Veronica Nelson Dodds, an expert in astrology and hypnotherapy, discovered her passion for these fields through a transformative astrology reading that deepened her self-understanding and life purpose. In this exclusive MysticMag interview, she explores the benefits of astrology, hypnotherapy, and Reiki, revealing how she integrates these practices to help clients achieve self-empowerment and holistic wellness.
How did you get into the fields of Astrology and Hypnotherapy and what sparked your interest in them?
I studied Astrology after having an astrology reading as I found it profoundly helpful in self-understanding and knowing my life purpose. Hypnotherapy I found to be very helpful for many epidemic conditions such as Insomnia, anxiety, and depression, eradicating the use of many harmful chemicals.
How does forecasting work and how accurate is it?
Everything in the cosmos is constantly moving, like planet Earth turning on her axis every 24 hours, thus creating night and day. During our lives, the planets form geometric relationships with the planetary positions on the day of our birth. These will show us the nature of the energies available to us on our journey from cradle to grave, and show that we can use them to maximise the potential given at each stage of our lives. A good astrologer will not give specific predictions as this disempowers the client, but rather encourage the client to come from a place of their inner authority. In certain cases and with certain types of personality it may be necessary for the astrologer to advise. Forecasting specifics is the job of a clairvoyant, not an astrologer.
What are the main benefits of hypnotherapy and can anyone who goes through it get those benefits?
90 percent of our behaviour and feelings come from our unconscious mind. Hypnotherapy reaches this part of the psyche. Like any methodology it does not work for all and the most important aspect is that the client is deeply motivated to change.
Can you walk me through a Reiki session?
I would ask you to sit or lie down fully clothed. I would then place my hands on or near each of your energy centres, usually starting with the head and working down to the feet. I would intend (the intention is very important in Reiki) that the healing be for your highest good. Ie. Not for what your ego or my ego wants but what your soul needs.
How do you combine the knowledge and skills you have from these different fields to encourage self-empowerment in your clients?
I encourage all clients to allow me to teach them to self hypnosis and self reiki. This then enables them to become their own healer and there is no cost to them. Both methods are potentially life-changing.
If I had my way these skills would be part of our education system. Thus we could create a society that creates wellness rather than treats disease. Both methodologies have the capacity to change human consciousness and reduce the hostility and negativity that abounds in this World.
To learn more about Veronica and her work, you can visit veronicadodds.com