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Rewiring the Mind - Simona Hovadíková's Odyssey as a PSYCH-K® Practitioner

Rewiring the Mind - Simona Hovadíková's Odyssey as a PSYCH-K® Practitioner

In the intricate landscape of the mind, where thoughts weave the fabric of our reality, there are those who embark on a unique journey of transformation and empowerment. Simona Hovadíková, a trailblazing PSYCH-K® Practitioner, navigates the enigmatic realm of the psyche, orchestrating a symphony of change that resonates with the essence of personal empowerment and well-being. For Simona, the journey began not just as a professional pursuit but as a personal odyssey. She discovered the profound impact of beliefs on one’s reality, recognizing that the mind could be both the architect of dreams and the architect of limitations. With an insatiable curiosity and a desire to empower herself and others, Simona delved into the world of PSYCH-K®, a tool that facilitates the rewiring of limiting beliefs, unlocking doors to untapped potential. Join Mystic Mag as we venture into the fascinating world of Simona Hovadíková, where the artistry of PSYCH-K® becomes a transformative force, and the mind emerges not as a battlefield but as a canvas awaiting the strokes of empowerment and positive change.

With PSYCH-K® being a blend of contemporary neuroscience and ancient mind/body wisdom, can you elaborate on how this holistic approach contributes to the effectiveness of facilitating change at the subconscious level?

PSYCH-K®’s holistic approach integrates contemporary neuroscience and ancient mind/body wisdom. The combination of these elements is designed to address the subconscious mind, where deep-seated beliefs reside. In every PSYCH-K® process we create a so-called whole brain state. This is the state of the brain when both hemispheres of the cerebral cortex work together simultaneously. In other words we have the capacity to approach life’s challenges using our logic and emotions at the same time. There is remarkable research where we can see how the brain looks before and after the PSYCH-K®.  Whole brain state opens the gate to our subconscious mind and allows us to change the limiting beliefs to enhance ones. The whole changing process is a wonderful cooperation between subconscious and superconscious minds. I am truly amazed during every session on how powerful and wise every one of us is. Finding the right answers and guiding us through the whole process. PSYCH-K® works with very precise principles that allows us to connect with our inner wisdom and move from self-help to self-realization. In other words we work not only on our desires and wishes regarding the material world but the ultimate goal is the evolution of human consciousness. Rob Williams- originator of PSYCH-K®  says  PSYCH-K®  is here to help us in present times of transformation. And the transformation is not possible without evolving the way we think, feel and act. If we truly perceive ourselves to be part of the whole many problems would disappear.

Over the 30 years of practicing PSYCH-K®, could you share a particularly remarkable success story where the process had a profound impact on someone’s life, especially in the realms of behavioral change, wellness, or stress reduction?

Using PSYCH-K® brings positive changes in various aspects of our lives. I always say that in every family there should be someone who knows PSYCH-K® and is able to work with his or her loved ones. When we are aware that 95% of our thoughts and emotions are governed by our subconscious reprogramming that comes mainly from our childhood, we simply must learn how to work with this part of ourselves. For me it is absolutely essential to be able to communicate and work with my subconscious beliefs that create the blueprint of my life. I could talk for hours only about my experience. From simple stuff like overcoming my fear of heights where I was after a 3 minutes process able to climb on the lookout tower. “I would never ever have been able to do it before. In my work it allowed me to take over the responsibility for my life. I started as an employee and gradually became a very successful entrepreneur. This was a big shift for me as I come from Czech Republic and as a post-communist country we often share beliefs that we are not good enough, business and money is not for us etc. I have worked a lot on my self-esteem while becoming a facilitator and later instructor of PSYCH-K®. I like to say that PSYCH-K® is a wonderful tool that allows us to do the things we know we should, but we don´t.

How do you incorporate ancient mind/body wisdom into a process that’s rooted in contemporary neuroscience, and what benefits do you believe this synthesis brings to your clients?

I like the options that PSYCH-K® can offer to different people. For people who are more rational there is brain mapping research showing brain changes during the process and wonderful lectures from Dr. Bruce Lipton about how we control only 5% of our lives by our conscious mind. Yet most of the population still thinks that their will is in control. I usually see people finding the PSYCH-K® through Dr. Lipton. When we work during the session it is my job to create a safe environment where inner wisdom can reveal itself and lead us to exact work that needs to be done. We are all spiritual beings living our human experience. And in every ancient wisdom there is work on enlightenment. The work that allows us to evolve on the spiral of our consciousness. I myself perceive the benefit of this approach as inner peace, trusting that I, in cooperation with my Spirit, am able to handle anything that life brings. In the PSYCH-K® community we have a Divine Integration retreat every year where we work on our spiritual beliefs and the Illusion of separation disorder. We like to call it a spiritual upgrade.

What type of services do you offer?

Services provided within the framework of PSYCH-K® typically include individual sessions, workshops, and training programs. These services aim to empower individuals to transform limiting beliefs, enhance well-being, and promote personal development. I myself offer private sessions either in person or online where we work on the goals and intentions of my partner (that is how we call clients in PSYCH-K®). I have been organizing PSYCH-K@ workshops in the Czech Republic since 2018 and since 2020 I am PSYCH-K@ Basic instructor. Which means I am allowed to teach a Basic workshop and facilitate Divine Integration retreat.

PSYCH-K® uses a unique blend of tools for change. Can you describe one or two tools that you find particularly powerful or interesting, and how they contribute to the overall process?

We work with muscle testing, that is how we communicate with subconscious mind, testing if desired goal statements for example: I love myself unconditionally. I enjoy the love of my husband. I deserve to live in a loving and respectful relationship. …etc are true or false for us on a subconscious level. Then we use muscle tests for determination if such a change is in the best and highest interest of the partner and if yes we muscle test which process is best for the change. There are about fifteen different balances that we can use. Such as New Direction Balance, Resolution Balance, Relationship Balance, Life Bonding Balance etc. Every balance is a very precise set of mental and physical activities designed to create a balanced state between the brain’s hemispheres, facilitating the integration of new beliefs. Some of them are pretty simple and usually take a few minutes. But some of them are very complex. For example during Core belief Balance we are checking 11 core beliefs that work on a subconscious level like I love myself. I hate myself. I want to live. I want to die. At the end of the process all of them must test strong for positive ones and weak for negative ones. As you can imagine changing the very core of our subconscious mind is strong and brings positive changes in literally every aspect of our lives.

How do you empower your clients during and after the PSYCH-K® process to continue their personal development journey independently?

One of the reasons I chose the PSYCH-K® was the approach to work with a partner not on a client. Every change is coming from inside of the partner and PSYCH-K® is the only tool that helps this change to happen. Every step of the process is designed to give the power back to the partner. As we are usually taught to give our power away to a teacher, doctor etc. For many partners it is a very new and very empowering approach. At the end of every session, we plan so-called action steps. Because programming on the subconscious level creates potential to change in reality. And change of reality is what we want. Action steps are real actions, something we do differently in our lives and that brings us closer to our goals and dreams.


We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Katarina is a Content Editor at Mystic Mag She is a Reiki practitioner who believes in spiritual healing, self-consciousness, healing with music. Mystical things inspire her to always look for deeper answers. She enjoys to be in nature, meditation, discover new things every day. Interviewing people from this area is her passion and space where she can professionaly evolve, and try to connect people in needs with professionals that can help them on their journey. Before joining Mystic Mag, she was involved in corporate world where she thought that she cannot express herself that much and develop as a person.