ended up with a severe head injury. At that point, I woke up, and I was floating out of my body, going way up above the treetops into the sky. And all of a sudden, I felt someone hold my hand, and I just knew that I couldn’t look directly at the person or I would have to stay there. Then my grandfather started to speak to me. He was the one holding my hand.

I could see my grandparents and my dad’s brother. My grandfather told me things that all came true later, including that it was not my time. He said, “If you want to stay, you can, but you still have things to do for her”. When he said that, it was like somebody pushed my head down, looking directly at the accident scene. I saw myself lying on the road, and the paramedics were working on me. I didn’t know how she got to the scene of the accident, but I saw Sha’ron and said “I want to go back”. He let go of my hand and then I started floating down towards my body. The closer I got, the faster it was, like I was being sucked in. I spent six months off of work, during which psychic things started happening. I started seeing words or flashes of words and letters. Then came scenes, pictures, and people talking to me from the other side. One evening, after we saw the movie “The 6th Sense”, I confessed to Sha’ron that I could see what the kid in the movie sees, which were people who have passed on. On the other hand, Sha’ron has had this ability for her whole life. When we first got engaged, she would tell me things that would later happen. I started using that to my benefit but didn’t tell her the results, because I pretended to still not believe in it.

Sha’ron: He was raised as a Catholic, so acknowledging that there was an intuitive and psychic side was not something that he wanted to do.

Skip: On the other hand, her ability was always empathic and intuitive. She always knew what people needed or how they felt. She always knew what her family members felt and what they needed.

Sha’ron: When I was 40, I realized that I could feel what others who didn’t have the ability couldn’t. Growing up, I couldn’t figure out how come I knew when you weren’t feeling good or hurting or emotionally upset, but you didn’t know what I was. I know it now, but when I needed that kind of comfort, I didn’t get it.

Skip: That’s how we got into the psychic, metaphysical, paranormal things. All people have this ability, they just need to learn to tap into it. It’s a gift that comes from God. One evening, we went to a restaurant and there was a sign that said “Psychic Group in the back”. Sha’ron wanted us to go in, but I didn’t. Eventually, I gave in and said “Fine, but we’re not coming back”. We sat down and something intrigued me about it. The next day, I suggested going back. After that, we went 2 times a week for around 3 years. We learned and refined our abilities.

We became personal friends with the lady who was running it, and one night, she was arguing with her boyfriend while we were playing poker. Trying to stop them without getting into the middle of it, I asked “Would you bring in such-and-such person and let them talk?”. She looked at me and said “No, and, furthermore, if you want it done, do it yourself!”. It really crushed my feelings. After we left, I told Sha’ron, “If she wants me to do it myself, I will!”. We talked about it and we decided that we could teach the entire spectrum in the metaphysical world, including bringing in people who were more knowledgeable on certain topics. That’s how we landed on the name “Psychic Spectrum”. The main thing was, and is, to teach about everything on the white side, but also for people to experience everything in that spectrum. We started our own group, and it’s been going on since 1999.

You often communicate with those who have passed away. What is that experience like for you?

Sha’ron: It’s the coolest feeling in the world because when you’re talking to somebody who wants to hear from someone, and they apologize for a specific thing or mention something that only our client knows, these things feel like a burden being lifted. It lets them know that they are ok and that they made it to the other side, that they have family reunions over there with other loved ones who have moved on. Sometimes people have even found out that their parent was actually married more than once or that they had a miscarriage and didn’t tell them. Then they go back and ask a family member if that happened and they confirm it.

It’s enlightening how evidential things come to us, to give to them. It sounds crazy, but I love meeting dead people. You don’t have to change over there, but you can grow if you want to, and most do. However, most people, when they go over there and have their life review, and have felt the joy and hurt they gave to everybody, learn what they should or shouldn’t have done from their guides and angels, then they have the chance to continue to grow. Maybe they weren’t the most sensitive, loving person in the world, but they can learn to be, just as we can do on this side. It’s just amazing what we learn when we read for people. At times, we are amazed as much as they are. It’s the coolest feeling in the world.

