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The Cycle of Living an Abundant Life of Love - Interview with Tamar George

The Cycle of Living an Abundant Life of Love - Interview with Tamar George

Embarking on a fascinating journey into the realm of psychic insights, we dive deep into the experiences and wisdom of Tamar George, a gifted spiritual teacher and energy healer. With a unique path that led her to discover her psychic gifts, Tamar shares her profound insights into connecting with Spirit, coaching others, and embracing healing meditation. In this MysticMag interview, we uncover the transformative power of psychic abilities and gain a glimpse into Tamar’s remarkable journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

How and when did you discover your psychic gifts?

Most people are probably going to want to know about how this article will benefit them, so as a spiritual teacher, I would love to gift insight into the readers’ own psychic gifts. We all have an intuitive brain that is not valued by our school systems right now. That is sad but will change in the future! We each need to read or learn how to open up to our intuition through books or reading someone else’s journey. I had to develop my own trust in my own intuition and that was helped along by creating vibrant art work, active meditation, and learning from others. Early on I had what we label as psychic phenomena or out-of-the-ordinary psychic events. I heard a voice without a body when I lay dying, stating loudly that I had great work to do. Obviously, that jolted me to stop with the dying process and convince my brain I had a chance. A couple of years later, I had an out-of-body experience and was reading others without knowing them.

By the time I was 38, I had studied various religions, and weird books, and none of it, explained how I knew what I knew. I was awaking up way before all the help we have now. I started learning how to trust the answers I was getting from my higher self. Our brains are always active and figuring out how to discern between what our thoughts are and what spirits thoughts are and that was my discovery mission. I found out it was the way the information was delivered into my brain. When spirit’s thoughts travel into my brain, it comes in segments (what that means is) I don’t know where the thoughts of Spirit are going or how it’s going to end. My own thoughts contain the whole beginning, middle, and ending. Spirit thoughts come in pieces that I can’t really attach any concrete knowing to. This is why psychics are seeking feedback from others; do you understand that, do you know that object, thing, or person? The information is not at all familiar to us, as psychics, and that’s why we need validation.

How does the process of connecting to Spirit and communicating information back to your clients work?

When a client asks you a question about anything, you are then tuning into the imaginary radio program titled: Answers from my Higher Self and Other Guides for the Highest Good. This is the station that you have been learning to trust over the years before you put your shingle out saying; I’m a psychic and for me, it’s now 40 years of being a professional psychic. The highest good statement is your insurance policy (all in divine order) so you do insure that get insight from only those spiritual beings that work for your highest good and for your client. You then tune into that station to get the answer that is for the client’s highest good. A special warning here for any psychic, if you influence your client’s pathways so much that they make choices that are not for their highest good then you (as the psychic) will have a lesson or karma with that situation. I always state to the client, you have the free will to choose. You cannot make it about absolutes, only saying this situation might happen based on your choices thus far. However, you can change your mind just like any other person can change their mind.

Now all information comes to the Psychic first (obviously) and if the Psychic doesn’t have a clue about their own issues about money, relationships, physical and emotional difficulties, then the truest information will get scrambled in the brain of that psychic. You cannot seek the highest and best information from someone not living it. My life is an example of living love from the overview of Spirit; I do have abundance and amazing relationships with long moments of pure bliss. So the answers from Spirit are pure and insightful, especially for your life. Here’s the thing about when I’m asked about the future what I tell my clients, I will tell you the most probable outcome based on your fears and beliefs about you. That will get ‘you’ out of the way in order to create the life you want. Your future just doesn’t happen to you without your input.

You also offer psychic coaching. What can people expect to achieve through it?

The coaching part is when you know your fears and yourself well enough, you can create the trust in yourself to reach your goals. We forget to talk to ourselves about what makes us happy. The majority of people come to me not knowing what they want and expect me to answer what they do want. Clients that do continue to work with me have understood how to manifest with pure trust their heartfelt desires. That takes time and doing the homework I give out in order to get over their fear traumas. This is the same homework I found that worked for me and my life is full of weekly miracles. My reward is seeing my clients living a life of joy and then they teach back to others their story by the example of getting the stuff they wanted as it pays the manifestation forward. The cycle of living an abundant life of LOVE.

How does healing meditation work?

I understand from Spirit that the word we want to use instead of ‘healing’ is wholeness. Wholeness works on all levels without an expectation based on fear. So getting your body back into wholeness while engaged in different meditations; chakras meditation is about merging with your issues/fears in each chakra and coming to terms with that negative. Then we bring the rainbow colors of light into the body while clearing the emotions. Any meditation that you believe brings you back to balance which then allows the physical to let go of stress which then sets into motion the truest flow of getting back to a physical normal.

What can you tell me about your work as an author?

I have skillfully trained myself to get the details for proof of my past lives and write about them. I don’t just say that I was this person; I prove that I was that person. We are all related as spirit, so you can say I was this person in history, but you might have been there on that timeline but not that person. How I proceeded with that detective work is in my book, “My Life of Letty Lind” who was an actress in the 1800’s and I prove I was the bastard child of King Edward or Queen Victoria’s son. My other book, “Reborn in Time” is the remembrance of life in Atlantis, as a Celt, Egyptian, and Mayan. It is the history of humanity through past lives.

These stories lead up to this year and why we are moving into a new timeline, new Earth, new density, and new dimension. A lot is happening and I would be glad to answer those questions about the shift. And yes, I do past lives for people but that is a different price range listed on my website. It takes way too much psychic energy than a regular session. Also on my website are direct links to the books and podcasts on TamarGeorge.com. There are other links as well to my art and my website in Pittsburgh, Pa called Peaceburgh.com

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Predrag Vlatkovic
Content Editor and Coordinator
Content Editor and Coordinator
Predrag Vlatkovic is a Content Editor and Coordinator at MysticMag. His work includes engaging interviews with professionals from various spiritual fields, alternative medicine, astrology, energy healing, and more. With a focus on growing our blog and bringing readers insightful stories, Predrag stays connected to the latest developments in the spiritual community. His interest in the filed began at a young age. From visiting a palm reader and conducting a small interview for his personal website to now interviewing spiritual leaders from around the world, his passion for the spiritual and mystic world continues to grow. Outside of work, Predrag enjoys meditating, playing board games like chess and Dungeons & Dragons, and spending time in nature with a good book always by his side.