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A Deep Dive into Transformation, Healing, and Self-Love with Samantha Shea & Maria Gingras – Visionary Guides and Masters of Multidimensional Wellness

A Deep Dive into Transformation, Healing, and Self-Love with Samantha Shea & Maria Gingras – Visionary Guides and Masters of Multidimensional Wellness

Embarking on the path of self-discovery and love is a profound journey, one that often requires the guidance of seasoned navigators who understand the intricate terrain of the human experience. Enter Samantha Shea and Maria Gingras, a dynamic duo of Transformational Life & Health Coaches, RN’s, Multidimensional Shamanic Practitioners, Intuitive Spirit Mediums, Energy Alchemists, and Shadow Workers. Their mission is not merely to guide, but to normalize and elevate the concept of self-love in all its dimensions. As skilled RNs, they bring a scientific understanding to their practice, blending it seamlessly with the ancient wisdom of shamanic traditions. Samantha and Maria are not just coaches; they are alchemists of energy, practitioners of the mystical, and champions of the human spirit. Join Mystic Mag as we delve into their transformative work, exploring the realms of shadow, embracing intuition, and unlocking the profound power of self-love for a life that transcends the ordinary.

As Registered Nurses with backgrounds in oncology and hospice, how did your experiences in traditional healthcare shape your vision of merging holistic medicine, ancient wisdom, and light for the purpose of illuminating souls and expanding consciousness?

I have become aware of a particular situation that stands out in my memory. Essentially, what I have noticed, given our background as nurses, is our profound ability to connect with both the medical and educational aspects in our sessions. I am speaking on behalf of both of us, acknowledging that we have had powerful experiences not only in understanding how the body functions but also in effectively communicating this information to clients. Our experiences as nurses contribute to our capacity to convey potentially distressing health-related information with empathy and compassion, tailoring our delivery to how the client will receive it.

Allow me to share a specific instance that comes to mind. It occurred a little over a year ago, involving a client whose family had numerous questions about the passing of their loved one. Without prior knowledge from the family, I was able to connect with the spirit of the individual and gain insights into her final days. Spirit revealed to me that it was sepsis in the body, stemming from various other factors. My understanding as a nurse and the way I conveyed this information to the family proved to be healing for them. They had unanswered questions about her death, and my insights provided the peace they needed to release her spirit. This particular case underscores how my nursing background enabled me to comprehend the process and deliver information effectively.

Reflecting on our current client interactions, the combination of our medical knowledge and intuitive abilities allows us to integrate both aspects seamlessly. We can deliver potent information regarding people’s health while incorporating our spiritual connection and understanding of energy. Moreover, we provide clients with tools that can assist them in naturally healing. This integration of medical and intuitive expertise has, in my opinion, greatly complemented each other. I am grateful for my nursing background, as it has played a pivotal role in understanding and addressing various scenarios, ultimately benefiting our clients.

Being certified Intuitive Spirit Mediums, Akashic Record Readers, and Shamanic Practitioners, how do you integrate these diverse modalities into your Health & Wellness/Life Coaching practices, and what benefits have you observed in your clients as a result?

Many of the readings and sessions I conduct, including those with Maria, involve delving into other people’s past lives or simultaneous lives where they carry fear in the body, experience illnesses, harbor unresolved emotions, or hold limited beliefs that they haven’t consciously become aware of. These unaddressed issues often manifest as diseases, physical pains, or ailments.

One particular instance stands out vividly in my awareness. During a fair, a couple approached me seeking energy and healing work. They expressed openness to a past life reading. In this session, I was shown another life where the gentleman suffered from severe financial fears, struggling to step into his power while maintaining his role as a family man. I sensed pain and discomfort in my groin area, and upon connecting with him in the present reality, he disclosed having testicular cancer, associated with the root and sacral chakra. Drawing on my knowledge of cancer and oncology, I asked if he could confirm the energy I was feeling, and he admitted to having testicular cancer. They had not started treatment and were seeking energetic assistance.

I provided them with insights from his past and simultaneous lives, suggesting specific vitamins, herbs, and meditations aligned with his being. Spirit guided him to connect with the energy of a tree for grounding in his root chakra. Following this guidance, the individual reported positive shifts—he felt less tired, hadn’t initiated treatment yet, and was no longer afraid of his cancer diagnosis.

This example highlights the potential for energetic work to complement medical approaches. In other cases, individuals with breast cancer have sought assistance, revealing unresolved grief and energy blockages in their hearts. These individuals tend to struggle with receiving love, often giving excessively to others. This pattern manifests as lung or breast cancer. The majority of cases I encounter involve a fear of fully giving and receiving love, often rooted in a fear of rejection.

