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Reaching Your Dreams with Tonya Dee

Reaching Your Dreams with Tonya Dee

Tonya Dee embarked on her spiritual journey on what she calls the “Etheric Highway,” a realm where she performs her energetic work. Without corporate ambitions or traditional education, she discovered her path through sensing, seeing, hearing, and feeling the outer world’s influence on the inner world of being. Identifying as a “Holistic Medium,” Tonya has guided many on their healing journeys, leveraging her connection with other planes and dimensions. Her teachings focus on optimizing one’s own energy, creating habits, rituals, and a unique life purpose. Through her podcast, “Musing with Tonya Dee,” and various offerings, she continues to assist others in awakening their spirits and achieving their dreams. MysticMag finds out more.

Tonya, what inspired you to create the “Aligning Your Gift and Loving Your Purpose” program, and how does it integrate Indigenous African Spirit Technologies?

When I was 7, I was “blessed by death,” a Near Death Experience. I was in a Coma for a time and had a full body blood transfusion. When I returned, I saw the world differently. I was seeing things that no one around me was seeing, or hearing for that matter. With that being said, I have been a long time healing practitioner of the Elements, the Energetic Centers, along with the Auric Fields. I’ve been seeing energy all the time.

I kept my gifts hidden as I scared people, which wasn’t my intention. I thought everyone could see, feel, sense, etc. what I was able to do. Years later, while I was driving to my then business, over 30 years ago, I kept having a Waking State Vision. I kept seeing a slumbering white dragon. This White Dragon would appear to be waking up, and then lay back down.

I kept questioning ‘why am I seeing this White Dragon?’ I then arrived at my then business, a beauty and wellness center, and a product pamphlet arrived all based on the method of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Ayurvedic Principles, aka Chakras. Their logo was and is, a white Yin and Yang Dragon. I knew spirit had sent me a sign. I purchased their product and equipment for my healing center. I was doing light therapy (chroma therapy), sound and frequency balancing in a state (Utah) in which women are oppressed. My mom always said I was born before my time.

As I began utilizing this method and philosophy, healing the body through a 5000 year old Ancient Wisdom, incorporating Light Therapy, Sound Vibration on acupuncture points – energy on energy – I also started to integrate the Chinese Four Pillars, diving deeper into these ancient methods. The Elements tell the story, and the body shows the signs. The signs being imbalances at the level of the skin, showing the Elemental balance or imbalances.

I continued my journey into Ancient Wisdom further, mapping out the reflex zones of the body, and also the energy of the home. Feng Shui for the body, and the home. Later, I was guided to work with energy intuitive Cyndi Dale, and also Malidoma Patrice Some’, an indigenous African Shaman of the Dagara Tribe, in Dano, Burkina Faso, West Africa.

Cyndi Dale put words to my experiences. I continue to be an energy practitioner and assistant for her classes. The most recent was her “Apprenticeship Program,” and an offering she did with the “Shift Network.”

Malidoma also showed up in my peripheral vision. Once he arrived in Utah, I never left his side, until he transitioned in December of 2021. I became an initiated cowry Shell Diviner, practicing indigenous ritual technologies of his culture and ancient wisdom. I was able to visit his tribe in January 2020, diving deeper into his personal medicine and the ways of his origins. Again divinely ordained through spirit, meaning spirit initiated me to work with Malidoma.

“Aligning your Gift and Loving your Purpose,” is an offer for those who are confused, lost – even stuck, in recognizing what gift they have brought into this world and why they have arrived. Understanding your personal elements, along with your prime directive. Forces of adversity, trivial pursuits, and what I call an ‘Energetic Hiccup’ come in a variety of ways. Once you are aware of your gift, it’s much easier, I find – to map it out.

Based on the Indigenous African Spirit Technologies, the Elemental Pathway (of the Chinese Four Pillars, the Subtle Elements, the Planets, Numerology & the Dagara Cosmology), we begin to weave the web of your personal gift and prime directive. Everyone has the ability to receive signs, symbols, etc., you aren’t crazy, though often may feel a bit woo-woo.

Each person brings vital energy into this world for all to see. When one is aligned with their Gift, time flies by. Your unique talent that you bring to this world for all to see. What I like to say is activating your own Star light, your inner brilliance on the Spiritual Walk of Fame. We are ALL Stars on the Spiritual Walk of Fame.

Can you explain how the concept of soliciting solitude plays a role in discovering one’s gift and purpose?

The concept of “Soliciting Solitude” is deeply rooted in indigenous Dagara spiritual traditions. It is presented as a complementary practice to the “Balance of B’ing,” which is just that, Soliciting your Inner Solitude. Which involves creating sacred space and time for oneself to truly embody one’s spiritual essence. Giving time and space to what your heart wants. Being and creating sacred space, even holding space for our spirit body to Be fully embodied. Once you’ve created sacred space, loving and trusting, then it is time to feel what you feel. Meditation is one of the 6 natural resources we all have, but rarely put to use.

The fundamental idea is that by intentionally cultivating inner solitude, one opens up divine pathways to see oneself through the eyes of the Great Spirit, Creator, or whatever term resonates for the transcendent source energy. This solitude allows for profound self-reflection and connection.

