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Unlocking the Secrets of the Subconscious with Sandra Akkermans

Unlocking the Secrets of the Subconscious with Sandra Akkermans

In a world where the mysteries of the mind continue to intrigue and confound, Sandra Akkermans stands out as a beacon of insight and healing. As a certified Level 2 Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) Practitioner and a seasoned Introspective Hypnosis Practitioner, Sandra delves deep into the subconscious, unlocking the hidden potential within her clients. With a profound understanding of the human psyche and a compassionate approach, she guides individuals on transformative journeys of self-discovery and healing. Join us as we explore Sandra’s unique methodologies, her inspirations, and the incredible stories of transformation she has witnessed in her practice. Discover how the power of hypnosis can reveal the secrets of your subconscious and pave the way to a more fulfilling life. Join Mystic Mag and read more.

What inspired you to become a Certified QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) Level 2 Practitioner and a certified Introspective Hypnosis Practitioner?

I’ve always used my psychic gifts to give readings and help others. When I discovered the power of hypnosis, I knew I wanted to work with it, no question! I was already drawn to it, but after watching videos by Dolores Cannon, I knew this was my path.

I completed the training and began conducting sessions. The results were mesmerizing. People were finding answers within their own subconscious. Discovering their life lessons through past lives was amazing! Each session brings me new insights. I’ve learned so much about the human psyche. It hasn’t always been easy; some sessions are heavy, while others are light. I’m very grateful I made that decision.

Can you describe the main differences between QHHT and Introspective Hypnosis, and how you incorporate both in your practice?

There is a difference I’d like to address. In QHHT, you follow a set script exactly as Dolores Cannon created it over 30 years ago. This script is incredibly powerful, almost like a magic spell. When everyone follows it consistently, it grows even stronger over time. This is a huge plus, as it creates a robust and effective script, benefiting from collective strength!

The QHHT session also follows a set structure. You ask specific questions and switch to the higher self at the 35-minute mark. This approach works perfectly in many cases! The Level 2 QHHT upgrade introduced some helpful tools for when things don’t go as planned, which is, of course, very useful.

On the other hand, Introspective Hypnosis is more adaptable to the client’s needs. With these techniques, I can communicate with their parents or even go back several generations to resolve karmic disputes. Introspective Hypnosis also allows for soul fragmentation sessions, where the client can reclaim lost fragments of their soul and regain their power.

Both modalities are amazing, and I am thrilled to have both techniques at my disposal. It’s fantastic to use my intuition to determine what a client needs at the moment!

What type of services do you offer?

  • QHHT Hypnosis: Live sessions only (not available online)
  • Introspective Hypnosis: Available both online and live
  • Soul Readings: Conducted online
  • Galactic Akashic Readings: Conducted online
  • Plant Teacher Ceremonies: Live sessions only

How do you prepare a new client for their first hypnosis session, and what should they expect?

There’s a whole page on my website dedicated to this because I take preparation very seriously. A good preparation ensures the best possible session. For example, I recommend cutting down on caffeine. It’s much harder to lower your brainwaves when you’re adding adrenaline to your system! On the day of the session, I ask my clients to avoid caffeine if possible.

I also suggest reducing alcohol and weed intake. Alcohol lowers your frequency, making it harder to reach higher states. While weed can help some people sleep or alleviate pain, I don’t judge. Everyone is different, and if someone has difficulty with this, we discuss it.

On my website, I offer visualization exercises to build confidence in visualizing and to strengthen the mental fortitude needed for a 1.5 to 2-hour hypnotic session.

Lastly, I suggest being more mindful about meat consumption. I don’t judge, and everyone has their own reasons. However, pork and beef can lower your vibe more than desired. So, being mindful about meat, alcohol, and caffeine in the week leading up to the session can really enhance the overall experience.

None of this is mandatory but it can make a big difference.

What role does past life regression play in your sessions, and how do clients typically respond to these experiences?

Past life regression plays a significant role in both QHHT and Introspective Hypnosis sessions. In my opinion, it’s a fantastic tool to uncover the patterns and lessons your soul has chosen for this incarnation cycle. Exploring past lives provides the insights needed to solve the puzzles of this lifetime. Belief in past lives isn’t necessary; during the first half of the session, clients receive stories through visualizations, intuitions, or feelings. Everyone experiences it differently—some see more, while others feel or just know.

A common reaction is to think they’re imagining things or recalling something from a movie, or even wishful thinking. This is the ego at work—the little voice in our heads that loves to comment on everything. Once clients start ignoring these comments, they truly dive into the experience and enjoy exploring other lives. They can actually feel like the person they were in that lifetime, experiencing their emotions and speaking as they would. This process is incredibly insightful and healing, allowing clients to understand where their current blockages stem from. It’s not just about other lives, but about the soul’s choice to learn specific lessons across multiple lifetimes.

Listening to the recordings afterward is healing on many levels. Often, the higher self assigns clients to listen to these recordings 4 to 7 times. It’s not just about absorbing the raw information; repeated listening helps them grasp the metaphors and deeper meanings behind it all.

Can you explain the importance of the subconscious mind in the healing process and how hypnosis helps access it?

The subconscious mind is the most important part of the entire process. In our daily lives, we usually don’t have access to it. The subconscious mind makes up a huge part of our being, influencing up to 90% of our reality. So, whatever’s “cooking” there is crucial to understand, especially when life isn’t going as you’d like.

Hypnosis makes it easier to bypass the ego, which acts as a guard for the subconscious mind. The ego wants to keep everything as it is to avoid emotional harm, but this is a false belief. In hypnosis, you can better recognize the difference, allowing you to ignore the ego and access your subconscious mind directly. Asking your subconscious what it thinks about certain things helps you understand why your life is the way it is. Once you identify and understand the beliefs held in your subconscious, you can recognize, feel, and release them. Letting go of certain beliefs can radically change your life and make you feel much better!

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Katarina is a Content Editor at Mystic Mag She is a Reiki practitioner who believes in spiritual healing, self-consciousness, healing with music. Mystical things inspire her to always look for deeper answers. She enjoys to be in nature, meditation, discover new things every day. Interviewing people from this area is her passion and space where she can professionaly evolve, and try to connect people in needs with professionals that can help them on their journey. Before joining Mystic Mag, she was involved in corporate world where she thought that she cannot express herself that much and develop as a person.