Sinead Fine, creator of Tarot for Women, shares her insights and passion for Tarot with MysticMag. Sinead currently has many Tarot students at various levels in addition to her other practices of reading Tarot and Astrology.
“When a woman ‘knows’ she stands in her power. A woman in her ‘knowing’ can change the world!”
How and why did your journey cross paths with Tarot?
I have always been interested in the mystical world, even as a child. My dad was a journalist and was obsessed with interviewing witches and people that work in stone circles. While I was growing up, I was very close to my grandmother and when I was in my late teens, we used to like to play with the tea leaves, not really knowing what we were doing. This was more of a fun activity but my Great Aunt was actually a tea leaf reader.
One day I realized I had some playing cards and somehow I started playing with them in the pub in Ireland or at home with my friends and family. I started making predictions and some of them came true. I started to believe that there was something in this. I later learned of the Tarot and desperately wanted to get my hands on a deck. Coming from a small town in Ireland this was going to prove impossible.
In 1996 thereabouts, when I was 19/20, I was working for the summer in Holland, and on a day off, stumbled upon a bookshop which was beckoning me to come inside, or rather I heard a voice telling me to go inside. There on the shelf was one Tarot deck called The Mythic Tarot, based on Greek mythology and Legends. I had exactly the right amount of money in my pocket so it was obvious that I needed to buy it – which I did. I started practicing from then on. Working with Tarot made me feel like I was coming home.
How do you correlate the Tarot and intuition with the bigger picture – Spirit/Source?
If we look at humans and our evolution, before we could speak we communicated with gestures and symbols. Symbols are older than language. When we see a picture on a Tarot card it resonates with a place deep within us of that ability to understand a picture or symbol, and sometimes more than we could ever describe.
When I work with women and their intuition, I get them to understand the symbolism of the cards first. This triggers their intuition – and we are all intuitive we have just forgotten to use it or trust in it. Intuition is like a muscle that has unfortunately not been exercised by many people.
When we look at a card and its symbol, and we feel into what it could mean, we are often correct. The symbols are ancient and have been used for thousands of years in our consciousness. Tarot is an amazing tool for switching on, increasing, helping us to reconnect and strengthen our intuition.
Why the connection with the Divine Feminine and what does this symbolize for you?
I have always been interested in the Divine Feminine. For women, and especially nowadays, there is this feeling of women rising and returning. There is this feeling of equilibrium – and while women are not the same as men, they are equal in every way. We are witnessing a movement whereby women are starting to wake up to who they are and question their own desires, needs, spirituality etc…It is now a world phenomenon.
When women do not follow their intuition, they tend to make bad choices and do the wrong things. Tarot can help women tune back into their intuition and therefore connect back to who they really are, and to their Divine Feminine. My mission is to get every woman to hold a Tarot deck and learn how to use it. I want women to step into who they are and their true power, whatever this may be.
How do you typically go about teaching Tarot?
Teaching Tarot is my favorite thing to do and I have been teaching it since 2000. I built an online academy about five years ago with the goal of reaching more women. My approach to teaching Tarot differs from others as I start from the bigger picture and then go down to the small. Teaching the key words of all 78 cards requires a lot of data and information. This can be overwhelming and might knock self-confidence, and interest to be quite honest. I look at the bigger picture first, the four elements and then the symbols, and slowly we start to delve deeper and look at the smaller elements within.
I first teach my students how to connect to their intuition, then how to look at Tarot as a BIG system. In my lessons I suggest art, projects and even movement to understand the cards. My Major Arcana party visualization is a favorite with students. In my experience, the results are by far superior to other teaching methods of just facts and data.
Who, in your experience, can best benefit from learning the art of Tarot reading?
Any woman who is open to allowing herself to tune into her intuition more, any woman who is interested in the mystical and magical realm and those who have been searching for something more. Because Tarot has so many systems within – Alchemy, the Occult, Astrology, Numerology and Symbolism – there are so many angles that a woman can approach it from. I think anyone can pick up a deck and learn how to use it. However, coming from a place of intuition makes learning it a lot easier.
If you would like to find out more about Tarot for Women, visit https://tarotforwomen.com/