Can you please introduce yourself to our readers and share a few details about your professional background?
I have over fifty years of experience helping people in various settings, including hospitals, pastoral counseling, mental health centers, and holistic health care practices. My training includes a bachelor of science degree in zoology, graduate theology studies majoring in pastoral counseling, a master of arts in clinical psychology, and a doctorate in chiropractic health care. I also completed postgraduate training in clinical nutrition.
From a young age, I’ve had a deep interest in spirituality. When I was six, I told my parents that a beautiful sunset reminded me of God, and at age 10, I became aware of clairaudient and clairsentient abilities. Since then, I’ve had many revelatory and spiritually transformative experiences.
Working in hospitals with suffering and dying patients motivated me to find evidence-based answers to life’s big questions: Who am I? Why am I here? What happens after I die? Is there a God? I wrote several books on these topics, including Soul Proof, Radiant Wellness, The Eleven Questions, The Afterlife Evidence, and Ask the Soul Doctor. I also co-authored Greater Reality Living and The Big Picture of Life. My latest book, Shining Light Parents Speak, was published in 2024.
I’m passionate about sharing my knowledge and insights through various mediums. I produced the Soul Proof documentary film, created ten audio products using deep relaxation and guided imagery, and hosted the radio shows Soul-utions and Ask the Soul Doctors. I’m also certified in past life regression therapy and the psychomanteum technique.
For eight years, I directed the SoulPhone Foundation, which taught the evidence for life after death and supported spirit communication technology research. I’m currently a research assistant for the SoulPhone Project.
Can you please describe The SoulPhone Project and the promise of spirit communication?
The SoulPhone Project is an innovative endeavor led by Dr. Gary Schwartz, who has dedicated over 25 years to exploring the survival of consciousness—whether consciousness continues after physical death. Dr. Schwartz, a former Harvard and Yale professor and now Professor Emeritus at the University of Arizona, considers that life after death has been scientifically proven, based on extensive research, especially in recent years.
I’ve worked closely with Dr. Schwartz for the past 8.5 years, serving as the spokesperson for the SoulPhone Project. The research focuses on creating technology that facilitates communication with what we term “post-material persons.” We use this term instead of “spirit” because it better reflects their human-like nature, retaining their preferences, humor, and memories, with the only difference being the absence of an earthly body. They do, however, still have physicality if they decide to.
The current focus of the project is the SoulSwitch, a binary-response device enabling yes-or-no communication with post-material persons. This technology has been tested extensively and has shown consistent results. While the SoulSwitch is not intended as a commercial product, it represents a significant step forward in validating life after death. The long-term aim is to develop more advanced tools, such as the SoulKeyboard, which would allow for detailed and accurate communication, similar to typing on a keyboard.
As of January 2025, Dr. Schwartz is finalizing a series of experiments, with findings to be detailed in his upcoming book, The SoulPhone Experiments, and a peer-reviewed scientific paper. These findings will support an official announcement later in the year, declaring life after death scientifically validated. Public demonstrations of the technology will also be held, showcasing the evidence of communication with post-material persons through online sessions.
The SoulPhone Project’s ultimate vision is to create technology as reliable as modern cell phones, providing clear and consistent communication. Unlike methods such as electronic voice phenomena or instrumental transcommunication, which can produce inconsistent results, these technologies aim to offer a robust solution.
For more information, visit soulphone.org. I recommend checking out the “Interviews” section, where 30-minute videos explain the project in detail and highlight its groundbreaking potential.
What SoulPhone Devices are anticipated in the future?
The SoulPhone Project envisions a range of advanced devices designed to facilitate communication with post-material persons, each representing a groundbreaking step in connecting with loved ones in the next realm.
The first anticipated device is the SoulKeyboard, which will be an assembly of switches, about 3×3 inches, allowing post-material persons to type and text messages. This technology will enable detailed and meaningful communication, providing the most comprehensive information ever from those in the next realm. Initially, the SoulKeyboard will be used in controlled sessions to protect the technology and refine the customer experience. Once the system is fully developed and tested, it is expected to become a take-home device within a few years, allowing individuals to connect with their loved ones directly.
Looking further ahead, the project aims to develop SoulAudio, a device that would enable real-time audio communication, akin to speaking on the phone. Building on that, the ultimate goal is SoulVideo, which would allow for video conferencing with post-material persons. This technology could include 3D or holographic images, creating an experience that closely resembles being with the person as they were during their earthly life.
These devices hold the promise of transforming how we understand and connect with the next realm, bringing people closer to their loved ones in ways once thought impossible.
You have created four Greater Reality Programs. Please tell us about them and where can we learn more?
Over the last six months, as Dr. Schwartz prepares for his scientific announcements, I’ve felt compelled to create four Greater Reality Programs. These initiatives are designed to help individuals and society embrace transformative truths about life, death, and consciousness. They aim to replace outdated, fear-based perceptions with a deeper understanding of reality, fueled by evidence and insights from the SoulPhone Project and other sources.
One group that offers immense hope comprises individuals who have experienced spiritually transformative events, such as near-death experiences. These are among the most widely recognized, where individuals, after being clinically dead, encounter profound moments—seeing the light, for example—and return profoundly, instantly, and lastingly transformed. Similar transformations can occur through various other experiences.
I’ve also worked extensively with bereaved parents through HelpingParentsHeal.org, a group of extraordinary individuals we call “Shining Light Parents.” These parents channel their grief into becoming loving activists, determined to make the world a better place while finding and sharing the silver linings in their journey.
