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Radiant Spaces - Crafting Your Dreams - Lisa and Renee's Journey to Sanctuary Creation

Radiant Spaces - Crafting Your Dreams - Lisa and Renee's Journey to Sanctuary Creation

In a world where home is not just a place, but a reflection of one’s aspirations and values, Lisa and Renee have embarked on a unique journey. Their mission? To help individuals, families, and businesses discover the untapped potential within their living and working spaces, transforming them into sanctuaries that resonate with their deepest intentions and desires. Radiant Spaces offers more than just interior design; it offers a collaborative experience that goes beyond the aesthetics. With Lisa and Renee’s guidance, you’ll embark on a journey of self-discovery, unlocking the untold stories and aspirations hidden within the walls of your home, land, office, or commercial space. In this Mystic Mag‘s article, we delve into the captivating world of Radiant Spaces and explore how Lisa and Renee’s innovative approach to interior design goes beyond mere aesthetics, creating spaces that are not just beautiful, but also deeply meaningful and purpose-driven. Join us as we discover how they help clients identify and manifest their intentions, turning ordinary spaces into extraordinary sanctuaries.

Lisa and Renee, I noticed that you each hold numerous certifications and possess extensive knowledge in the field of holistic healing. What inspired each of you to delve deeper into this path and pursue professional careers in this field?

Lisa: That’s a wonderful question, and I believe both Renee and I share a profound passion for holistic and integrative certification programs because we understand how beneficial they can be in providing diverse perspectives and approaches. Personally, I have a background in social work and hold a degree in counseling with a focus on working with elders and gerontology. I dedicated many years to the field, primarily in hospice care and retirement communities, which was an incredibly fulfilling experience. However, I always had a parallel interest in healing modalities such as Reiki and sound healing.

I found myself on a unique journey when I enrolled in the Academy of Intuition Medicine, located here in the United States, in Marin County, California, where I currently reside. This experience was nothing short of transformative as it expanded my mind to various healing modalities. Inspired by this program, I had the pleasure of meeting Renee after graduating. I’ll let her continue the story about how our collaboration began, as it’s a tale I hold dear.

Renee: That’s such a great question, and it’s quite the opposite of Lisa’s experience. I had never meditated in my life, as it wasn’t something I was familiar with. I began sensing energies around me, but I lacked the vocabulary to express what I was feeling. Over time, I started meeting people, as Lisa mentioned, while attending the same school. This school truly transformed my life by connecting me deeply to the energies around me and how they affected me.

Personally, I was particularly drawn to understanding how spaces were connected. I would enter a space and sense that something was off, but I couldn’t quite articulate it. Having the vocabulary to describe these sensations helped me realize that I wasn’t imagining things – buildings do retain energy, and there’s something I can do to shift it. So, I started exploring this privately.

Then, Lisa and I thought, “Well, we’re being asked so much by friends and family, maybe we should start a business.” That’s how we established our company. As we worked with clients, we began using essential oil sprays but soon realized that we wanted something more tailored to the specific needs of different spaces. This led us to create our line of space clearing room sprays. Now, we have a whole range of products that initially served Lisa and me, but we’ve expanded to offer them to our clients as well.

Lisa: I’d like to add one more point, which is that Renee and I are committed to using only the healthiest options for our clients. We prioritize the safety of people, pets, and their homes, so it was essential for us to create products that are genuinely clean. Our products do not contain any synthetics or chemicals; they are all naturally made. This commitment was significant to us because if we wouldn’t use a product in our own homes, we wouldn’t want to introduce it into our clients’ homes either. This aspect of our products is another special feature that inspired us during the creation process.

What type of services do you offer?

Lisa: Our mission is to assist people by providing them with tools and empowering them to create a sense of home or sanctuary in their space, however they define it. We extend our services to offices, corporate locations, and real estate properties, offering energetic space clearing. We also introduce a service we call “Crystal Concierge,” where we recommend remedies to elevate a space’s frequency and vibration. This may involve the use of crystals, and we carefully select and curate them based on our training and expertise, aligning them with the client’s intentions and the space’s needs. We even handle the purchasing and placement of these crystals, offering a comprehensive service for those who may not have the time or background to do so themselves.

Furthermore, we are passionate about education. In addition to complementary offerings, we provide both free and paid workshops. Currently, we are preparing to teach a half-day workshop at the Academy of Intuition Medicine for the public. We’re excited about this opportunity and look forward to sharing our knowledge.