Skip: We don’t do channeling. While we aren’t Bible thumpers, we believe that the bible is a moral and spiritual guide, like many other books. The Bible says “Don’t give up control of your body to a spirit”. If people want to do channeling, that’s fine, but we don’t do it. Furthermore, when I communicate with those on the other side, sometimes I’ll see them, hear them, get a smell from them, or they’ll give me a sign, to let our client know that they’re there. Sometimes it’s all of those things. Sometimes I’ll see a person and they’ll start talking, or they’ll wait for the person they want to talk to. In our monthly “Talking To The other Side” event, we go around the room and connect with every person in the room. The person they want to connect with will wait until I get to that person or they’ll stand behind that person, and then they’ll start telling me things once I’m there.

Sha’ron and I are “evidential mediums”. Evidential mediums give evidence to people that it’s them actually talking to us. It’s things that the person they are speaking to knows or can confirm. We’ve been doing this for almost 25 years publicly, and never had one complaint. The reviews have all been good and positive, and we’ve done tens of thousands of readings and connecting with those on the other side.

Sha’ron: That’s because it wasn’t us making the message. We were just the telephone. Spirit was giving the message.

Skip: Often we don’t remember what we say. It comes to us, we say it, but we don’t remember it afterward because you didn’t make the message. It’s the same thing when we do our readings. For us, it’s very satisfying that we’ve done our job. We’ve passed the messages through without changing them. We just did what the person on the other side wanted us to, because they knew what our client wanted to hear.

Sha’ron: Sometimes, they will even give us pictures, words, smells, names, colors, anything to represent what they’re trying to portray. The person will understand what it is.

What is a Rune Card class?

Skip: Sha’ron reads what’s called the Ocean Zen Tarot and the Voyager Tarot deck. I, on the other hand, just can’t connect to Tarot. I was introduced to the runes early on this metaphysical journey and I just knew what they were and felt what they were about. Then I learned to study them and what their actual meaning was. It was pretty close to what I felt. I just connected with them, so I started using rune stones. However, rune stones weren’t very practical. Then I discovered that they make Runes cards, similar to Tarot cards in a way, and I have been reading runes since 1996. It’s my method of connecting when I want to do a reading.

I’ve done readings with a whole deck of blank cards and I can even do it without cards, but they are a tool for focus. I’ve even read Taco chips for people. When it comes to the Rune Card Class, I have a deck that I give to the students that I created manually. It talks about the history of the runes, the beginning, the medieval times, the current times, Runic Astrology, the Earthen part, (trees, herbs), etc. We also go through every card on the 1st day, and I give them a “cheat sheet”, so they know what each card represents and means. They use that sheet throughout the class. Plus, there is much more information. Then, on the 2nd day, we get into the rune card deck itself. Since they already understand the basic background of runes, we open the deck up and start going through it. By the end of the 2nd day, they are doing readings for people they don’t know, that I’ve brought in for them to practice on. Some people are really good, some are barely there, but they work on it after the class and they usually get to the point that they can do readings for themselves and for others.

It’s a very intensive 2-day course (8 hours a day). However, I also teach people to tap into their psychic or intuitive side. In that way, when we get into the cards, they learn to add that to their readings. The class has been really successful. I have done around 300 classes, and a lot of people have gone on to become readers, as a profession or a sideline, based on what they learned. What I tell people when I teach them is that they can use that knowledge on any deck of cards whether it is tarot, angel cards, etc.

Sha’ron: It’s still psychic and intuitive. What I always say to people is to take a deck, and look at the cards, don’t read the book that comes with it. Just look at each card and see what that card means to you. Then go back and read the book later, if you want, to get more information about the cards.

Skip: I teach the class usually twice a year, in the spring and in the fall. I do online classes as well.

You also host a radio show. Can you tell me a bit about that part of your work?

Skip: We were approached by a local station 20 years ago, asking if we would do a radio show, so we started our own radio show called “Psychic Spectrum Radio”.