This movement is discussed in depth in our materials and aligns with the SoulPhone Project’s goal to serve as a tipping point for awakening humanity to the true nature of reality. Article #19, titled The Great News: 10 Indications About How Life Is Really Set Up, contrasts these profound insights with the outdated, fear-based, and superstitious teachings about death and the afterlife. This paradigm shift offers hope and healing for countless individuals.
Here’s an overview of the programs and how they can be accessed:
1. Greater Reality Living
As described in Article #72, this program helps individuals understand and integrate the profound truths revealed by the SoulPhone Project and similar breakthroughs. It encourages participants to dissolve limiting beliefs, embrace their eternal nature, and live in alignment with their true purpose. By fully grasping the concept that life and love are eternal, participants find peace and perspective, even in the face of challenges like illness or loss.
2. Greater Reality Healing
Detailed in the 55-page Article #82 and 18 accompanying videos, this program offers evidence-based tools and holistic resources for healing. It’s designed to help individuals navigate grief and other life transitions with a broader understanding of the eternal nature of life. This approach redefines the grieving process, transforming it into an opportunity for growth and acceptance.
3. Greater Reality Helping
Explored in Article #119, this program calls on individuals to contribute to the collective awakening of humanity. It emphasizes the importance of each person’s role in creating a more conscious and connected world, aiming to establish widespread conscious living within the next decade. By recognizing the interconnectedness of all beings, participants are encouraged to take proactive steps in fostering this global transformation.
4. Greater Reality Sharing
Outlined in Article #122, this program is designed for individuals and organizations eager to share the groundbreaking insights of the SoulPhone Project. It recognizes that these revelations will prompt a paradigm shift, potentially challenging established beliefs. The program equips participants with strategies to communicate these ideas effectively, including outreach to spiritual and religious leaders to foster understanding and integration.
Everything we’re discussing has the potential to create a profound paradigm shift. For some, this will be incredible, life-affirming news. However, there will inevitably be individuals who don’t believe in an afterlife and may dismiss it outright, labeling it as fake or fabrication. Others, particularly those from certain religious backgrounds—such as more fundamentalist denominations that assert only their followers can reach heaven while everyone else is doomed—might reject this information as being “wrong” or even view it as “of the devil.”
We’re fully aware of the range of reactions this could elicit, from excitement and hope to skepticism and outright denial. Despite this, our goal is to do everything in our power to help as many people as possible understand this groundbreaking information. Once they have the knowledge, it will ultimately be up to each individual to decide how they process and apply it to their lives moving forward.
You’ve written 8 books and created 10 audio programs. Which ones do you most recommend?
The best recommendation truly depends on an individual’s situation and needs. If someone is deeply grieving the loss of a loved one—whether a person or a pet—then I would suggest exploring the Greater Reality Healing program, detailed in Article #82, subtitled Journeying from Deeply Grieving to Brightly Shining. On the other hand, if someone feels they are in a good place emotionally and want to contribute to improving the world, I would recommend the Greater Reality Helping Yourself, Others, and Our World program, outlined in Article #119. Each program serves a specific purpose and can offer meaningful guidance.
As for my books, it also depends on what a person is seeking:
- If someone is looking for evidence of the afterlife, my book The Afterlife Evidence lays out scientific, clinical, and experiential proof that life continues after bodily death.
- For those with many questions, Ask the Soul Doctor addresses 171 of the most commonly asked questions I’ve received from people around the world.
- If someone is grieving, particularly parents whose children have passed on, my latest book, Shining Light Parents Speak, compiles highlights from interviews with 130 parents who have experienced this profound change. These parents, despite their pain, embody peace, joy, and love, becoming what I call “loving activists.” Their stories provide inspiration not only to bereaved parents but to anyone coping with grief.
Regarding audio programs, it again depends on the person’s needs:
- For those looking to release old wounds, abuse, and needless fears, Holistic Breathing is highly effective.
- If someone is interested in past life regressions, pre-birth planning, or connecting with loved ones who have passed, there are programs specifically designed for these areas such as the Afterlife Contact Technique.
Each resource—whether a book or an audio program—is crafted to address different challenges and areas of interest. For a full list, you can visit my website at soulproof.com/shop.
Is there anything else that you’d like to share that we haven’t covered?
I’d like to leave everyone with an important message: you are not alone. You have an unfathomable amount of guidance, assistance, and love from your spiritual support team: angels, guides, master teachers, and The Light. You also have much earthly support but have to reach out versus suffering in silence.
We are forming support groups and will host online meetings at various times so people from around the world can join. These groups will offer resources and a supportive community, ensuring that no one has to navigate these experiences on their own. To learn more about these, sign up for the free newsletters at SoulProof.com and SoulPhone.org.
One of the reasons Dr. Schwartz and I wrote ‘Greater Reality Living’ is that we’ve both encountered numerous individuals who’ve shared profound experiences with us—like near-death experiences or afterlife contacts—but felt isolated because their family or friends wouldn’t understand. They’d say, “I think you’re the only one who wouldn’t think I’m crazy.” And we always reassure them: these experiences are not only valid but also very common.
For those seeking resources, SoulProof.com is a great place to start. It offers a wealth of free materials, including 124 articles, 25 radio shows, newsletters, and more. My books and audio programs are very affordable (under $15), but if someone is unable to afford them or lives in a country where purchasing is difficult, they can email me at [email protected] and I will gladly send them free digital products two at a time.
I also recommend everyone read Article #19: The Great News, which explains the beautiful truth that this earthly experience is a totally safe, meaningful, and magnificent adventure amidst forever. We each are eternal souls; once we deeply understand that, we can live freely, focus on sharing our greatest gifts, and trust in the bigger picture. As the saying goes, “It’s all good; it’s all God.”
To learn more about the SoulPhone Foundation, you can visit www.thesoulphonefoundation.org