Join us as we dive into the fascinating world of energy healing with Shanyn Schroeder of SLS Holistics, a gifted practitioner who shares her journey from exploring alternative healing methods to becoming a certified Reiki Master and Emotion Code practitioner. Discover the transformative effects of releasing trapped emotions and how distance is no barrier to the healing power of energy work. MysticMag has the pleasure.
When did you get involved in the field of energy healing and what sparked your interest in it?
It’s hard to answer this question because I feel like I’ve been interested in energy healing, psychic mediumship, the law of attraction, astrology – all of it – since I was a kid. I come from a Chiropractic family and so alternative ways of healing were always in my presence. But I supposed when it really came full into my reality was about eight or nine years ago. I was starting to have major panic attacks and knew things had to change and I was the only one who could make those changes, it couldn’t be done for me. I got myself a therapist, but I always wanted healing on a more spiritual level. I started with affirmations, visualization techniques, and working on my mindset – but I always wanted more. I had been doing psychic and intuitive development but again, I was just always craving a deeper healing. Reiki and Emotion Code “found me” so to speak within the last few years. I took my Reiki training first and even though I was only Level 1, I practiced on anyone and everyone who would let me! Soon after that, I got certified in Emotion Code, which just made so much sense as a way to release stored trauma in the body. That was in 2021. By 2022 I just felt like the world needed more of this. I quit my job and took a leap of faith and opened my own business and started taking clients. Since opening my business I’ve become Body Code certified and I just completed my Usui Holy Fire Reiki Master training. I’ve got to work with a lot of amazing clients and it’s been so cool to watch their transformations from feeling stressed and overwhelmed to feeling more at peace in themselves and with their lives.
What Reiki techniques and modalities do you use?
I started with Usui Reiki for my level 1 and 2. I did my Advanced Reiki Training and Masters with Holy Fire. I really enjoy working with the Holy Fire energy. To me, it’s very gentle, calming and soothing. Honestly, that’s how I want people to feel when working with me. I want it to feel gentle, I want them to feel calm and relaxed. Luckily, that’s what my clients generally report when we’re done with a session. I also like to start my sessions by grounding my client’s energy and getting them into a relaxed state. I end with cleansing the aura and bringing in protection for their energy.
What is the Heart Wall Release program?
Let me start by explaining what a Heart Wall is. First and foremost, it’s a protective mechanism that the subconscious creates and acts as a barrier against emotional pain. The Heart Wall can be made up of any number of trapped emotions. These trapped emotions can be from our lifetime, inherited from our genetic line, absorbed from other people, or even brought in from past lives. It’s created during a time of emotional distress. While this is great for helping us get through that tough experience, it cuts us off from our higher/lighter emotions as well. This can lead us to feel disconnected from others, lonely, sad, anxious, and overwhelmed. It can even create physical discomfort in the chest, neck, and shoulders even if there isn’t a medical reason why.
By releasing the wall, we’re opening up our heart space. I like to think of this as reconnecting to our true essence. It can increase feelings of motivation, joy, happiness, and love. I’ve had clients go through this program and feel a renewed sense of joy for life, they find new and healthier romantic relationships and have more capacity to give and receive love and compassion for themselves and others.
I created the Heart Wall Release Program as it looks now because as the practitioner, I was realizing that my client’s needs were different and the “one size fits all” way I had it set up at first just wasn’t providing the support or flexibility that I believed my clients needed. I like to feel into each session and where my client’s energy is at that day and go from there. Maybe we need to include a Reiki session that day, maybe we need to consult with oracle cards, or utilize affirmations and visualization techniques – but each session includes releasing those emotions that have created a Heart Wall.
What other services do you offer?
Right now I offer Usui Holy Fire Reiki sessions, Emotion Code Sessions, Body Code Sessions, and Combination of Emotion Code/Body Code with Reiki.
What are some common misconceptions about your profession that you encountered?
One of them is that people have to be in-person or face-to-face with the practitioner. Energy has no bounds and everything starts as energy before it can become physical. I have clients from Europe and from all over the United States who have received a lot of benefits even though we’ve never physically been in the same room. It’s important to keep an open mind. Some of the best energy healing I’ve personally had has been with practitioners in other parts of the world. Healing can happen anywhere. Honestly, sometimes it’s really nice to be in your own bed receiving Reiki so after the session you can just close the computer and stay in that relaxed state versus having to get up and out of the studio you drove to.
To find out more about Shanyn and her work, you can visit her website at www.slsholistics.com