However, when COVID hit, they told us that we couldn’t come into the station anymore, and to just call into the radio station to do our show, but we found that tinny and unprofessional. So, I integrated a mixer and microphones with my computer. From then on, we did the show from our home.  Then I asked myself “Why don’t we go and do a radio podcast for the world to see?”. Now we have people join in on the show from all over the world. All of our shows are archived on your favorite podcast app so people can see all of our past shows. We broadcast live on YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitch, and Twitter, so people can join in from multiple platforms. It’s been almost 21 months, and people from all over the world are tuning into our show.

Sha’ron: We got a bit lucky because Skip has an information technology background. When COVID hit, this allowed us to be able to be at home, still do the show, and sound like we’re right there in the studio.

Skip: Now we do shows on Tuesdays and Saturdays at 1 PM (PDT). Sometimes we’ll have guest speakers too, like guy who we call “our man on the street”. He’s the author of 10 books, but, as a hobby, he likes to research haunted places. He comes every 2nd Tuesday of the month and tells our listeners about the haunted places he researched.

We have a different topic every week and we answer questions using our abilities. The show is meant to last an hour, but most of the time we go for an hour and 20 to 30 minutes.

I’m German and Sha’ron English, Scotch, and Irish, so we find it really cool when people from Europe tune in, especially from the UK. I also take phone calls and, furthermore, we also do the “Stone of the Day” segment about stones and crystals, their energetic effects, and how you can use them. Then Sha’ron does her, “affirmation of the day”.

Sha’ron: I also tell our listeners what the date adds up to for them, numerologically.

Skip: Then we usually include the people from across the pond because it’s 10 PM there, so we tell them what the next day is going to be like for them, numerologically.

Sha’ron: Skip also pulls a Rune Card on each show, so we know what it’s going to be like from Tuesday to Saturday, and from Saturday to Tuesday. Then we have a segment where I tell some jokes, to lighten things up a little.

Skip: All in all, the radio show is really fun. It’s a bit of work putting it together, but we make it fun and informative at the same time. In addition, we do free readings for people.

Sha’ron: Sometimes Skip also does “Skip’s Corner” where he tests the audience’s knowledge.

Skip: Sometimes we even test our listeners’ psychic ability. We let them tell us what they get, and give them feedback about it.

What other services do you offer and is there anything else that you’d like to add?

Skip: We do a psychic showcase every Wednesday, online and in-person at the same time. Once a month we do “talking to the other side”, but only in-person. We take groups of people on ghost hunts, to graveyards, houses, and businesses, that are known to be haunted.

Sha’ron: We also do UFO and Sasquatch watching. In the summer, we take groups of people to the foothills in the mountains. We stay from 9 PM and stay until midnight. We’ve heard Sasquatch screams multiple times, as well as tree-banging. We’ve also seen lights in the sky. We flash a green laser in a certain pattern and have actually got flashes backs 2 times from them. Knowing the flight paths of satellites and airplanes, we could easily distinguish UFOs from those things.

Skip: We also do our private psychic readings, on top of the talking to the other side ones. We read together, because we started this journey together, and we concluded that we work best together. We record everything via a digital recorder and email the readings out to our clients. In addition to all that, we have a store on our website www.psychicspectrum.com, where we have metaphysical merchandise like stones and crystals, etc. as well as our famous “Psychic Spectrum Mug”.

Sha’ron: We also wrote a book about ghost hunts. The first part talks about how to properly ghost-hunt and be protected, and also to respect the ghosts. The rest of the book is about the ghost hunts we’ve been on, with pictures, and we include a CD with the voices we recorded on the ghost hunts described in it. Our book is titled,  “We Hear and Speak to Dead People”, so we invite everyone interested, to read it.

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Predrag Vlatkovic
Content Editor and Coordinator
Content Editor and Coordinator
Predrag Vlatkovic is a Content Editor and Coordinator at MysticMag. His work includes engaging interviews with professionals from various spiritual fields, alternative medicine, astrology, energy healing, and more. With a focus on growing our blog and bringing readers insightful stories, Predrag stays connected to the latest developments in the spiritual community. His interest in the filed began at a young age. From visiting a palm reader and conducting a small interview for his personal website to now interviewing spiritual leaders from around the world, his passion for the spiritual and mystic world continues to grow. Outside of work, Predrag enjoys meditating, playing board games like chess and Dungeons & Dragons, and spending time in nature with a good book always by his side.