MysticMag chats with Terri Jay Cowgirl Shaman – an exceptional individual who has delved deeply into honing her spiritual senses, allowing her to receive messages from Guides and Higher Selves to assist with life’s questions. With a focus on intuitive life coaching, Terri has guided thousands of clients with remarkable results, maintaining a humble approach devoid of ego. Believing in the paramount importance of spiritual growth, she emphasizes the power of surrender in navigating life’s challenges. She is the author of three books and has another in the pipeline. Terri does readings all over the world by Facebook audio and Skype.
Terri, can you tell us about your journey into becoming an intuitive practitioner and how you discovered your unique abilities?
In 1990, I was providing a free horseback therapy program for disabled kids. One day, while helping a child onto the back of a horse, he said, “I have a cramp in my hip.” This can be a common occurrence for a child with CP so I told him, “Here, sit this way and it will take the cramp out.” It didn’t occur to me then that he was non-verbal.
We continued with our activities, doing vaulting, which is gymnastics on horseback. Afterward, as I put him back in his wheelchair and he went back to class. My assistant remarked on how well he was talking. I explained that despite his CP he didn’t necessarily have cognitive disabilities. To my surprise, she told me he hadn’t said a word. She said, “He can’t, remember?” I was shocked so I went to the classroom where he had typed on his computer, “Horse lady can hear me.” He was able to type using his head as they put a band on his head that had a pointer attached to it. The kids didn’t remember my name but knew I was the horse lady.
It was astonishing to realize he was aware I could hear his thoughts.
It was my first experience receiving such communication. I was stunned. My assistant suggested if I could understand non-verbal kids, I could learn to communicate with horses since all animals are telepathic.
I was intrigued and decided to pursue it further. I encountered two energy healers who approached it from a scientific perspective, emphasizing energy, frequency, and vibration as physics principles. This grounded approach resonated with me, being a pragmatic Nevada cowgirl.
They guided me to let go of my ego, emphasizing that it wasn’t about me but about serving and providing helpful, healing information. Since then, my goal has been to continue learning and serving in this field for over 34 years.
What inspired you to offer sessions not only for connecting with deceased loved ones but also for pets, individuals with communication challenges like autism and Alzheimer’s, and medical intuition?
When I first started out, all I wanted to do was animal communication. It was my passion. But as they say, “Man plans, God laughs.” Gradually, I found myself delving into other areas. One of the energy healers I worked with used my abilities quite literally every day. She’d call me up and ask me to look at things over the phone. Soon, I was doing all sorts of unusual tasks for her, like examining buildings she was considering buying for real estate purposes. It was eye-opening to realize the limitless possibilities of this practice.
However, I set some boundaries along the way. I decided not to get involved in police work because I couldn’t handle the negativity; it made me physically ill. Additionally, due to the principles of the Law of Attraction, which I’ve known about for some 30 years, I refrain from making predictions since predictions are unethical. If someone asks me to predict their future, I simply refund their money. Instead, I aim to empower them to manifest their own destinies, rather than relying on predictions.
So, I’m open to various tasks, even something as mundane as building inspections. Once, I helped out a couple in Florida who were considering buying a condo. Despite only finding a few physical issues, I sensed that the deal wasn’t right, and it turned out to be sound guidance.
It doesn’t matter what situation or animal or human health problem you are trying to help with, the procedure to get the helpful information is the same.
Could you explain the process of intuitive training and how individuals can develop their spiritual senses to pick up on higher vibrations?
I’ve written three instructional books so far, each aimed at teaching people how to develop their intuitive and telepathic abilities. The first book is “The Cowgirl Shaman Way – Seven Easy Steps to Develop Your Intuitive Ability.” This book covers how I got started and how to do all the different types of readings that I do. The second book is, “Intuitive Communication – Communicating With People that Cannot.” This book is for first responders, medical personnel and care givers and teaches you how to reach anyone that seems unreachable. The third book is,” The Physics of Mediumship.” This book takes the woo-woo out of communication with people and pets who have passed and teaches you how to do it. I’m currently working on my fourth book which will focus on dog communication. Then I will do a book on horse communication and then cats. Additionally, I have two novels in mind.
The process I advocate for this practice revolves around seven key steps.
Firstly, setting intention is paramount. Intention shapes everything in this practice. Next, grounding oneself is crucial. Many beginners neglect this step, but it’s essential for accurate information and maintaining stability during readings.
Then, there’s the aspect of activating your ability. I stress the importance of having control over when you’re “on” and “off” to avoid discomfort in public situations. Establishing a heart-to-heart and third eye-to-heart connection forms a triangle of energy. It is a fundamental concept in physics that any time you have three points, energy can flow.
The challenge lies in quieting the mind and simply feeling for information, rather than overthinking. Once you’ve received the information, relay it where appropriate. Lastly, it’s vital to disconnect from the client after the session to prevent feeling drained due to lingering energetic connections.
It’s a straightforward process, really, just remembering and practicing these seven steps diligently. The more you practice, the more adept you become. Grounding is probably the most important part and I encourage my students to learn to ground quickly with just a breath in and a breath out.
During workshops, which I thoroughly enjoy, participants receive my book in advance and are encouraged to familiarize themselves with it, particularly focusing on grounding techniques. In the mornings, we address questions, break for lunch, and then in the afternoon, I pair people up to begin practicing readings for each other. It’s remarkable how quickly they progress!
I firmly believe we all possess these innate abilities; we’ve just learned to switch them off in childhood. Reawakening them is an exciting journey indeed.
In your experience, how does intuitive communication with animals differ from communication with humans, especially those who are unable to speak for themselves?
When communicating with individuals who can’t speak for themselves, such as those in a coma, it feels like having a normal conversation. They convey their needs, desires, and thoughts through visual images and words. For instance, I once communicated with a man in a coma who showed me images of his bills on a table, indicating a need for someone to take care of them. It’s fascinating because it’s not just words; you also receive impressions—visuals, tastes, smells, sounds, and feelings. Animals communicate in a similar way, sending telepathic words and images to convey their messages, making communication much more detailed and clearer.
You mentioned that physical ailments often have emotional or energetic roots. How do you approach helping clients identify and address these underlying issues through intuitive life coaching and other modalities?
It’s intriguing to realize that we’re predominantly energy beings, with only 1% of our existence being physical. Yet, much of modern medicine focuses solely on that physical aspect, neglecting the energy aspect entirely. Many ailments stem from unresolved emotional issues, manifesting as diseases in specific areas of our bodies. For example, issues in the lower abdomen often relate to childhood traumas, while problems in the solar plexus area are linked to power struggles and control issues.
Each part of the body corresponds to different emotional and energetic states. For instance, heart-related diseases can be traced back to unresolved grief, while issues in the throat chakra often indicate a failure to speak one’s truth, even to oneself. Similarly, weight issues can stem from denial or avoidance of one’s true condition.
By understanding these connections, individuals can begin to address their underlying emotional issues and promote healing. I provide energy healing instructions via email to empower people to work on these issues themselves, facilitating their journey toward holistic well-being.
Do you believe you can help change our outlook on the world?
Absolutely, I wholeheartedly believe that anyone can benefit from these practices to enhance their lives. By tapping into our innate abilities and understanding the energetic and emotional aspects of our being, we can experience increased happiness and improved overall health and abundance. It’s incredible how making these connections and addressing underlying issues can make such a profound difference in one’s life. So yes, embracing these practices can indeed lead to a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life for anyone who chooses to explore them.
If you would like to find out more about Terri Jay, or purchase her books, please visit https://terrijay.com/