According to the Dagara worldview, every human incarnates with an innate Gift tied to their spiritual clan. The Fire clan has a natural ability to communicate with the ancestral realms and unseen worlds. The Water clan is attuned to the spirit of water, facilitating an effortless flow in the physical world. Regardless of one’s clan, solitude acts as a form of divine inner meditation to access these gifts, beyond the day to day reality.

The practice of soliciting your own solitude is suffice to say, brings healing streams to the querent, usually through a form of some sort of ritual prescription. I house ALL of the meditations from my offerings in the ‘Soliciting Solitude’ library.

How does the “Change Your Stars” program help individuals activate their intuitive gifts and support their spiritual growth?

The process begins by taking the “Change Your Stars” quiz, which provides an entry point to dive deeper into the metaphysical world of spirit. As trust builds in receiving authentic spiritual guidance, participants can operate from that higher level of awareness. Change your Stars came about after the “Energy Body DeMystified,” a foundational offer for basic understanding of what the energy body is, and how one can merge their Energy body (Spirit) to their Physical body (matter).

Change your Stars takes one deeper into the magic of your own gift and purpose. I would say it’s a chapter by chapter progression to first learn and understand your intuitive gifts and abilities, to know and connect with your personal spirit team (gatekeepers, guardians, ancestors, source etc.), so that once you have connected to your gift, you can activate it and use it in your life daily.

By first taking the “Change your Stars” quiz, you then can dive deeper into the world of spirit, ultimately trusting the guidance you receive with full authentic support. We all have an intuitive gift, but often don’t open the package that we’ve been gifted due to the environment we grew up in, programming, etc. I give insight into all the different ways one can shine their star out into the world. Most of us have kinesthetic gifts, some have visual, others are clairaudient. Just know that we are not all the same, and we often use more than one intuitive gift at a time, or simultaneously. You can check out my ‘Musing with Tonya Dee’ podcast for other insights into the world of energy medicine and more.

Ultimately, “Change Your Stars” empowers individuals to embrace the full magical essence of who they are and why they came into this life by integrating their energy body’s gifts into their physical reality and purpose.

What are some common challenges people face when trying to align with their true purpose, and how does your program address these challenges?

We all receive subtle spiritual messages constantly, though we may interpret them as just a feeling, belief, or sense of a higher power rather than conscious intuitive guidance. The key is knowing that we are truly safe and divinely protected when creating sacred space to receive these messages openly. Since we are all unique, with individualized gifts, spirit communicates through various means tailored to each person.

This could manifest as physical signs like coincidences, emotional gut feelings, telepathic conversations, visions, symbolic sounds/sights, a sense of commanding forces, or connection with nature spirits. To access this divine guidance organically, one must trust in the process and their own higher self – their “siura” or eternal spiritual essence. As individuals peel back layers of conditioning to become more authentically themselves, they can then begin consciously co-creating with the divine source. But it requires opening up vulnerably to receive and integrate profound spiritual connection.

In essence, while ancestral fears around spiritual persecution exist in the collective, I provide a safe container to reclaim one’s innate psychic gifts free of judgment, honoring the unique ways spirit communicates its wisdom.

How do the guided meditations and energetic practices in your program help participants deepen their spiritual connection and unlock their true potential?

Once meditation becomes a consistent habit, it becomes much easier to flow through life’s experiences with a sense of inner peace and presence. Meditation doesn’t necessarily require any formal technique – simply being present with the sights, the sounds and sensations of nature can serve as a powerful meditation. Listening to a river’s movement, a crackling fire, a gentle breeze, or the crisp air after a snowfall – these provide opportunities to go inward to our core “Zone of Neutrality.”

As one builds a solid spiritual practice, whether through moon rituals, elemental ceremonies, or other modalities, divine guidance is always available and accessible. With this consistent practice, we can easily tap into the cosmic flow of insight and wisdom. Ultimately, the goal is to recognize the brilliant starlike essence we are.

If you would like to find out more about Tonya Dee, please visit https://club.tonyadee.tv/

Tonya Dee is offering the readers of Mystic Mag a phenomenal offer. To be redeemed upon check out, simply type MYSTICMAG in the coupon area of the chosen offer that resonates with you. This offer does not apply to her Monthly Membership Portal, and is exclusive to one on one sessions, and other learning opportunities.

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Sarah Kirton
Content Editor
Content Editor
Sarah Kirton is a Content Editor at MysticMag. She focuses on exploring diverse holistic therapies, energy healing, and esoteric arts. Her role involves delving into these subjects to bring out meaningful insights from each individual she interviews. With a long-standing spiritual connection, Sarah has dabbled in Reiki (Reiki 1) and tarot, drawn by the fascinating power of energy and its healing potential. As a freelance writer for the past five years, she has honed her ability to craft compelling narratives around these topics. Sarah is also a mother to a 6-year-old, whom she considers her greatest teacher. Outside of her spiritual work, she enjoys water sports, appreciating the energy and power of nature, which aligns with her love for the healing and transformative aspects of the natural world.