Renee: May I add something to that? In addition to our energy work, both Lisa and I are Reiki Masters. Lisa possesses exceptional training in sound art, and I had the privilege of observing her use her instruments during a residential clearing last night. My own background lies in Feng Shui. Together, we integrate various elements such as crystals, colors, and aromatics into our work with all of our clients.

One of the aspects that sets us apart is that Radiant Spaces was conceived during a time when remote work was the norm. Initially, working remotely posed some challenges as we adjusted, but what became increasingly evident is the immense power of remote work. It’s a fantastic approach because it eliminates the physical presence and focuses solely on working with energy. As a result, Lisa and I now have clients in Canada, Hawaii, and throughout the United States, and we are actively looking to expand into Europe. Our ability to create a company during this period provided us with a unique opportunity to challenge the traditional belief that certain practices had to be conducted in person. After all, it’s all about energy. Why shouldn’t energy be transmitted remotely? We’ve experienced great benefits from this approach.

When someone approaches you and asks for help, and considering that every person has unique needs and personalities, how do you approach the situation? What kinds of techniques or methods do you employ?

Lisa: That’s a wonderful question, and I’m not sure if we’ve been asked that before, but I love it. It highlights the importance of tailoring our approach to each person, considering that everyone’s needs can vary significantly. To achieve this, we’ve developed what we refer to as an intake form, despite its less exciting name, it’s a crucial tool for us. Through this form, we ask questions and sometimes initiate phone consultations as an initial step. These consultations are akin to interviews, but they also allow us to get to know the person, their current circumstances, and what’s happening in their life. We inquire about what they would like to release and what they hope to bring into the spaces we’ll be working on. We gain valuable insights by hearing about their life experiences.

Renee and I are always attentive listeners, looking for cues. For instance, just yesterday, we had a very kind client undergoing significant changes. She was tearing down and rebuilding her house, but the atmosphere in the space didn’t feel quite right. Even some of the workers on the project mentioned feeling uneasy. There was an overall heaviness in the environment. So, when we arrived, we brought items like bright and sunny yellow crystals, calcites, and perhaps citrine, among others. Immediately, we could sense the energy becoming lighter and more uplifting. The client started smiling more and feeling hopeful again. It’s truly remarkable how swiftly energy can shift.

To sum it up, yes, we engage in a sort of interviewing process, utilize an intake form, request clients to outline their intentions, and often inquire about the history of the space, as this information can be crucial in our approach.

Renee: Another aspect we find particularly helpful, especially when working remotely, is requesting clients to take pictures of their space. If possible, we also encourage them to handwrite a blueprint, though we understand not all clients have the time for this. However, when they can provide such details, it offers valuable insights into where they intend to focus their energy and intentions.

It’s important to emphasize that everything we do is custom-tailored. Our crystal grids are unique, with no two alike. While we may use similar crystals depending on the desired outcome, we carefully match the crystals to chakras. We also incorporate a variety of altar cloth colors, bringing them into alignment with the chakras and the space. In addition to these elements, we apply Feng Shui principles.

At the conclusion of the space clearing, we offer clients a comprehensive array of tools and techniques, often involving five or six different modalities. We want our clients to know that we invest time and energy to create a special and personalized experience for them, ensuring it feels exceptional from their perspective.

Once we’ve completed our work with a client, we provide a detailed report outlining every tool and technique we used. This report is designed to be clear and non-esoteric, offering a straightforward explanation of why each tool was employed and its potential benefits. Furthermore, we offer recommendations based on our findings. We take pride in making each client’s experience specific and meaningful.

Given your involvement in energy healing, which can be physically and emotionally draining, it’s quite normal to experience exhaustion. How do you prioritize self-care and ensure your well-being during the healing process?

Lisa: Last night, I just wanted to express something I hold dear. I have immense joy working alongside Renee, and we have an incredible time together. I believe that our partnership elevates each other’s experiences, and this synergy has been a consistent presence since the inception of Radiant Spaces. I feel deeply grateful because when you work closely with someone, as Renee and I do, we need to energetically align ourselves as a unified team. We can’t afford to approach our work with starkly different ideas about what should happen because if our vision for the client isn’t harmonious, they’ll sense it, and the process won’t flow smoothly. That trust in Renee, the joy we share, and our natural harmonization are essential. We make it a priority to respect each other’s visions for what needs to be done. Remarkably, more often than not, we arrive at the same conclusions, which is truly fascinating.

For me, having this synergy is a significant part of feeling energized and not exhausted after our clearings. Last night, Renee and I worked late on a special case that required us to stay after hours. Surprisingly, when I got home, I didn’t feel drained; I felt excited. This was because I sensed an immediate difference in our client’s experience after the clearing, and our subsequent discussion to refine details was invigorating. It made me reflect on how fortunate we are to have a partnership where, after a 10-hour day, I still eagerly engage with my colleague and business partner.