Addressing these energetic imbalances and emotional blockages has proven transformative for individuals, leading to positive shifts in their well-being. The interconnectedness of past experiences and present ailments underscores the holistic nature of healing that encompasses both physical and energetic aspects.

What types of services do you offer?

We offer a myriad of services, including what we term as transformational transformative coaching, holistic health and wellness coaching, which essentially aligns with life coaching. Additionally, Sam provides spiritual mentorship and life coaching. Despite our varied approaches, both of us adopt a holistic perspective, focusing on the interconnected aspects of mind, body, and soul. Our goal is to assist individuals in finding balance in these areas, recognizing their profound impact on overall well-being.

We provide diverse coaching packages, all geared towards helping individuals uncover the root causes of their physical, mental, and emotional challenges. Our intention is to guide them towards their natural healing capabilities, intuitive gifts, and authenticity. While our coaching styles may differ slightly, our shared intention remains constant.

In addition to coaching, we offer shamanic energy healing. This involves entering a trance-like state to connect with divine source creator energy, the client’s higher self, and any compassionate guides. The energy healing sessions may include chakra center work, medical intuition, or exploration of past lifetimes. We also offer intuitive readings, which we refer to as limitless sessions, allowing for endless possibilities guided by unconditional love and support.

Within our shamanic practices, we provide soul retrieval and psychopomp services, assisting souls in transitioning. Our backgrounds, including a Hospice background, complement these offerings. Our energy healing services extend to more specialized practices, such as organ sweeps, couples healing, and focused explorations into specific aspects.

Apart from these, we offer animal communication, house, space, and land clearing, which can be done remotely. Our services extend to events and parties, as well as consultations for individuals trying to conceive or mothers-to-be, delving into agreements and Akashic records. While we don’t delve into astrology, we connect with different star systems. Furthermore, we conduct activations to stimulate cellular DNA and layers of aura and consciousness through meditations or light language.

In summary, our services are driven by a foundation of love and the overarching intention to empower individuals with tools and guidance, allowing them to become masters of their own lives. We embrace a broad spectrum of modalities to cater to the diverse needs of our clients.

Could you describe a particular touching or enlightenment experience you’ve had during a session?

There are numerous stories we could share, but with this, we also provide assistance to people who have guides and help them cross into the light or integrate more into the light. Many individuals approach us when they struggle to communicate with their departed loved ones or sense energies hovering around them. In these situations, we connect with these energies, showing them compassion to understand their stories and aid them in integrating with the light. This process elevates them to a higher state of consciousness, enabling communication with their loved ones and the sharing of messages.

Maria and I don’t categorize ourselves strictly as mediums or spirit communicators. We see ourselves as compassionate beings, and when loved ones come to us, quote-unquote “stuck,” they engage in life reviews, sharing messages to support those seeking readings. The intention is to help the living become more aligned with their true selves, learning from the experiences and messages their departed loved ones convey.

One poignant experience from over a year ago stands out in my memory. A family approached us after losing their mother and another individual. Seeking connection with their departed loved ones, the initial part of the reading followed a typical evidential mediumship format, connecting with souls who had integrated with their higher selves. However, when the woman inquired about her brother, who had passed several years prior, she felt a profound disconnect.

As she shared her feelings, I immediately saw her brother stuck between the worlds, having taken his life through drugs, a detail she later validated. Overwhelmed with confusion and guilt, she wondered why he wouldn’t communicate with her. I explained that his consciousness remained stuck in the earthly plane, hearing her but unable to communicate clearly. The session became a bridge, merging energies briefly and providing validation through unique messages that resonated with the family.

Taking it a step further, it was revealed that the woman had psychic abilities she had suppressed since childhood, fearing she caused deaths with her premonitions. She had begged to have her gift taken away but later pleaded for its return as she felt disconnected from her departed loved ones. The session not only facilitated her brother’s crossing but also empowered her to embrace her innate gifts, fostering a sense of peace and enlightenment.

In essence, our work extends beyond bringing peace after a loved one’s death; it encompasses guiding individuals to recognize and embrace their unique gifts, fostering empowerment and enlightenment.

As “Medicine Women” with deep connections to the Spirit realm and Earth, can you share a specific instance where the combination of ancient wisdom and modern healthcare principles had a profound impact on a client’s well-being or healing journey?

I can confidently state that it’s not just my nursing practice but also my own healing journey where this understanding became evident. What we term as spirit, I also simply refer to as energy. In nursing school, the curriculum does not delve into energy medicine. Instead, the focus is solely on the physical aspects of medicine. From the perspective of the physical body, there is limited exploration of how emotions and thoughts significantly impact our health. The study lacks an examination of the energy behind things.

