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From Clutter to Clarity: Feng Shui and Interiors Therapy with Suzanne Roynon

From Clutter to Clarity: Feng Shui and Interiors Therapy with Suzanne Roynon

In our latest MysticMag interview, we have the pleasure of speaking with Suzanne Roynon, a renowned Interiors Therapy expert and Feng Shui practitioner. Suzanne delves into her professional journey and offers a fascinating glimpse into how her unique approach transforms homes into spaces of health, happiness, and success.

Can you please introduce yourself to our readers and share a few details about your professional background?

I’m Suzanne Roynon, Interiors Therapy expert and Feng Shui practitioner. I’ve been supporting amazing people to create happier, healthier more loving, and successful homes for rather more years than I care to remember. As a member of the International Feng Shui Guild and a bestselling author of ‘Welcome Home, How Stuff Makes or Breaks Your Relationship’, I devote my time to working in-person in the UK and abroad with clients, as well as my busy online practice and sharing my expertise for a range of national and international publications.

What is Interiors Therapy and how does it work?

Interiors Therapy is a simple, five-step process designed to refine and re-calibrate the energy of the space we live in in order to remove any negative or unsupportive possessions and memories and invite in positive and uplifting energy to benefit everyone who lives in the home.

The five steps are:

Clarity – to identify the physical and emotional impact of an item or memento

Clutter – understand why clutter is entirely unique to you and what to do about it

Clear – release anything that is not serving you and deep clean the environment you live in

Consolidate – boost the energy of the home with Feng Shui and space clearing

Create – define the future you want for yourself and work with your home to make it happen

It’s a very dynamic process, and enthusiasts find they develop such a low tolerance for clutter in their homes that it seldom rears its ugly head again. Interiors Therapy goes so much deeper than ‘a bit of decluttering’, it is a lifestyle choice that pays off physically, emotionally, and mentally in many amazing ways.

For those not closely familiar with it, can you explain the principles and ideas behind Feng Shui?

Feng Shui has been used in the Far East for over 5000 years, primarily for those regarded as the ‘elite’ or very wealthy. In the 1960s and 70s it reached the West Coast of America after traditional Feng Shui masters escaped the cultural revolution and the restrictions imposed by Chairman Mao and started to offer their services in their new country.

The complex nature of traditional Feng Shui led to a simpler form of the method being developed which was easier to disseminate in books. ‘Western’ or ‘Black Hat’ Feng Shui uses the front door as a baseline for the ‘power areas’ or guas, while Traditional Feng Shui uses compass directions. From 35+ years of experience, I find the traditional method to be significantly more effective, both personally and for my wonderful clients.

To find the power areas in your own home, use the compass on your smartphone and stand in the centre of your home to identify which parts of your house or apartment represent each of the nine aspects of life:

  • Centre: Health and Wellbeing
  • North: Career
  • South: Fame/Reputation
  • East: Family
  • West: New Opportunities
  • Northwest: Travel/Helpful Friends
  • Northeast: Learning
  • Southeast: Wealth
  • Southwest: Relationships

Many highly successful individuals and businesses quietly use Feng Shui to make things even better for them and that’s reinforced the belief that Feng Shui is only for the rich and powerful. Nothing could be further from the truth. Feng Shui will improve the fortune in every home when implemented correctly, and your home will respond in ways you might never have imagined were possible for you.

What is Flying Stars Feng Shui and what makes it stand out?

Flying Stars is one of the traditional methods of Feng Shui, and I find it the most efficient and accurate. It takes into account the date when the property was built, any renovations or remodeling which have occurred, and the year in which they happened. It uses this information combined with the ‘Facing’ compass direction of the property to identify the specific energy ‘born’ into the property and define what we call the ‘House Type’ and the elemental remedies required to bring balance and harmony. There are four house types into which properties fall:

  1. Good for Money and People – this is a ‘lucky’ house to live in. Health and relationships tend to be good, and there is always enough money – often much more than ‘enough’.
  2. Good for Money/Bad for People – this is where we tend to find long term illness or perhaps a constant stream of niggling health issues. It can be challenging for children and relationships will be under considerable strain. It’s frequently a ‘divorce’ house, but there will always be enough money to throw at the problem.
  3. Bad for Money/Good for People – this is the happy, primarily healthy home where there are constant money issues.
  4. Bad for Money and People – this is a really difficult home to live in successfully. With problematic relationships, pressure on physical and emotional health and issues with finances regardless of the income earned.

The great news is that the negative house types can be rebalanced with feng shui, and yes, the positive house types can be enhanced still further. We don’t use trinkets or lucky charms with Flying Stars Feng Shui, and instead use natural elements of Wood, Earth, Metal, Water or Fire in the simplest and most comfortable way.

Can you share a memorable Feng Shui case/story that you’re particularly proud of?

I have a wonderful client who was living in a very shabby rental when she first contacted me to ask for help. Over the 10 years we have worked together, her ‘luck’ improved with each new property she moved to as she climbed the property ladder. Now she is financially free and has a beautiful home in an amazing location, which works perfectly for her lifestyle. Her mental and physical health are now balanced, and she tells me she is happier than at any other point in her life. She also has her choice of eligible suitors and an abundance of friends and interests. Quite the transformation from the lonely, self-described ‘basket case’ who plucked up the courage to call me all that time ago.

How can people work with you?

I always begin with an Inspiration video call with a prospective client so they can show me around their home and talk through the most appropriate solution based on their unique circumstances.

Sometimes it’s too soon for Feng Shui and I’ll ask the client to wait. This is particularly relevant when a home is cluttered because adding in Feng Shui energy to a cluttered home will just make things a whole lot worse. This is often the reason people think Feng Shui isn’t working!

It’s important to know Feng Shui will magnify everything around it, and this includes clutter and the problems associated with it, so dealing with the clutter first, before activating Feng Shui is always the best way forward. That’s why working with someone who has seen and understands the flow of a home is so much more beneficial for the client. During a 30-minute session, I’ll give recommendations specific to the home which you can start working with straight away, along with lots of ‘ah ha’ moments as I ‘read’ the house and describe what’s happening in your life and how to resolve it.


To learn more about Suzanne and her work, you can visit Interiorstherapy.com

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Predrag Vlatkovic
Content Editor and Coordinator
Content Editor and Coordinator
Predrag Vlatkovic is a Content Editor and Coordinator at MysticMag. His work includes engaging interviews with professionals from various spiritual fields, alternative medicine, astrology, energy healing, and more. With a focus on growing our blog and bringing readers insightful stories, Predrag stays connected to the latest developments in the spiritual community. His interest in the filed began at a young age. From visiting a palm reader and conducting a small interview for his personal website to now interviewing spiritual leaders from around the world, his passion for the spiritual and mystic world continues to grow. Outside of work, Predrag enjoys meditating, playing board games like chess and Dungeons & Dragons, and spending time in nature with a good book always by his side.