Renee: Isn’t Lisa just the sweetest? I mean, look at how lucky I am. Thank you; you’re so sweet. One other thing, Katarina, is that besides having the best partner on the planet, which I always tell Lisa, we are very diligent about our energetic practices. When we engage in energy work, we never feel tired at the end of it. We truly have fun, often laughing during our sessions. We sometimes wonder if we should be more serious, so our clients know we take our work seriously, but the truth is, we find immense joy in what we do, knowing that we’re uplifting spaces. It brings us joy, and we’re careful about setting up our energy before we enter a space to ensure the energy work doesn’t drain us.

The real exhaustion comes from the physical aspects of our work, such as lugging tables, crystals, and sound equipment into each space we visit. I wish you could see it – I’ve got a table set up here, folded, and a huge collection of crystals. Both Lisa and I are under 5 feet 5 inches tall, so carrying all this gear can be quite a challenge. That’s the exhausting part. And sometimes, doing administrative work, like writing reports, can be tiring too, but we want to be diligent in that aspect.

Interestingly, we always consider the administrative and physical tasks to be the tiring part, while the energy work actually invigorates us and fills our cup. It feels good, and at the end of the day, we still have energy and room for our friends and family. Like Lisa mentioned, we were talking until 9:30 last night. We’re also fortunate to have incredibly supportive husbands who encourage our work and Radiant Spaces. We know how fortunate we are to have that support, and it definitely contributes to the positive energy in our space.

Do you have any significant plans, such as expanding your services or collaborations, in the future for Radiant Spaces?

Lisa: Absolutely, yes, yes, and yes! We are so enthusiastic about all the possibilities, Katarina. Renee and I have always been driven by a shared excitement for growth, and we spend a lot of time discussing the future of Radiant Spaces. It’s not just about where we see ourselves by the end of 2023 but also next year, in five years, and even a decade from now.

One of our primary goals is to expand the educational aspect of our work. We want to reach people through various mediums, whether it’s through Zoom sessions, live events, podcasts, or interviews like the one we’re doing right now – which we are incredibly excited and grateful for. Our message is simple: homes can indeed feel like sanctuaries, and anyone can engage in space clearing. You don’t need specialized training in energy work to create a positive shift. It can be as simple as loving and beautifying your space, cleaning it, or adding beautiful flowers. These actions are forms of space clearing, ways to shift energy, and we want to provide people with the tools to make it accessible.

We also plan to expand our product line. Renee and I are always brimming with ideas, and as collaborations arise, we are open to exploring those opportunities. We’ve already begun collaborating with another company called Nectar Essence, which aligns with our values of chemical-free and synthetic-free healthcare and beauty products. This collaboration has been quite exciting, and we work closely with the owner of that company.

I’m sure there are more plans and ideas I may have missed, but we are truly eager to continue growing and making a positive impact in the world of holistic and energetic well-being.

Renee: One of the most exciting developments on the product front for us right now is the upcoming launch of our Space Clearing Kits. These kits are designed for those who may find it financially challenging to have Lisa and me work with them individually. With our Space Clearing Kits, as well as Intention-Setting Kits, you can purchase the box, and we will ship it to you. We’ll also provide guidance on how to perform a space clearing in your own home. These kits will be available in the next month or so.

However, one of our core focuses is making this practice accessible to everyone. We understand that having professionals come into your home can be a luxury. Therefore, in terms of education, we want to emphasize that, as Lisa mentioned earlier, loving your space doesn’t have to be financially dependent. We are passionate about sharing knowledge and making it accessible.

In line with this, Lisa and I are dedicated to donating a significant portion of our space clearings to nonprofit organizations. We actively support them in their fundraising efforts and educate people about space clearing. Our ultimate goal is to spread awareness about space clearing to as many people as possible so that the term becomes familiar, and it’s not mistaken for home organization. It’s not about money; it’s about teaching people how to create their own sanctuary.

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Katarina is a Content Editor at Mystic Mag She is a Reiki practitioner who believes in spiritual healing, self-consciousness, healing with music. Mystical things inspire her to always look for deeper answers. She enjoys to be in nature, meditation, discover new things every day. Interviewing people from this area is her passion and space where she can professionaly evolve, and try to connect people in needs with professionals that can help them on their journey. Before joining Mystic Mag, she was involved in corporate world where she thought that she cannot express herself that much and develop as a person.