My connection with spirit, however, has allowed me to perceive that everything in the physical world is energy, and there exists an unseen energy that propels our health. When we experience physical symptoms or illnesses, there is an underlying energetic imbalance causing these manifestations. Thus, connecting with spirit led to a profound shift in my perspective on health. It transcended the purely physical view, enabling me to comprehend the energy behind it all. This perspective aids in identifying the root causes of diseases within our bodies.

Understanding energy, or spirit, allows us to view health holistically, seeing the broader picture beyond the physical realm. It encourages a holistic perspective instead of a purely physical one, as anything in the physical realm is a result of something in the spiritual realm.

I’d like to introduce the influence that medications exert on us. When I was guided to discontinue Adderall by my higher self, I pondered how to manage my days and maintain energy. Recognizing that everything possesses spirit and energy, I decided to connect with the divine energy of the medication to provide energy for the day. Surprisingly, it worked, keeping me focused and aligned without fatigue. This experience revealed that we can call on the spirit or energy of things, taking a moment to breathe it in and trusting that it will work.

I recall a time when I wondered why allergies seemed prevalent around me. I used to have allergies as well. The realization dawned that I am one with the pollen, one with the energy of allergies. So, when sinus issues arose, I called on the spirit of Earth and asked it to support me, addressing the symptoms and bringing into my awareness the emotion causing the imbalance. This approach connects the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects, challenging the societal norm of disconnecting them.

While pills are a valid option, reaching for them sometimes means surrendering our power to the medication. Alternatively, we can call on the spirit or divine energy of the medication and trust that it collaborates with us. Finally, the use of crystals is a fascinating practice. Placing a crystal where a headache occurs and asking it to alchemize the pain is a tangible way to transfer energy. Maria has given me an A desert rose quartz for nausea, and calling on it does alleviate my symptoms. This approach involves transferring beliefs from limitation to the understanding that we can ask for assistance and trust that it will come.

Your work is multi multifaceted, encompassing energy, work, intuitive aura skins, and more. How do you customize your services to meet the unique needs of each client considering their medical condition and spiritual journey?

Each person is unique, and that contradicts the approach of the healthcare system, which tends to generalize and put everyone into predefined boxes based on diagnoses. The system prescribes a set of treatments without recognizing the individuality of each person. Maria and I, through our experiences, have come to understand that the root cause of ailments lies in emotions and limited beliefs.

Despite two people having the same disease, the origin and progression of the ailment are often different. Therefore, the treatment regimen cannot be uniform. In our sessions, we connect with the person’s higher self, identify imbalances, and delve deeper into the root cause, often linked to fear, shame, betrayal, guilt, or anger. These lower vibratory emotions or energies accumulate over time, affecting the person’s body, aura, cellular memory, and even extending across lifetimes.

We explore the Akashic records to pinpoint when and where the ailment originated. By connecting with the person’s spiritual guides, we facilitate the shifting of energy to raise them from the lower vibrations causing the disease. Our goal is to empower individuals with the tools to heal themselves. Every client is different, and our one-on-one coaching allows us to tailor our approach to each person’s unique needs.

In our intuitive readings and energy healing sessions, we trust the guidance that comes through, offering individualized prescriptions and insights. It’s essential to clarify that we do not diagnose or provide cures; instead, we reveal information to help clients become aware of the energy underlying their physical ailments. The coaching process encourages clients to navigate their internal healing journey, addressing various aspects of their lives.

While Sam focuses on connecting with clients’ higher selves and providing specific guidance, Maria’s coaching involves holding space for clients to express themselves and make their own realizations. The coaching approach is flexible, allowing clients to guide the sessions based on their needs, whether they want to work on physical issues, relationships, or career challenges.

Our approach is a departure from mainstream healthcare practices that often focus on symptoms and medications without addressing the emotions, thoughts, beliefs, and trauma contributing to the root cause of ailments. We aim to get to the core of each person’s health issues, trusting the guidance from their higher selves for the most beneficial and empowering solutions.

In the healthcare system, there’s often a lack of celebration or focus on the positive aspects of a person’s well-being. The emphasis tends to be on illness and imbalance, with little consideration for the individual’s overall health. Sam and Maria strive to provide tools and support that empower individuals to take control of their health, celebrating the good and offering alternatives beyond conventional regimens.

Their compassionate approach differs from their experiences in the nursing industry, where regimens and protocols often overshadow individualized care. Sam and Maria now aim to empower individuals with tools and information to take charge of their health, recognizing that each person’s journey is unique. They emphasize the importance of celebrating the positive aspects of one’s well-being and providing individualized support that goes beyond generalized healthcare practices.

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Katarina is a Reiki practitioner who believes in spiritual healing, self-consciousness, healing with music. Mystical things inspire her to always look for deeper answers. She enjoys to be in nature, meditation, discover new things every day.